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Issue 5 Library e-newletter - 16 February 2018

Articles – Urology Times, Jan 2018

1. The switch to OTC: Are urologic drugs next?
Dmochowski, Roger
Urology Times; Jan 2018; v.46. n.1, 11-13
: An interview with urology and gynecology professor Dr. Roger Dmochowski on the pros and cons of over-the-counter (OTC) medications in 2018 is presented. When asked on the higher out-of-pocket costs of uninsured OTC products, he refers to the importance of patient safety and literacy when a product goes OTC.

2. How to manage your reputation, recruit patients online: Before venturing into social media, first recognize and maximize your Internet presence.
Brahmbhatt, J.
Urology Times, Jan 2018; 46(1): 14-15. 2p
: The article discusses initial steps that U.S. urologists can take to build and control their social media identity in 2018. Topics covered include searching one's name online at least once a month and setting up Google alerts on mentions of one's name, and checking physician review sites to claim one's online profile and update listed information.

3. Role of blue light cystoscopy to detect bladder cancer: Increased tumor detection, reduced recurrence/progression support its use in NMIBC patients.
Smith, Zachary L.; Smith, Norm D.
Urology Times, Jan 2018; 46(1): 16-17. 2p
: The article discusses the use of blue light cystoscopy (BLC) in detecting and eradicating bladder cancer tumors. Topics covered include the transurethral resection of bladder tumor (TURBT) urology procedure, and BLC's mechanics and improved tumor detection that reduces recurrence and progression in nonmuscle-invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) patients.

4. Medical field no stranger to sexual harassment: Urology's 'special circumstances' could heighten risk of workplace harassment.
Dowling, Robert A.
Urology Times, Jan 2018; 46(1): 20-20. 1p
: The article discusses sexual harassment risks in urological practice in 2018. Topics covered include the harassment definition, sexual harassment categorization and occurrence in the medical workplace, and urology's carriage of special circumstances dealing with diseases of a sexual nature that may bear on workplace harassment risk.

5. Don't skimp on sleep: Consequences of sleep deprivation: How one urologist is taking steps to optimize his performance in the OR and clinic.
Rosevear, Henry
Urology Times, Jan 2018; 46(1): 24-24. 1p
. The author discusses the importance of adequate sleep in urology practice. He highlights the time and preparation demands in his residency training and the need to respond to a job call at anytime, and data suggesting that 28 hours of sleep deprivation leads to motor performance decline equal to a 0.1 blood alcohol level.

Articles – Sexual Harassment

6. From hollywood to the health service: Sexual harassment at work
Lynne Pearce Freelance health journalist
Nursing Standard, Volume 32, Issue 16-19 | 13 December 2017
: Health organisations are expected to take sexual harassment of staff seriously – even when the abuser is a vulnerable patient.  The Harvey Weinstein case has lifted the lid on sexual harassment, prompting shocking revelations and allegations of abuse in industries stretching from Hollywood to Westminster. There is growing acceptance that many people are subjected to inappropriate and even criminal behaviours in their working lives, from unwanted sexual remarks to rape. But how prevalent is this kind of behaviour in healthcare?

7. Policy briefing: Acas guidance on sexual harassment in the workplace
Erin Dean
Nursing Standard, Volume 32, Issue 16-19 | 13 December 2017
: Sexual harassment is unwanted conduct of a sexual nature. A number of high-profile cases, in which the alleged perpetrators include Hollywood personalities and politicians, has led to an increased recognition of the problem.

8. Avoiding Charges of Sexual Misconduct
By McDaniel, Leda.
PT in Motion. Feb 2018, Vol. 10 Issue 1, p6-7. 2p.
: The article discusses ways in which physical therapists (PTs) and physical therapist assistants (PTAs) can avoid charges of sexual misconduct. The three ways in which PTs and PTAs can delivery quality patient care include choosing words and language carefully and obtaining informed consent. It is noted that such practices allow PTs and PTAs to act in the best interests of their patients and uphold the code and standards of American Physical Therapy Association (APTA).

9. Professional Pulse. PTs, PTAs, Students Report High Rates of Inappropriate Sexual Behavior by Patients.
PT in Motion. Feb 2018, Vol. 10 Issue 1, p48-48. 1p.
: The article discusses research on the prevalence of inappropriate patient sexual behavior (IPSB) against students, physical therapists (PTs) and physical therapist assistants (PTAs). It references a study published in "Physical Therapy" that involved 892 PTs, PTAs, and physical therapy students. The three categories of IPSB identified in the study include mild, moderate, and severe. It was also found that women were more than twice as likely as men to have encountered IPSB.

