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Issue 24 Library e-newsletter 29 June 2018


Available for issue for 4 weeks to current NZNO members. Please provide your address so the books can be couriered to you.

1. Getting to Yes: Negotiating an agreement without giving in
Roger Fisher, William Ury & Bruce Patton
A few powerful, easily remembered principles will guide you to success no matter what the other side does or whatever tricks they resort to.

2. The New Zealand Guide: Prepare for disasters
Bronwen King
This manual will help you prepare for and survive natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, storms, tsunamis and pandemic illness.

3. Managing Mayhem: Work-life balance in New Zealand
Edited by Marilyn Waring & Christa Fouche
This book brings together research that reveals the complexities and nuances that people grapple with as they seek to balance paid work, unpaid work and leisure in a way that maintains their way of life.

4. The zen of groups: A handbook for people meeting with a purpose
Dale Hunter., Anne Bailey & Bill Taylor
Contains a toolkit of exercises and technqiues to assist any group to move through the processes and stages to make group synergy a reality

Articles – Nursing Management Journal (RCN), 30 May 2018

5. Critical preparation and readiness to support future change
Elizabeth Curtis, Emma Duffy, Frank O’Rourke, Sylvia Huntley-Moore, Annabel Walsh, Ken Coogan, Catherine Comiskey
Nursing Management, 30 May 2018 | Vol 25, Issue 2
: The challenging nature of change is well documented and adequate preparation before implementing a change initiative is critical to reducing resistance and increasing its chances of success. This article describes a service review conducted in preparation for possible change and improvement at an internationally ranked school of nursing and midwifery in an Irish tertiary education institution

6. The role and experiences of advanced nurse practitioners working in out of hours urgent care services in a primary care setting
Jacci Yuill
Nursing Management, 30 May 2018 | Vol 25, Issue 2
: This article evaluates the role and experiences of ANPs working in an OOH urgent primary care service and identifies important factors that affect their roles. Positive factors enable job satisfaction, but challenges associated with knowledge base, perceptions, role definitions and isolation must be considered for quality and governance purposes.

7. Non-technical skills required to recognise and escalate patient deterioration in acute hospital settings
Cara Large, Matthew Aldridge
Nursing Management, 30 May 2018 | Vol 25, Issue 2
: This article examines the non-technical skills nurses require to recognise and escalate patient deterioration. It explores and analyses the literature on this topic and suggests there is a need for greater focus on situational awareness in nurse training and in healthcare in general, as this is linked to improved patient safety.

8. Writing for publication: Why creating a framework is worth the effort
Nursing Management, 30 May 2018 | Vol 25, Issue 2
: You have an idea and know roughly what you want to say, but you need a plan. The simplest plan is a beginning, a middle and an end. Whether your article is 300 words or 3,000, it should start with an indication of its purpose. Build it with supporting evidence or argument and conclude in a way that encourages readers to pause and reflect.

9. Forget your tech prejudices
Anne Cooper
Nursing Management, 30 May 2018 | Vol 25, Issue 2
: The rate of technological change in our world is rapid. Developments in mobile technology, electronic healthcare systems, our ability to use large amounts of data, the possibility of artificial intelligence and our use of IT to make clinical decisions are all evidence of this.

Articles - Nursing Standard, 6 June 2018

10. ‘Nurses are a force to be reckoned with – and we must use our voices’
Thelma Agnew
Nursing Standard, 6 June 2018 | Vol 33, Issue 3
: RCN chair of council Maria Trewern has faith in nurses to demand more for the profession and patients – and wants to give front-line college members more clout

11. A nurse’s story: what it takes to do the ‘hardest job of all’
Thelma Agnew
Nursing Standard, 6 June 2018 | Vol 33, Issue 3
: Award-winning novelist Christie Watson was the keynote speaker at this year’s RCN congress. Her account of a 20-year hospital career captures visceral truths about what it is to be a nurse.

12. Procedural pain management in patients with cancer
Eamon McMonagle
Nursing Standard, 6 June 2018 | Vol 33, Issue 3
: This article explores the procedural pain that may be experienced by patients in general, and by those with cancer specifically, and details the pharmacological and non-pharmacological strategies that nurses can use to manage this challenging complication.

13. Advances in the pharmacological management of acute and chronic pain
Felicia Cox
Nursing Standard, 6 June 2018 | Vol 33, Issue 3
: This article outlines the developments in evidence-based guidelines and recommendations for the pharmacological management of acute and chronic pain, including migraine, and in the use of analgesics such as opioids. It also discusses pain management in specific groups such as children and young people, and older people.

