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Issue 14 Library e-newsletter - 23 April 2018


Available for issue for 4 weeks to current NZNO members. Please provide your address so the books can be couriered to you.

1. Time to care: How to love your patients and your job
Dr Robin Youngson

Drawing on advances in neuroscience and positive psychology, and tapping the power of appreciative inquiry, Youngson conveys how health workers can strengthen their hearts, learn the skills of compassionate caring, and rise above institutional limitations to transform patient car and rediscover their vocation.

2. Heal+h cheque: The truth we should all know about New Zealand’s public health system
Gareth Morgan & Geoff Simmons

This book compares the health of our population and the state of our health system with those overseas, looks at whether the people most in need get effective treatment, and unravels why there is so much political instability surrounding the organisation of health services

3. The nurses: A year of secrets, drama, and miracles with the heroes of the hospital
Alexandra Robbins

The Nurses is told through the real-life stories of four women in different hospitals. There are true-life archetypes, including the patient brought back from death and bullying – by peers, by patients, by hospital bureaucrats and by doctors.

4. Guided reflection: A narrative approach to advancing professional practice
Edited by Christopher Johns

This book introduces the practitioner to the concept of ‘Guided Reflection’ in which the practitioner is assisted by a mentor (or guide) in a process of self-enquiry, development, and learning through reflection, in order to effectively realise one’s vision of practice and self as a lived reality.

Articles – Journal of Gerontological Nursing, April 2018

5. Addressing Alzheimer's Disease in Asian American and Pacific Islander Older Adults: An Action Guide for Service Providers
Eller, Nikki; Belza, Basia.
Journal of Gerontological Nursing; Thorofare Vol. 44, Iss. 4,  (Apr 2018): 3-4.
: To explore ways to improve early detection of ADRD among this population, focus groups were conducted with Chinese and Japanese American individuals in King County, Washington, to test messages intended to encourage adult children to bring their parents to a provider for a cognitive evaluation.Based on the findings the current authors have assembled Connecting with AAPIs About Dementia: An Action Guide for Service Providers in partnership with the National Asian Pacific Center on Aging to help service providers connect with AAPI communities about dementia.

6. Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Medication-Related Falls Prevention in Older Adults
Huang, Lisa; Turner, Jazmin; Brandt, Nicole J.
Journal of Gerontological Nursing; Thorofare Vol. 44, Iss. 4,  (Apr 2018): 11-15
: The older adult population continues to steadily increase. Largely attributed to longer life spans and aging of the Baby Boomer generation, continued growth of this population is expected to affect a multitude of challenging public health concerns. Specifically, falls in older adults are prevalent but overlooked concerns. Health care providers are well-positioned to provide valuable interventions in this aspect.

7. Effects of Patient Care Unit Design and Technology on Nurse and Patient Care Technician Communication
Beck, Mary S; Doscher, Mindy.
Journal of Gerontological Nursing; Thorofare Vol. 44, Iss. 4,  (Apr 2018): 17-22
: The current study described RN and patient care technician (PCT) communication in centralized and hybrid decentralized workstation designs using hands-free communication technology and infrared locator badge technology to facilitate communication. New construction of an oncology unit provided the opportunity to compare staff communication in two different workstation designs.

8. Real-Time Observation of Apathy in Long-Term Care Residents With Dementia: Reliability of the Person–Environment Apathy Rating Scale
Ying-Ling Jao; Mogle, Jacqueline; Williams, Kristine; McDermott, Caroline; Behrens, Liza.
Journal of Gerontological Nursing; Thorofare Vol. 44, Iss. 4,  (Apr 2018): 23-28.
: Apathy is prevalent in individuals with dementia. Lack of responsiveness to environmental stimulation is a key characteristic of apathy. The Person–Environment Apathy Rating (PEAR) scale consists of environment and apathy subscales, which allow for examination of environmental impact on apathy. The interrater reliability of the PEAR scale was examined via real-time observation.

9. Certified Nursing Assistants' Understanding of Nursing Home Residents' Pain
Halifax, Elizabeth; Miaskowski, Christine; Wallhagen, Margaret.
Journal of Gerontological Nursing; Thorofare Vol. 44, Iss. 4,  (Apr 2018): 29-36
: Pain is a significant problem for nursing home residents, yet its assessment is complex. Certified nursing assistants (CNAs) spend significant time with residents, but their role in understanding residents' pain is largely unexplored. The current qualitative grounded theory study analyzed interviews with 16 CNAs who described their experiences caring for residents in pain.

10. Influence of Teamwork on Health Care Workers' Perceptions About Care Delivery and Job Satisfaction
Dahlke, Sherry; Stahlke, Sarah; Coatsworth-Puspoky, Robin.
Journal of Gerontological Nursing; Thorofare Vol. 44, Iss. 4,  (Apr 2018): 37-44
: The aim of the current study was to examine the nature of teamwork in care facilities and its impact on the effectiveness of care delivery to older adults and job satisfaction among health care workers. A focused ethnography was conducted at two care facilities where older adults reside.

