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Issue 18 Library e-newsletter - 15 May 2018


Available for issue for 4 weeks to current NZNO members. Please provide your address so the books can be couriered to you.

1. Women doctors in New Zealand: An historical perspective 1921-1986
Compiled by Margaret D. Maxwell MBChB
Part One: The history of the New Zealand Medical Women’s Association
Part Two: Biographies of eminent women doctors
Part Three: Reprints of articles that have appeared in various New Zealand journals

2. Being mortal: Illness, medicine, and what matters in the end
Atul Gawande
A book about the modern experience of mortality – about what it’s like to get old and die, how medicine has changed this and how it hasn’t, where our ideas about death have gone wrong.

3. How to run a great workshop: The complete guide to designing and running brilliant workshops and meetings
Nikki Highmore Sims
Takes you through the early stages of planning and preparation, through to showing you how to build a great session, step-by-step. Group activities, how to use materials and how to be remembered for the right reasons are all covered, along with a brief overview of training theory and learning models.

4. Just listen: Discover the secret to getting through to absolutely everyone
Mark Goulston
How to get through to anyone - even when successful communications seems impossible – with effective tools and techniques that can make your words compelling.

Articles – Self Compassion

5. Kindness Matters: A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Mindful Self-Compassion Intervention Improves Depression, Distress, and HbA1c Among Patients With Diabetes
Anna M. Friis, Malcolm H. Johnson, Richard G. Cutfield, & Nathan S. Consedine
Diabetes Care 2016;39:1963–1971 | DOI: 10.2337/dc16-0416
: Mood difficulties are common among patients with diabetes and are linked to
poor blood glucose control and increased complications. Greater self-compassion predicts better mental and physical health in both healthy and chronically ill populations. The purpose of this randomized controlled trial (RCT) was to evaluate the effects of self-compassion training on mood and metabolic outcomes among patients with diabetes.

6. Adapting and validating a measure of diabetes-specific self-compassion
Tanenbaum, M L; Adams, R N; Gonzalez, J S; Hanes, S J; Hood, K K.
Journal of Diabetes and its Complications; Philadelphia Vol. 32, Iss. 2,  (Feb 1, 2018): 196-202.
: Self-compassion (SC), or treating oneself with kindness when dealing with personal challenges, has not been rigorously examined in people with T1D. SC has been shown to buffer against negative emotions and to be linked to improved health outcomes, but diabetes-specific SC has not been studied. This study aimed to adapt the Self-Compassion Scale and validate it for a diabetes-specific population.

7.  Age and Gender Differences in the Associations of Self-Compassion and Emotional Well-being in A Large Adolescent Sample
Bluth, Karen; Campo, Rebecca A; Futch, William S; Gaylord, Susan A.
Journal of Youth and Adolescence; New York Vol. 46, Iss. 4,  (Apr 2017): 840-853
: Adolescence is a challenging developmental period marked with declines in emotional well-being; however, self-compassion has been suggested as a protective factor. This cross-sectional survey study (N=765, grades 7th to 12th; 53% female; 4% Hispanic ethnicity; 64% White and 21% Black) examined whether adolescents' self-compassion differed by age and gender, and secondly, whether its associations with emotional well-being (perceived stress, life satisfaction, distress intolerance, depressive symptoms, and anxiety) also differed by age and gender.

8. Self-compassion moderates the perfectionism and depression link in both adolescence and adulthood
Ferrari, Madeleine; Yap, Keong; Scott, Nicole; Einstein, Danielle A; Ciarrochi, Joseph.
PLoS One; San Francisco Vol. 13, Iss. 2,  (Feb 2018): e0192022.
: Psychological practitioners often seek to directly change the form or frequency of clients’ maladaptive perfectionist thoughts, because such thoughts predict future depression. Indirect strategies, such as self-compassion interventions, that seek to change clients’ relationships to difficult thoughts, rather than trying to change the thoughts directly could be just as effective.

9. Be your own number one supporter
Day-Calder , Mandy.
Nursing Standard (2014+); London Vol. 32, Iss. 21,  (Jan 17, 2018): 37
: Life is tough for nurses and it’s natural to look for external reasons why your career objectives may have remained unmet, such as lack of funding and staff shortages.

10. Mindful Self-Compassion: How it Can Enhance Resilience
Mona, Shattell; Angela, Johnson.
Journal of Psychosocial Nursing & Mental Health Services; Thorofare Vol. 56, Iss. 1,  (Jan 2018): 15-17
: Additional evidence suggests that self-compassion and mindfulness can also enhance patient outcomes and patient satisfaction by improving interpersonal interactions ( He et al., 2015 ), reducing anxiety in individuals with breast cancer ( Duarte et al., 2016 ), and providing better metabolic control and fewer metabolic complications in individuals.