10. Sexual harassment of female chiropractors by their patients: a pilot survey of faculty at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College.
By Gleberzon, Brian; Statz, Rachel; Pym, Matthew.
Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association. Jun 2015, Vol. 59 Issue 2, p111-121. 11p
: The purpose of this study was to survey a group of female chiropractors and inquire as to whether or not they had been sexually harassed by their patients. Methods: An online questionnaire was emailed via Survey Monkey to 47 female faculty members at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC). Respondents were asked if they had been sexual harassed and, if so, the characteristics of the incident(s), their response to it, how serious they perceived the problem to be and whether or not they felt prepared to deal with it.

11. Keeping predators at bay.
By: Trueland, Jennifer.
Nursing Standard. 1/16/2013, Vol. 27 Issue 20, p18-20. 3p
As inquiries into Jimmy Savile's activities in the NHS get under way, Jennifer Trueland considers whether such abuse could go unchecked today

Journal - Table of Contents

Primary Health care, February 2018, Vol. 28, Number 1

12A. Editorial: Primary care remains the bedrock of the NHS
12B. News: Coordination of services vital to improve older people’s care; NHS providers letter to Jeremy Hunt warns of NHS fagility; Rise in ED visits linked to poverty;Ten-year milestone for homeless lifeline network; Online resource hub aims to help nursing staff support asylum seekers and refugees
12C. Nurse-led helpline reveals liver disease is being overlooked
12D. Primary care nurses to take on more GP roles
12E. New voluntary standards for practice nurses
12F. I am inspired by the next generation of nurses
12G. I need your help [The four words community nurses need to use to address health inequalities-and to ensure they see their patients as partners]; Opiates for the people
12H. Guarding against female genital mutilation
12I. Planning your article: Why creating a framework is worth the effort
12J. The evolution of the NHS cervical screening programme
12K. The barriers to healthcare encountered by single homeless people
12L. Role of leadership behaviours in safeguarding supervision: a literature review
12M. Insulin safety: Avoiding mistakes and reducing risk

Conferences & Workshops

13. Women in HR Leadership Summit
Date: 11 & 12 April 2018
Venue: Stamford Plaza, Auckland

14. Introduction to Starting a Social Enterprise
An introductory workshop to learn about social enterprise as a vehicle to create positive social and environmental change in your community
Date: 22 February 2018
Time:  9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Venue: Studio One Toi Tū, 1 Ponsonby Road, Auckland
More information:

15. Suicide Prevention Training for Front-line Personnel
: Monday 19 & Tuesday 20 February 2018
Registration: 8.30am. Workshop runs 9.00am – 4.30pm
Venue: The Wellington Club
Level 4, 88 The Terrace, Wellington

16. UV Radiation: Effects on Human Health and the Environment
Focus of the workshop will include:

  • Ozone, Climate, and UV Radiation
  • UVI & its effective communication
  • The role of apps/digital technology
  • Balancing the need for vitamin D against the need for avoiding skin damage

Date: 4-6 April | Wellington
Venue: James Cook Grand Chancellor Hotel, Wellington

News National

17. Intoxication a serious problem in top of the south emergency departments
Stuff - February 16 2018

Emergency departments across the top of the South Island have experienced heavy demand over the summer months, while staff have been forced to deal with alcohol-related aggression and violence from patients.  Nelson Marlborough Health chief executive Peter Bramley said presentations to the emergency departments (ED) at Nelson and Wairau Hospitals peaked over the summer period, partly due to an increase in patients from out of town and more presentations of people with complex conditions.

18. Thousands of women unable to find midwife for Christmas holiday births
Stuff - February 16 2018

Thousands of pregnant women due to give birth during the Christmas holidays were unable to find a midwife. Authorities warn the shortages will keep getting worse unless urgent action is taken. CECILE MEIER reports. Midwives have traditionally been hard to find in December and January as many take time off to be with their own families.

News International

19. A local approach to youth homelessness yields extraordinary results
Sydney Morning Herald - February 16 2018

The teachers had noticed Josh*, 17, seemed hostile.  In class he was belligerent, closed off. And there was that incident with a box saw, when he cut up a school table. Josh wanted to quit school. Something was wrong at home, but no one could get him to open up.  The Geelong Project – the brainchild of local schools and youth services – has produced a 40 per cent reduction over three years in the number of homeless students asking for help, and a 20 per cent reduction in those leaving school early.

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