Articles –  Medication Errors

11. Medication errors common in aged care
The Lamp, Vol. 74, No. 9, Oct 2017: 26-27
: Survey finds better staff ratios and clearer guidelines for administering medications are needed in aged care.

12. A usability study: An e-medication dispenser as part of a home-based medication management programme
Hendry, Chris;   Prileszky, Gail
Kai Tiaki Nursing Research, Vol. 8, No. 1, Sep 2017: 23-30
: The aim of this study was to investigate the logistics and acceptability of an electronic medication dispenser (EMD) within a home-based medication management service as a substitute for face-to-face home visiting, to remind elderly clients to take their medication on time.

Journal – Table of Contents

American Journal of Nursing, April 2018, Vol. 118 Number 4

13A. Editorial: The kids are not alright [Highlights the need for more child-friendly policies]
13B. Viewpoint: Short-term medical missions-Toward an ethical approach [Projects must have clearly stated intentions and sustainability plans]
13C. News: HHS division to enforce ‘conscience and religious freedom’; mandatory parental counselling reduces vaccine exemptions
13D. Among other industrialized countries, the United States has highest childhood mortality rate; Duration of postoperative opioid use predicts misuse more than dosage; Hysterectomy associated with long-term health risks
13E. The value of simulation in nursing education
13F. States can now add work requirements fr Medicaid recipients [Health advocates fear new hurdles will leave thousands more uninsured]
13G. Drug watch: New hypotension treatment for septic shock; Major change in warning for asthmas drugs; New FDA web page on antimicrobial resistance; New route for buprenorphine administration
13H. CE: Original Research Recognizing Delirium in Hospitalized Children A Systematic Review of the Evidence on Risk Factors and Characteristics
13I. Lyme disease: Diagnosis, treatment and prevention
13J. Art of nursing: Diagnosis II
13K. Retiring with intention [Strategies to help nurses navigate this major life transition]
13L. Cochrane Corner: The efficacy of renin inhibitors in primary hypertension
13M. The great London smog of 1952 [This environmental disaster resulted in both short and long term health effects and has implications for nursing today]
13N. Ostomy care at home [Educating family caregivers on stoma management and potential complications]
13O. HPV vaccination and sexual behaviors in adolescents and young women; Money spent on social services improves health outcomes; parenting program may present obesity in young children; No fracture benefit with vitamin D, calcium supplements
13P. Easter egg hunt on the oncology unit


14. The IRES - 445th International Conferences on Medical and Health Science (ICMHS)
Scientists, scholars, engineers and students from the Universities all around the world and the industry will present ongoing research activities
Date: 8th - 9th Aug, 2018
Venue: Brisbane , Australia

15. CSANZ New Zealand Annual Scientific Meeting 2018
: Thursday 14 to Saturday 16 June 2018
Venue: Airforce Museum, Christchurch
More information:

News - National

16. Otago researchers say up to 90 percent of fresh chicken is contaminated with Campylobacter.
So what's the safest way to cook the popular meat? Celebrity chef Annabelle White visited The Project to share her top chicken tips

17. 'You feel you can't do another day' - nurses protest poor pay and staff shortages
Bay of Plenty Times – 20 Apr 2018
Skipping lunch breaks and working 10 hours overtime is causing Tauranga nurses to feel fatigued, stressed and forced to take extra sick leave, according to hospital employees. Helen Tuck was one of about 100 nurses and healthcare professionals protesting about poor pay and staff shortages opposite Tauranga Hospital yesterday

18.  Immunisation - Older Adults
At age 65, immunisation against influenza, shingles, tetanus and diphtheria is recommended by the Ministry of Health. These vaccines are free (practices may charge a small fee to administer tetanus and diphtheria vaccine).

19. Waikato DHB to ditch flu jab-or-mask policy
Waikato Times - April 19 2018
The Waikato DHB is set to bin its controversial jab-or-mask policy. Three years after its introduction, district health board bosses plan to ditch the mandatory mask policy for staff and hospital visitors who haven't had flu shots.
Waikato DHB interim chief executive Derek Wright said evidence was mixed as to whether the policy was effective in encouraging people to get vaccinated

News - International

20. 'The reality is sick, overweight people with tooth decay'
The Age - 22 April 2018 — 9:12pm
According to a new research paper, released today, artificial sweeteners are just as bad, if not worse, for the body. A new study, led by Brian Hoffmann, assistant professor at the Medical College of Wisconsin and Marquette University, is being presented today at the Experimental Biology conference in San Diego.

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