Articles –  Aid in Dying

10. Assisted suicide/Aid in dying: What is a nurse’s role
American Journal of Nursing, May 2018, Vol 118, No. 5: 50–58.
: This article presents the discussion that occurred during a policy dialogue on aid in dying (AID) presented at the American Academy of Nursing’s annual conference in October 2016. Panellists explored the arguments for and against the growing state expansion of AID legislation

11. Physicians support assisted death for mature minors, but not mental illness
Vogel, Lauren.
Canadian Medical Association Journal: CMAJ; Ottawa Vol.189, Iss.36,(Sep 11, 2017): E1173.
: Doctors attending a session on medical aid in dying at the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) General Council supported the use of advance directives and allowing mature minors to access assisted death. However, they split on opening up the service to otherwise healthy people with mental illness.

12. Truth in treatment: take control of your healthcare at the end of life
Callinan, Kim; Taccini, Kimberly.
Aging Today; San Francisco Vol. 38, Iss. 4,  (Jul/Aug 2017): 3.
Compassion & Choices is taking the principles behind medical aid in dying- empowerment and self-determination- and moving them into end-of-life care so people with life-threatening illnesses can realize their values before they are at the end of life, when there is still time to advocate for and receive care that aligns with their priorities.

Journal - Table of Contents
WIN: World of Irish Nursing & Midwifery, Vol. 26, No 4 May 2018

13A. Editorial: Time to right past wrongs
13B. Your priorities with the President
13C. News: Reliance on OECD figures masks chronic shortage of nurses
13D. News: INMO welcomes staffing framework [safe staffing/skill mix initiative requires full roll out without delay]
13E. News: Executive Council 2018-2020 elected; pay issue top of agenda for ADC delegates; INMO lobbies TDs on nurse/midwife pay
13F. News: march trolley figures break several records: overcrowding now simply out of control; INMO backs single-tier health system
13G. Tony Fitzpatrick reports on issues discussed at the latest national Joint Council forum
13H. News: failure to address back-pay in OLOL; talks on CUH ED recruitment shortfall; No agreement on UHL Group standardised uniform plan; daughters of Charity delay payment of time plus one-sixth
13I. So long but not farewell Elizabeth Adams [Director of professional development and Director of the Richmond Education and Event Centre]; New framework for safe nurse staffing
13J. International News: EU leaders must engage with nurses for patient benefit [Report on the general assembly of the European Nurses held in Brussels in April]
13K. Tips for exam success
13L. Managing the measles
13M. Understanding preliminary fitness to practise (FTP) proceedings
13N. Trolley figures soar as taskforce backs call for more nurses [Need for the correct skill mix in hospitals underlined as trolley figures continue to peak month on month]
13O. Quality & safety: Introducing NOCA’s Irish hip fracture database
13P. Our students have the answers [INMO student and new graduate officer Neal Donohue says that where there is reason to complain there is reason to take action for change]
13Q. Assessing the burden of diabetes [In the face of the increasing incidence of diabetes, we need to invest now in quality care and effective prevention]
13R. Finance: One policy, multi-trip cover [Highlights the value of an annual multi-trip travel insurance policy]
13S. Update: 29 children’s nurses graduate from UCD; safefood urges higher spend on fruit and vege for children


14. Nurses for Christian Fellowship International – Pacific and East Asia Regional Conference: “For Such A Time As This”
The program will  have a special emphasis on equipping nurses for leadership and involvement in difficult times, – such as  in natural and human disasters, political upheaval, challenging conditions in nursing and health care, opposition and restrictions to expression of Christian faith.
Date: 7-11th June 2018
Location: Taipei, Taiwan
More information:

15. 2018 Australasian ethics network (AEN) conference
: Bridging the Barriers - Understanding Misconceptions
Date: 26-28 September 2018
Venue: Rydges Hotel, Townsville, Australia
More information:
To register:

News - National

16. Oral health of elderly New Zealanders in aged care an urgent national clinical problem – study
The oral health of frail older New Zealanders has been declared an urgent clinical problem that "is only going to get worse", in an extensive world-first study. Otago University has surveyed the oral health of 987 people living in aged residential care and found those with dementia, and older men in general, have dirtier and more decayed teeth.

17. Hospice preparing for future demand by training aged-care providers.
ODT - Monday, 14 May 2018
An ageing population will place unprecedented demand on hospice services — a tide of patients Otago Community Hospice is preparing for now. Hospice Week begins today, with OCH hopeful a range of activities planned for the next seven days will go a long way towards the $2.4 million it needs to fundraise from the community this year to meet budget.

18. 'I'm not looking for pity, just a cure'
Stuff - May 13 2018
This week is M.E (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) awareness week. M.E. is a multi-system disease, affecting not only the neurological system but also the immune, musculoskeletal, endocrine and cardiovascular systems. It is a neuro immune disease that is in desperate need of research and a cure.

News – International

19. 'People have never heard of the word': Plan to tackle endometriosis
Sydney Morning Herald – 13 May 2018
The Federal Government has vowed to lift the lid on the “silent epidemic” of endometriosis, detailing its plan to educate doctors, teachers and employers about the painful condition affecting 700,000 Australian women.

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