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Issue 27 Library e-newsletter - 27 July 2017

Articles- AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples

1. Māori University success: what helps and hinders qualification completion
Reremoana Theodore, Megan Gollop, Karen Tustin, Nicola Taylor, Cynthia Kiro, Mele Taumoepeau, Jesse Kokaua, Jackie Hunter, Richie Poulton,
AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples, Volume 13, Issue 2, June 2017: pp. 122–130
: Māori (Indigenous New Zealand) university graduates are role models for educational success and are critical for the social and economic wellbeing of Māori whānau (extended family) and communities. In this study, Māori graduates (N = 626) from all eight New Zealand universities participated in the Graduate Longitudinal Study New Zealand between July and December 2011. They were asked to describe factors that they found helpful or challenging to the completion of their qualifications

2. Indigenizing military citizenship: remaking state responsibility and care towards Māori veterans’ health through the Treaty of Waitangi
Tarapuhi Bryers-Brown, Catherine Trundle
AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples, Volume 13, Issue 1, March 2017: pp. 43–50
: How does militarism reshape indigenous peoples’ relationships with settler states? In this article, we explore how military service both opens up and forecloses avenues for indigenous groups to claim new modes of responsibility, care and relationality from the state

3. Ngā Reanga o Ngā Tapuhi: Generations of Māori nurses
Léonie Walker, Jill Clendon, Leanne Manson, Kerri Nuku
AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples, Volume 12, Issue 4, December 2016: pp. 356–368
: The aim of this study was to explore the experiences of Māori nurses and student nurses in Aotearoa New Zealand who combine culturally specific customary obligations in all areas of whānau (family), hapū (kinship group) and iwi (wider kinship group) life (in particular, caregiving responsibilities) with working or studying

4. E Hine: Talking about Māori teen pregnancy with government groups
AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples, Volume 12, Issue 4, December 2016: pp. 380–395
: Despite improved access to health services in Aotearoa New Zealand there remains a significant socio-economic and health gap between Māori (Indigenous New Zealanders) and Pākehā (non-Māori). E Hine (Girl) is a qualitative Kaupapa Māori (by Māori, for Māori) research project seeking to identify barriers and facilitators to positive health outcomes for young Māori mothers (under 20 years) and their infants.

5. Indigenous Positioning in Health Research: The importance of Kaupapa Māori theory-informed practice
Elana Curtis
AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples, Volume 12, Issue 4, December 2016: pp. 396–410
: This article summarizes what an Indigenous positioning means to me as a health researcher, medical practitioner, academic and Māori community member, and why it is more than just a methodological approach. The theoretical basis of Kaupapa Māori—what it is, how it emerged and what it means for my own research practice—is explored

6. Patu™: Fighting fit, fighting fat! The Hinu Wero approach
Rachel Forrest, Lee-Anne Taylor, Jennifer Roberts, Maria Pearson, Donna Foxall, Sue Scott-Chapman
AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples, Volume 12, Issue 3, September 2016: 282–297
: The PATU™ Aotearoa Hinu Wero (Fat Challenge) is a group exercise initiative that promotes physical activity and focuses on fat loss in order to reduce obesity in Māori. This study evaluated the effectiveness of the pilot nine-week Hinu Wero (August–October 2014) involving 66 participants (males n = 26, females n = 40, ages 17–63 years) using a mixed-methods approach.

Articles – Pneumonia

7. Community-acquired Pneumonia
Franco, Jennifer
Radiologic Technology, Jul/Aug 2017; 88(6): 621-639. 19p
The article discusses the anatomy of the lungs, along with the epidemiology, pathophysiology, risk factors, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and complications of community-acquired pneumonia. Topics covered include the estimated number of people who die of pneumococcal disease every year according to the World Health Organization, the main functions of the respiratory system, and the average incidence of community-acquired pneumonia in hospitals and clinics per year

8. Diagnostic approach to advanced fibrotic interstitial lung disease... Bringing together clinical, radiologic, and histologic clues
Larsen, Brandon T.; Smith, Maxwell L.; Elicker, Brett M.; Fernandez, Jessica M.; Arbo-Oze de Morvil, Guillermo A.; Pereira, Carlos A. C.; Leslie, Kevin O.
Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, Jul 2017; 141(7): 901-915. 15p
: Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a distinctive clinicopathologic entity and the most common form of progressive diffuse lung scarring in older adults. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis manifests histopathologically as the usual interstitial pneumonia pattern. The usual interstitial pneumonia pattern is distinguished by geographically and temporally heterogeneous fibrosis that is peripherally accentuated, often with honeycombing and traction bronchiectasis.