Journal - Table of Contents

American Journal of Nursing, June 2018, Volume 118, Number 6


14A. Editorial: Nurses wanted – Almost everywhere (It seems the nursing shortage has arrived)
14B. Not so smart: Cell phone use hurts our patients and profession (the clinical setting is no place for divided attention)
14C. Letters to the editor [Nutrition and wound healing; Ostomy care; Simulation training; Recognizing delirium; Relaxing food restrictions on women in labor]
14D. News: Colorado ‘alternative to opioids’ pilot project exceeds goals -The ED pain management program reduced opioid use in populations at high risk for misuse or abuse; How media influences perception of suicide – A panel separates myths from facts
14E. News: The safety and quality of abortions in the United States – A review documents few complications, but location matters; Unsafe firearm storage in homes with children – Only one-third follow AAP safety guidelines
14F. Making hospitals less threatening to patients with dementia: Measures have been proposed, but how realistic are they?
14G. Trump administration opens division of conscience and religious freedom: In controversial move, federal health department signals shift in civil rights focus
14H. Cardiotocography vs. intermittent auscultation in assessing fetal well-being
14I. Drugwatch: Antibiotic may increase CV risk in those with heart disease; FDA to minimize abuse potential of OTC antidiarrheal; FDA approves first treatment for nonmetastatic, castration-resistant prostate cancer; Bladder cancer drug approved to treat stage 111 non-small cell lung cancer
14J. Understanding the hospital experience of older adults with hearing impairment
14K. Understanding the nurses’s role in managing Gaucher disease
14L. Poem: Cavitation
14M. The benefits of implementing an early mobility protocol in postoperative neurosurgical spine patients
14N. From the AJN Archives: The hard of hearing patient
14O. Getting and giving report: Advice for new nurses on how to master the key elements of handoff
14P. When disaster strikes: Apps, websites, and volunteer organisations can provide assistance
14R. Caring with intention: Hospice care and the human family
14S. Legal issues in dismissing unvaccinated patients
14T. An unflinching exploration of trauma and obesity [Roxane Gay’s Hunger and why it matters for nurses
14U. Journal watch: Aromatherapy relieves nausea in ED patients; Effect of body positioning in critically ill patients; Determining differences between physician and nursing care; Patient coaching saves lives and money; Probiotics in the clinical management of lower GI symptoms
14V. Reflections: The thin flat line between life and death [In nursing, there’s often a delicate balance between worlds]


15. Council of International Neonatal Nurses 2019
Theme: Enriched Family – Enhanced Care
Date: 5-8 May 2019
Venue: Auckland, New Zealand
More information:

16. All Together Better Health IX (ATBH IX): 9th ATBH conference
Under the direction of The World Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice Coordinating Committee.
Transforming the Landscape of Healthcare - Ohomairangi te Hauora Manaaki.
Date: Monday 3 Sept – Thurs 6 September 2018
Venue: AUT, Auckland, New Zealand
More information:

News - National

17. Bowel health: tips to prevent dysfunction
From Nine To Noon, 11:30 am on 26 June 2018
When push comes to shove, bowel function has a big impact on our health and emotions – yet we're usually reluctant to talk about it. Not so Australian colorectal surgeon Dr Michael Levitt, who offers practical advice and debunks common myths in The Bowel Book.

18. South Aucklanders losing vision in long wait for specialists
One News Now – 26 June 2018
Some South Auckland people are losing their sight as doctors struggle to treat the soaring number of patients suffering from eye conditions. Thousands of people across the country are still waiting longer than intended for follow up eye-appointments, with the backlog at Counties Manukau DHB remaining stubbornly high.

19. Hospital senior doctors back nursing colleagues
Nursing Review, June 18, 2018
The senior doctors’ union says it is time for health bosses to stop point-scoring and reach an agreement with nurses to stop national strike action.

News – International

20. New 'bladder microbiome' discovery could change the way we treat UTIs
ABC Health & Wellbeing - 3 June 2018
For the first time, Australian researchers have identified a collection of bacteria living in the female bladder that exists even in the absence of infection. They've dubbed it the "bladder microbiome". The findings paint the most comprehensive picture of the bladder ecosystem to date, and may provide new insights into the prevention and treatment of urinary tract infections, said Samuel Forster, lead author of the study published in Nature

21. Meningococcal Group W (MenW)
Cases of meningococcal W disease are rising steeply. Our genome library has identified the rise is due to a particularly virulent ST-11 strain. The ST-11 strain is causing severe disease in healthy teenagers and young adults. This strain is more deadly with a higher than usual death rate of 13%.

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