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Issue 21 Library e-newsletter - 7 June 2018

Men’s Health – Lets Talk About it


Available for issue for 4 weeks to current NZNO members. Please provide your address so the books can be couriered to you.

1. A handbook for the interpretation of laboratory tests
Edited by Michael Gill
This handbook on the interpretation of laboratory tests is for doctors, nurses, laboratory staff, paramedics and other workers in the field of health care.

2. Health promotion in nursing practice
Nola Pender, Carolyn Murdaugh & Mary Ann Parsons
Purpose of this book:
- To present an overview of the major individual and community models and theories that guide health promotion interventions
- To offer evidence-based strategies that can be used in practice settings to implement health promotion programs
- To foster critical thinking about future opportunities for health promotion research

3. Legacy of occupation: Stories of occupational therapy in New Zealand 1940-1972
Researched and compiled by Beth Gordon, Sunny Riordan, Rowena Scaletti & Noeline Creighton
The particular focus of this book is the Occupational Therapy Training School, established at Auckland Mental Hospital in 1940.

Articles – Prostate Cancer

4. Prostate Cancer: a new era. 
Liebman, Bonnie.
Nutrition Action Health Letter. Apr 2018, 45(3), 3-6. 4p.
: The author discusses news and information about treatment for prostate cancer as of April 2018. Topics covered include a decrease in the number of men diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2017, recommendation of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force in 2012 against screening for high blood levels of prostate-specific antigen, and overtreatment of prostate cancer.

5. The evolution of uncertainty in second opinions about prostate cancer treatment.
Hillen, Marij A.; Gutheil, Caitlin M.; Smets, Ellen M. A.; Hansen, Moritz; Kungel, Terrence M.; Strout, Tania D.; Han, Paul K. J.
Health Expectations. Dec 2017, 20(6), 1264-1274. 11p
: People who have cancer increasingly seek second opinions. Yet, we know little about what motivates patients to seek them and how beneficial they are. This study sought to investigate (1) how uncertainty influences men with prostate cancer to seek second opinions and (2) how second opinions may affect these patients' sense of uncertainty and subsequent experiences with their care.

6. CNE SERIES. Prostate Cancer: An Unfolding Case Study from Symptoms to Postoperative Recovery. 
Graniero, Cally E.
Urologic Nursing. Sep/Oct 2017, 37(5), 235-250. 9p
: This article is a fictional case study that presents the process of an individual man and his choices for prostate cancer treatment, from seeking evaluation to post-operative care. It includes rationale with each step of the case study process to reinforce the teaching and care that are vital to men undergoing treatment for prostate cancer.

7. Contemporary Role of Biomarkers In the Evaluation, Stratification, And Treatment Determination in Men at Risk for and/or Diagnosed With Prostate Cancer.
By Strong, Andrea.
Urologic Nursing. Jul/Aug 2017, Vol. 37 Issue 4, p192-203. 12p
: Utilization of biomarkers in professional practice may minimize over-detection and over-treatment of indolent tumors among men concerned about prostate cancer. Many biomarkers and molecular tests are commercially available to aid in prostate cancer screening and treatment decision-making. This article provides urologic clinicians with a basic understanding of available prognostic and predictive biomarkers.

8. Are motivational signs to increase stair use a thing of the past?: A multi-building study
Engelen, Lina; Gale, Joanne; Chau, Josephine Y and Bauman, Adrian
Health Promotion Journal of Australia: Official Journal of Australian Association of Health Promotion Professionals, 28(3), Dec 2017: 178-184

Only half of Australia's adult population is sufficiently physical active. One method thought to increase incidental physical activity at work is the use of stair-promoting interventions. Motivational signs have been extensively and effectively trialled to increase stair use, but are they suitable for contemporary populations?

9. A snapshot of physical activity programs targeting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia
Health Promotion Journal of Australia: Official Journal of Australian Association of Health Promotion Professionals, 28(3), Dec 2017
Macniven, Rona; Elwell, Michelle; Ride, Kathy; Bauman, Adrian; Richards, Justin
Participation in physical activity programs can be an effective strategy to reduce chronic disease risk factors and improve broader social outcomes. Health and social outcomes are worse among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders than non-Indigenous Australians, who represent an important group for culturally specific programs. This study identifies such programs targeting this population group and describes their characteristics.