9. Oral decontamination techniques and ventilator-associated pneumonia
Chacko, Ranjitha; Rajan, Amala; Lionel, Prabha; M., Thilagavathi; Yadav, Bijesh; Premkumar, Jeyarani
British Journal of Nursing, 6/8/2017; 26(11): 594-599. 6p
: Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is one of the major nosocomial infections in the intensive care unit (ICU), contributing to increased mortality and morbidity. Studies have shown that oral decontamination through the use of mechanical and pharmacological agents significantly reduces the incidence of VAP, but oral care practices in ICUs are not consistent.

Journal Table of Contents

OT Insight: Magazine of Occupational Therapy New Zealand
Vol. 38 No. 5, July 2017

10A. From the editor
10B. From the Executive Director [Strategy Review; Research and Education Trust news – vacancy; Position paper reviews]
10C. OTNZ-WNA News [HASANZ News Update; OTNZ-WNA 2017 Conference in Nelson]
10D. Our third key note speaker for OTNZ-WNA 2017 conference – Isla Whittington
10E. Hospice OT study day
10F. Music to our ears: Personalised music and dementia
10G. Returning to practice [Nicola Merrilees talks about returning to the world of occupational therapy]
10H. The leap from therapist to educator
10I. Understanding bicultural needs for better health outcomes
10J. Do sensory modulation workshops work?
10K. Occupational therapy and the law
10L. CPE calendar

Conferences & Workshops

11. The Integrated Data Infrastructure Symposium
This symposium will showcase a range of projects using the Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI) to answer epidemiological questions on diverse topics such as cardiovascular disease, premature birth, injuries
Date: 16 August 2017
Venue: University of Auckland School of Population Health | 261 Morrin Road | Glen Innes
More information:

12. Otago Spotlight Series: Child Health Research
Topics: Genetics and health; Healthy pregnancies; Healthy childhoods; Childhood conditions and treatments; Inequalities in child health
Date: 12 September 2017
Venue: Nordmeyer Theatre | 23a Mein St | Newtown | Wellington
More information:

13. Committing to Social Change: Nga tahitanga o te Tangata
The challenge of advancing the social and political potential of occupational science and therapy in Aotearoa New Zealand and beyond.
Date: 12-15 September
Venue: Nelson
More information:

News – National

14. Big spike in potentially deadly disease leptospirosis
Radio New Zealand, 25 July 2017
Cases of potentially deadly disease leptospirosis in New Zealand for the first six months of this year are triple those of the same period last year, and may be linked to flooding clean-up. If the rate of infection stays steady, it will reach 1981 levels not seen since herd vaccinations were introduced that year. Cases in the past six months have already reached last year's total, when there was a spike in December
More information:

15. More reason to use Meningococcal B vaccine – it could also cut the Clap
Family Planning - Friday, July 14, 2017
Gonorrhoea, a sexually transmitted infection also known as the Clap, has become a superbug, writes Helen Petousis-Harris.–-it-could-also-cut-the-clap

16. NZ research shows promise for gonorrhoea protection
Radio New Zealand - 11 July 2017
A vaccine has for the first time been shown to protect against the sexually transmitted infection gonorrhoea, scientists in New Zealand say. About 78 million people pick up the sexually transmitted infection each year, and it can cause infertility. But the body does not build up resistance no matter how many times someone is infected.

17. Gonorrhoea treatment reaching crisis point
Massey University – 7 June 2017
The threat of increased antibiotic resistance is often in the headlines. Now two Massey University researchers argue that in the case of sexually-transmitted gonorrhoea, this is inevitable, and we had better figure out what to do after the antibiotics stop working. Dr Collette Bromhead and Dr Heather Hendrickson co-authored an article entitled ‘Untreatable gonorrhea, are we there yet?’ published this week in The Biochemist, looking at how we got to this point, and what the future might hold.

18. Dr Tom: Exercise is vital as you age
Dr Tom Mulholland is an Emergency Department doctor and GP with more than 25 years' experience in New Zealand
As we age, we lose muscle like it's going out of fashion so strength and conditioning are vital to maintain muscle mass, proprioception and flexibility. Proprioception is how our brains knows where our bones are in space and time. Receptors in joints and muscle fibres send signals so the counter muscles that can pull you back from the brink of a fall.

News – International

19. Are you a medieval sleeper? Why it's time to put the eight-hour night to bed
The Telegraph - 22 July 2017 • 8:00am
It’s 3am and I’m sitting on my bed propped up against a Manhattan skyline of pillows, painting my toenails palm green. On recent nights, around this hour, I’ve also planned my husband’s birthday party and learnt how to make an authentic Cuban daiquiri.

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