Articles – E-Cigarettes
1. E-Cigarettes: The New Threat to Public Health
Oncology Nurse-APN/PA, Mar 2017; 10(2): 16-17. 2p
Abstract: E-cigarettes are a nicotine delivery system that allows users, or vapers, to achieve the same level of nicotine in their blood as smokers of conventional cigarettes, which means that e-cigarettes can be just as addictive as conventional cigarettes.
2. Lost in E-Cigarette clouds: A culture on the rise
Jarmul, Stephanie; Aherrera, Angela; Rule, Ana M.; Olmedo, Pablo; Rui Chen; Navas-Acien, Ana
American Journal of Public Health, Feb 2017; 107(2): 265-266. 2p
Abstract: The article focuses on the increase in electronic cigarette (e-cig) use (vaping) in the United States and the growing vaping culture. It reports that as of February 2017 there were over 30 annual vaping conventions in the U.S. and mentions some flavors of e-cig may be encouraging middle-school and high-school children to begin using e-cigs.
3. E-Cigarettes: the science behind the smoke and mirrors
Cobb, Nathan K.; Sonti, Rajiv
Respiratory Care, Aug 2016; 61(8): 1122-1128. 7p
Abstract: E-cigarettes are a diverse set of devices that are designed for pulmonary delivery of nicotine through an aerosol, usually consisting of propylene glycol, nicotine, and flavorings. The devices heat the nicotine solution using a battery-powered circuit and deliver the resulting vapor into the proximal airways and lung. Although the current devices on the market appear to be safer than smoking combusted tobacco, they have their own inherent risks, which remain poorly characterized due to widespread product variability.
4. E-Cigarettes: Who's using them and why?
LeVault, Kelsey; Mueller-Luckey, Georgia; Waters, Erika A.; Fogleman, Amanda; Crumly, David; Jenkins, Wiley D.
Journal of Family Practice, Jun 2016; 65(6): 390-397
Abstract: Nearly 80% of smokers say they use e-cigarettes to cut down/quit smoking. But these dual users are more likely to "light up" first thing in the morning
Articles – Tic Disorders
5. Considerations of the effects of extra-symptom variables among youth with chronic tic disorders and Tourette's syndrome
By Rudy, Brittany M.; Lewin, Adam B.; Storch, Eric A.
Children's Health Care. Jul-Sep 2015, Vol. 44 Issue 3, p199-204. 6p
Abstract: The purpose of this special issue is to highlight and discuss individual and family factors that contribute to tic severity and impairment as well as the clinical implications of such factors among youth with chronic tic disorders (CTDs).
6. Tic disorders and Tourette's syndrome
Plessen, Kerstin J.
European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Supplement; New York
(Feb 2013): S55-60.
Abstract: Diagnostic categories of tic disorders include both transient and chronic tic disorders and Tourette's disorder. Changes for this group of disorders proposed for the forthcoming DSM-5 system include: (1) The term "stereotyped" will be eliminated in the definition of tics and the new definition will be applied consistently across all entities of tic disorders.
7. Heritability of tic disorders: a twin-family study
Zilhão, N R; Olthof, M C; Smit, D J A; Cath, D C; Ligthart, L; et al.
Psychological Medicine; Cambridge
(Apr 2017): 1085-1096.
Abstract: Genetic-epidemiological studies that estimate the contributions of genetic factors to variation in tic symptoms are scarce. We estimated the extent to which genetic and environmental influences contribute to tics, employing various phenotypic definitions ranging between mild and severe symptomatology, in a large population-based adult twin-family sample.
8. A Primary Role for Nucleus Accumbens and Related Limbic Network in Vocal Tics
McCairn, Kevin W; Nagai, Yuji; Hori, Yukiko; Ninomiya, Taihei; Kikuchi, Erika; et al.
Neuron; Cambridge
(Jan 20, 2016): 300-307.
Abstract: Inappropriate vocal expressions, e.g., vocal tics in Tourette syndrome, severely impact quality of life. Neural mechanisms underlying vocal tics remain unexplored because no established animal model representing the condition exists. We report that unilateral disinhibition of the nucleus accumbens (NAc) generates vocal tics in monkeys.
Articles - Australian Health Review, February 2017
9. Effect of a smoke-free policy on staff attitudes and behaviours within an Australian metropolitan health service: a 3 year cross-sectional study
Hale, Nicole, BSW, BA; Murphy, Andrea M, DipComServ; Adams, Jon R, BAppSci(HumMove); Williams, Cylie M, BAppSci(Pod), MHlthSci(HlthPro.
Australian Health Review; Collingwood
(Feb 2017): 7-12
Abstract: In 2010, Peninsula Health (Vic., Australia), became smoke free as part of the locally developed smoking prevention and cessation strategy. The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of a smoke-free policy on smoking status and employee attitudes over a 3-year period
10. Using a community of practice to evaluate falls prevention activity in a residential aged care organisation: a clinical audit
Francis-Coad, Jacqueline, MClinPhty, PhD; Etherton-Beer, Christopher, PhD, MBBS; Bulsara, Caroline, PhD; Nobre, Debbie, BSc; Hill, Anne-Marie, PhD.
Australian Health Review; Collingwood
(Feb 2017): 13-18.
Abstract: This study evaluates whether a community of practice (CoP) could conduct a falls prevention clinical audit and identify gaps in falls prevention practice requiring action. Cross-sectional falls prevention clinical audits were conducted in 13 residential aged care (RAC) sites of a not-for-profit organisation providing care to a total of 779 residents.
11. Organisational benefits of a strong research culture in a health service: a systematic review
Harding, Katherine, PhD, MPublicHlth, BOccThy; Lynch, Lauren, BSpeechPath; Porter, Judi, PhD, MHlthSci, GradDipNutrDiet; Taylor, Nicholas F, PhD.