10. Outdoor gyms and older adults - acceptability, enablers and barriers: A survey of park users
Health Promotion Journal of Australia: Official Journal of Australian Association of Health Promotion Professionals, 28(3), Dec 2017
Stride, Vicki; Cranney, Leonie; Scott, Ashleigh; Hua, Myna
: Issue addressed: Increasing the proportion of older adults meeting current recommendations for physical activity is important. This study aimed to determine the acceptability of outdoor gym use among older adults by assessing their outdoor gym use, intention to use, motivators, frequency and preference for use, and barriers and enablers to use.

11. Nurse provision of support to help inpatients quit smoking
Health Promotion Journal of Australia: Official Journal of Australian Association of Health Promotion Professionals, 28(3), Dec 2017
Malone, V; Ezard, N; Hodge, S; Ferguson, L; Schembri, A; Bonevski, B
: Identification of the factors that facilitate nurses to provide smoking cessation advice to hospitalised patients.

Articles – Resilience

12. Developing organisational resilience: Organisational mindfulness and mindful organising
The Australian Journal of Emergency Management, 32(4), Oct 2017
Klockner, Karen
: This paper discusses the latest model and theoretical understanding around the concept of organisational resilience as it relates to organisational readiness to handle and manage complex socio-technical system fluctuations. Suggestions are offered on how to enhance the collective mindfulness principles through strategic leadership efforts across the workforce, with a view to enabling organisations to become more resilient.

13. Wellbeing and Resilience Committee. Wellbeing and Resilience: Managing your mental health throughout your career.
Bulletin (Law Society of South Australia), 39(1), Feb 2017: 27
: This edition of The Bulletin focuses on specialisation across the legal sector. With pride professionals have worked hard to diligently build highly regarded levels of expertise in their speciality field. Being in such a highly regarded role is not all skittles and lollipops.

14. Wellbeing and resilience: Psychological tools to manage stress.
Bulletin (Law Society of South Australia), 38(9) Oct 2016: 27
: Luke Broomhall is an experienced Forensic Psychologist who as a special interest in the well-being of lawyers. He has conducted workshops on that topic for some larger Adelaide firms.

Harvard Women's Health Watch. Jun 2018

15. Belly fat may pose more danger for women than for men.
Harvard Women's Health Watch. Jun 2018, Vol. 25 Issue 10, p1-7. 2p
: The article discusses a study published in the March 6, 2018 issue of the "Journal of the American Heart Association" which has found that excess weight in belly may be even worse for women's heart health than men's.

16.  Pelvic physical therapy: Another potential treatment option.
Harvard Women's Health Watch. Jun 2018, Vol. 25 Issue 10, p4-5. 2p
: The article analyzes issues associated with pelvic pain in women. It is noted that pelvic physical therapy helps in myofascial pelvic pain as well as decreased symptoms of other conditions caused by pelvic floor problems, like urinary and fecal incontinence, painful intercourse and sexual dysfunction.

17. Hidden risk factors that could put your heart in danger.
Harvard Women's Health Watch. May 2018, Vol. 25 Issue 9, p1-7. 2p
: The article reports on hidden risk factors during pregnancy that could predict future heart disease and stroke for women. It refers to women with gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia or high blood pressure. Harvard medical school professor JoAnn E. Manson explains the higher risk for future cardiovascular conditions including hypertension, heart disease, and stroke.

18. Will removing your fallopian tubes reduce your risk of ovarian cancer?
Harvard Women's Health Watch. Apr 2018, Vol. 25 Issue 8, p4-5. 2p
: The article focuses on reducing and preventing the risks of ovarian cancer. Topics discussed include impact of remoting fallopian tubes in preventing the same; views of Shelley Tworoger, associate professor of epidemiology at Harvard Medical School on the same; and consequences associated with the same.

