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Issue 17 Library e-newsletter - 10 May 2018


Available for issue for 4 weeks to current NZNO members. Please provide your address so the books can be couriered to you.

1. Pasifika women: Our stories in New Zealand
Sandra Kailahi
Contains interviews of extraordinary women including artists, sportswomen, politicians, lawyers, writers, educators and media personalities.

2. Meetings: Practice and Procedure in New Zealand
Roger Pitchford
Edition 4, CHH in association with Chartered secretaries New Zealand
It covers all types of meetings and is an essential resource for all those involved in planning, chairing and running meetings.

3. Crucial conversations: Tools for talking when stakes are high
Foreword by Stephen Covey
By Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler
Practical advice that you can start using today:
- Prepare for high-stakes conversations
- Make it safe to talk about almost anything
- Transform unpleasant emotions into powerful dialogue
- Be persuasive, not abrasive

4. A guide to good survey design
Statistics New Zealand
This guide is aimed at those who undertake surveys or commission surveys. Its objective is to identify the issues associated with the planning, undertaking, commissioning, management and processing of a survey, but not to deal exhaustively with ways of addressing these issues.

5. Statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics
Neil J. Salkind
Salkind takes readers through various statistical procedures, beginning with correlations and graphical representation of data and ending with inferential techniques and analysis of variance. In addition there is coverage of SPSS, and a review of more advanced statistical concepts.

Articles – Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 2018

6. Quality and Safety as a Core Leadership Competency
Michael R. Bleich, PhD, RN, FAAN
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing 2018;49(5):200-202
: A leader's toolbox of competencies comprises knowledge, skills, and abilities in clinical care, finance, human resource management, and more. As essential as these are, a strong command of quality and safety competencies is sovereign in leading and managing, ensuring an optimal patient experience. Four core areas of quality and safety competencies are presented: systems science, knowledge workers, implementation science and big data, and quality safety tools and techniques.

7. The Role of the Nurse Educator in Sustaining Compassion in the Workplace: A Case Study From an Intensive Care Unit
Petra Strube, RN, MN; Amanda Henderson, RN, RM, PhD; Marion Lucy Mitchell, RN, BN(Hon), Grad Cert (Higher Educ), PhD; Jenny Jones, BA(Hon), PhD; Sarah Winch, RN, BA, Hons, PhD
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing 2018;49(5):221-224
: Intensive care unit (ICU) nurses are frequently exposed to emotional and stressful situations in the workplace, which has changed little over the decades. Compassion fatigue is caused by sustained exposure to situations that conflict with one's values and beliefs in the ICU, eroding clinical team relationships and ultimately the quality and safety of patient care.

8. Factors Influencing Registered Nurses' Perceptions of Their Professional Identity: An Integrative Literature Review
Philippa Rasmussen, PhD, MN, Grad DipPsych St, Grad Cert CAMHN, BN, RN, MHN; Ann Henderson, PhD, MEd, BEd, Dip T, Dip Bus, RN, RM; Nicky Andrew, Prof D, RN; Tiffany Conroy, MNSc, BN, RN, FACN
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing 2018;49(5):225-232
: This review synthesizes contemporary research investigating the factors influencing RNs' perceptions of their professional identity. Factors influencing RNs' perceptions of their professional identity were synthesized into three categories: the self, the role, and the context. The self is the nurse who enacts the role in practice, and the context is the practice setting.

9. Preceptors' Perception of Role Competency
Kristine M. L'Ecuyer, PhD, RN, CNL; Matthew J. Hyde, BME, MSN, RN, CNL; Bobbi J. Shatto, PhD, RN, CNL
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing 2018;49(5):233-240
: Many variables contribute to the success of nursing students and new nurses in their transition to practice. Clinical orientation and training usually falls to staff nurse preceptors. Inherent in this dynamic is the assumption that staff nurses are prepared and able to assume this responsibility. Ideal characteristics and attributes of preceptor competency have not been conclusively defined.

Articles –  Journal of Gerontological Nursing, May 2018

10. Are Gerontological Nurses Ready for the Expression of Sexuality by Individuals With Dementia?
Jones, Cindy; Moyle, Wendy.
Journal of Gerontological Nursing; Thorofare Vol. 44, Iss. 5,  (May 2018): 2-4
: The diminishing cognitive capacity of individuals with dementia creates a challenging and complex issue, particularly for those living in an aged care service (i.e., nursing home or long-term care), where it is often difficult for health care professionals to discern between what is normal and abnormal sexual activity, as well as between consensual and nonconsensual sexual relationships.