Journal - Table of Contents

TQN: The Queensland Nurse, April 2016


19A. Taking the lead has its own rewards [Intrinsic and extrinsic motivations of nurses and midwives who aspire to become nurse/midwife leaders or executives]
19B. Watching our nursing and midwifery leaders in action [Parliamentary committee hearings abut the legislation that will set ratios in Queensland Health facilities]
19C. Letters to the editor; Tearoom
19D. 68 ways to improve Queensland’s IR laws
19E. Baby  Asha unites community against refugee policy
19F. Strength to strength across Logan and Ipswich
19G. Pay parity for State School RNs
19H. Are you ready for QNU annual conference
19I. Helping Australia ‘choose wisely’; Celebrating Labour Day in May
19J. Re-emergence of black lung disease; Lace up for the Mother’s day Classic; Queensland Health’s Nurse navigator program has officially rolled out
19K. Carrara Health Centre moves services; Private Sector training; Upcoming EB agreements
19L. Aged Care Senate Inquiry: The need to prioritise resident care over profits
19M. Fiji recovery effort follows country’s worst cyclone; Short-term austerity leads to nursing shortage – UK
19N. Campaign News: After lengthy negotiations, the QNU and Queensland Health finally reached an in-principle agreement in March 2016
19O. Healthy budgets are essential for safe quality care; NMBA standards in the spotlight; patients as partners: You can make it happen!
19P. Good delegation favours guidelines over guesswork; More leadership less paperwork: Its time to refocus the num/mum role
19Q. Rocky midwives take a stand on unsafe workloads
19R. Taskforce looks to end violence and aggression against nurses
19S. Campaign to ban asbestos worldwide

RCN Publications

20. Nursing staff using personal mobile phones for work purposes
This updated publication focuses on the RCN's position on nursing staff using their own mobile phone for work-related purposes, drawing attention to issues such as: employer's policy; security and confidentiality of patient information; staff safety; and cost implications.

21. Guide to blogging
This guide is for RCN members who would like to write an informal piece about something affecting nursing or their specialty through the RCN’s blog pages. It gives clear instruction on how to start a blog, what to include and how to get it published online.

22. Every Nurse an E-nurse: Insights from a consultation on the digital future of nursing
This publication presents the detailed findings of a consultation, led by the RCN, into the digital future of nursing. The consultation took place over January and February 2018. The consultation explored 1) ideas for a shared vision of a digitally enabled health and social care service 2) the barriers and enablers to the vision becoming a reality and 3) examples of how data, information, knowledge and technology are already bringing that vision to life.

23. Improving Digital Literacy
The effective use of information and digital technologies is a key enabler in delivering health and social care now and in the future. Developed by Health Education England and the RCN, the publication outlines why digital capabilities are so important in the provision of the best care; why the right digital knowledge, skills, behaviours and attitudes are important and relevant to each and all of us working in health and care; and what those digital capabilities are.


24. New Zealand Association of Gerontology 2018 Conference
The mosaic of ageing
Date: Thursday 6th to Saturday 8th September
Venue: Ellerslie Event Centre, Auckland
More information:

News - National

25. Nursing community support 'way of life' for Nelson woman Penny Molnar
Nelson Mail -  June 4 2018
A life supporting others for the benefit of the community has just been "a way of life" for Penny Molnar. The Nelson woman has been awarded a Queen's Service Medal for services to the community. There are not many organisations in Nelson that Molnar hasn't been involved with.

26. 'Fairly awful' - anti-depressant withdrawal symptoms rife in New Zealand, but warnings found to be lacking
A study of 1829 New Zealanders who used anti-depressants found that more than half experienced withdrawal effects when stopping - despite most drugs coming with no addiction warnings
TVNZ – 6 June 2018

27. Crowded housing highest among Pacific peoples
Statistics New Zealand - 15 May 2018
Around 4 in 10 Pacific people live in crowded homes in New Zealand and the rate is highest for people with Tuvaluan or Tongan ethnicity, Stats NZ said today.

News – International

28. South Australian woman dies after eating frozen pomegranate
Sydney Morning Herald – 5 June 2018
Adelaide: A South Australian woman has died after contracting hepatitis A linked to a national pomegranate recall. Creative Gourmet frozen pomegranate arils were recalled two months ago but the incubation period for the infection is between 15 and 50 days, SA Health's chief medical officer Paddy Phillips said

29. New 'bladder microbiome' discovery could change the way we treat UTIs
ABC Health and Wellbeing
First it was the gut. Then came the vagina. Now it seems microorganisms in the female bladder could play an important role in health too. For the first time, Australian researchers have identified a collection of bacteria living in the female bladder that exists even in the absence of infection.

30. Coca-Cola's reduced sugar and sugar alternatives are too little, too late
The Conversation, By Rosemary Stanton, Updated 30 May 2018
At last count, 28 countries and seven large cities in the USA had moved to introduce a tax on sugary drinks.  Potential benefits are clear and include reducing costs from obesity and health-care spending, as well as the potential to increase a healthy life. Health groups in Australia have long called for the same to be done here.

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