11. Ask the Right Questions: What Do Non-Caregiving Adult Children Need From Health Care Providers?
Wells, Munira; Kartoz, Connie.
Journal of Gerontological Nursing; Thorofare Vol. 44, Iss. 5,  (May 2018): 26-31
: Extended healthy life spans are a relatively recent phenomenon that increase the amount of time families spend with older adults in non-caregiving roles. As the emphasis of health care moves to population health and health prevention, nurses caring for older adults must be knowledgeable about this family life stage. To learn more about the lived experience of non-caregiving adult children, 16 non-caregiving adult children were interviewed.

12. Health Benefits and Risks of Pets in Nursing Homes: A Survey of Facilities in Ohio
Stull, Jason W; Hoffman, Cydney C; Landers, Timothy.
Journal of Gerontological Nursing; Thorofare Vol. 44, Iss. 5,  (May 2018): 39-45
: Pets are encountered in nursing homes and although they provide health benefits to individuals, they are also a source of health risks. The current study aimed to determine the frequency and types of animals in nursing homes, perceived benefits, and content of policies addressing health risks.

Journal - Table of Contents

OT Insight Maramatanga whakaora ngangahau: Magazine of Occupational Therapy New Zealand, March 2018

13A. From the editor
13B. From the Executive Director [Employee assistance programme (EAP); Hand Therapy; mental Health Review; Professional development and lifelong learning; 2018 Clinical workshops
13C. Awards and Grants
13D. How SMART are we – what is our future?
13E. Support for family carers of stroke survivors: A personal story
13F. iPads benefitting community therapists
13G. Student focus [Interview with Stacey Kaye about being a mature occupational therapy student]
13H. SPARX: An online e-Therapy took for young people
13I. Nuturing and enabling resilience and sustainability
13J. CPE calendar


14. Nurses for Christian Fellowship International – Pacific and East Asia Regional Conference
“For Such A Time As This

Sub themes: Excellence in times like these, Relevance in times like these, HOPE in times like these, Available to God in times like these. The program will  have a special emphasis on equipping nurses for leadership and involvement in difficult times, – such as  in natural and human disasters, political upheaval, challenging conditions in nursing and health care, opposition and restrictions to expression of Christian faith.
Date: 7-11th June 2018
Location: Taipei, Taiwan
More information:

15. 2018 Australasian ethics network (AEN) conference
: Bridging the Barriers - Understanding Misconceptions
Date: 26-28 September 2018
Venue: Rydges Hotel, Townsville, Australia
More information:
To register:

News - National

16. Asthma less likely if children are out in nature – study
Morning report – 8 May 2018
Children who spend more time in nature while they're growing up are less likely to develop asthma, according to a new study from Massey University

17. Cancer number one killer in New Zealand - numbers on the rise
Cancer is now the number one killer in New Zealand. More than 23,000 people are diagnosed every year, according to figures released by the Ministry of Health today. The data showed that more than 9500 people died from cancer each year, representing 31 per cent of all deaths recorded in New Zealand

News - International

18. Surgery patients are hoarding excess strong painkillers: study
Sydney Morning Herald, 8 May 2018
Australian patients are routinely discharged after surgery with a box of addictive opioid tablets such as oxycodone, a new study has revealed. Weeks later, most are still holding on to excess pills

19. Can we trust BMI to measure obesity?
By Philippa Roxby Health reporter, BBC News
You've been using our fat calculator in your droves, working out your BMI (body mass index) and comparing the result with people in your age group and your part of the UK. But a few people have been critical. They say using BMI to measure whether they are healthy, overweight or obese is misleading

20. Mental health crises seeing more kids forced to ED for help; experts call for greater investment
ABC Health & Wellbeing
A dramatic increase in the number of children going to the emergency department in mental health crises is evidence "the system is failing", according to a group of leading adolescent and mental health experts. In Victoria, there was a 46 per cent increase in the number of children presenting to the ED for self-harm, stress and anxiety, mood, behavioural and emotional disorders between 2008 and 2015, according to a recent study.

21. Low-carb beer no better for your waistline than standard beer, cancer council says
ABC News - 20 Apr 2018
One in three men and one in five women believe low-carb ales are a healthy option, according to research by the Cancer Council of Victoria. But it's actually a myth. After analysing a wide range of popular drinks, the council found low-carb beers had a similar amount of carbohydrates as regular option.

21. Australians are 'too busy' for bowel cancer screening. Here's why you should make time
ABC Health & Wellbeing - 17 April 2018
Bowel cancer kills conversation, but it doesn't have to kill you. That's the message behind a new campaign urging Australians aged 50-74 to use their government-funded, home-delivered bowel cancer screening kit as soon as they receive it in the mail. Currently, only 39 per cent of Australians who receive the free and potentially life-saving test use it.

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