Australian Health Review; Collingwood
(Feb 2017): 45-53
Abstract: The aim of the present study was to determine whether there is an association between having research culture in a health service and better organisational performance. Using systematic review methods, databases were searched, inclusion criteria applied and study quality appraised.
12. Stranded: causes and effects of discharge delays involving non-acute in-patients requiring maintenance care in a tertiary hospital general medicine service
Salonga-Reyes, Armi, MBBS; Scott, Ian A, MBBS, FRACP, MHA, MEd.
Australian Health Review; Collingwood
(Feb 2017): 54-62.
Abstract: The aims of the present study were to identify causes of prolonged discharge delays among non-acute in-patients admitted to a tertiary general medicine service, quantify occupied bed days (OBDs) and propose strategies for eliminating avoidable delays.
13. How do we capture the emergency nurse practitioners' contribution to value in health service delivery?
Jennings, Natasha, BN, RN, CCC(Emerg), GradDipAdv; Lutze, Matthew, RN, NP, MN, MN; Clifford, Stuart, BN, RN, NP, MN, GradDip, GradC; Maw, Michael, RN, NP, MNursAP, AdvDipBusDip.
Australian Health Review; Collingwood
(Feb 2017): 89-90
Abstract: The emergency nurse practitioner is now a well established and respected member of the healthcare team. Evaluation of the role has focused on patient safety, effectiveness and quality of care outcomes. Comparisons of the role continue to focus on cost, with findings based on incomplete and almost impossible to define, recognition of contribution to service delivery by paralleled practitioners.
14. Should the healthcare compass in Australia point towards value-based primary healthcare? Oliver-Baxter, Jodie, BArts, PhD; Brown, Lynsey, BPsych, GradDipSocSci(CounsStu; Dawda, Paresh, MBBS, DRCOG, DFRSH FRCGP, FRAC.
Australian Health Review; Collingwood
(Feb 2017): 98-103.
Abstract: This paper provides an overview of quality improvement in healthcare in an Australian context. Specifically, the paper considers issues around defining, quantifying, recording and incentivising quality improvement and accountability in primary healthcare. The role of newly emerging Primary Health Networks provides a context for the discussion
Journal Table of Contents
TQN: The Queensland Nurse, Vol. 35 No. 2, April 2016
15A. Taking the lead has its own rewards
15B. Watching our nursing and midwifery leaders in action
15C. 68 ways to improve Queensland’s IR laws
15D. Baby Asha unites community against refugee policy
15E. Strength to strength across Logan and Ipswich; New QNU training course targets professional culpability; Union training
15F. Pay parity for State School RNs; Are you ready for QNU annual conference?; Ratios on the agenda at MODs
15G. Helping Australia ‘choose wisely’; Celebrating Labour day in May
15H. Re-emergence of black lung disease; Lace up for the Mothers’ Day Classic; Nurse navigators are go!
15I. Aged care News: Carrara Health Centre moves services; Age care employer group backs PC registration
15J. Private Sector training; Upcoming EB agreements
15K. Aged care senate inquiry: The need to prioritise resident care over profits
15L. Fiji recovery effort follows country’s worst cyclone; Short-term austerity leads to nursing shortage
15M. Campaign News: EB9 ready to go to ballot of all nurses and midwives; What does your in-principle agreement look like?; Politicians hear from nurses and midwives; Ratios set the floor, and can be improved.
15N. Healthy budgets are essential for safe quality care
15O. NMBA standards in the spotlight; Patients as partners: You can make it happen!
15P. Good delegation favours guidelines over guesswork
15Q. More leadership less paperwork: It’s time to refocus the NUM/MUM role
15R. Rocky midwives take a stand on unsafe workloads
15S. Taskforce looks to end violence and aggression against nurses
15T. Do we seriously need a double dissolution election?
15U. Campaign to ban asbestos worldwide; Raising awareness on Close the Gap
Conferences & Workshops
16. Aged Residential Care without consent – on whose Authority? “this is not my home” in association with Vida Law
Wellington - 29th November 2016
Dunedin - 6th December 2016
Christchurch – 16th July 2017
Auckland – 8th September 2017
Hawkes Bay – 15th September 2017
More information Email: [email protected] Ph: 021 869 361
17. Neurodegenerative Disorders and Palliative Care Masterclass
The sessions will cover diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Lewy Body Dementia; Cerebrovascular and Stroke; Huntington’s; Parkinson’s and Motor Neurone Disease and has been designed for clinical health professionals working with palliative patients and family and whanau.”
Date: Thursday 29 June
Speakers: Dr Janet Turnbull, Consultant Geriatrician, Kenepuru Hospital & Mary Potter Hospice
Time: 8.30 am – 4.30pm
Venue: Mary Potter Hospice, 48 Mein Street, Wellington
18. Paheko, Working with Māori Patients and Whānau Masterclass
“This workshop draws on the experience of those working in the health sector with Māori. We will explore the complexities and uniqueness of Māori and the experiences of those working with a bi-cultural lens.
Date: Thursday 15 June
Speakers: Vanessa Eldridge – Day Services Manager, Mary Potter Hospice
Time: 8.30am – 4.30pm
Venue: Te Whare Marie Marae, Kenepuru Hospital
19. Maori Public Health Symposium 2017
Māori Public Health: Business - Innovation – Health - creative conversation about the solutions we design in public health, embracing business, Māori development and new ways of funding to have more freedom in defining the future of Māori public health
Date: 19 Jun 2017 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Venue: Waipuna Conference Centre, Mount Wellington, Auckland
News – National
20. Child Poverty and mental health: a literature review
Child Poverty Action Group - May 2017
This literature review was commissioned in order to provide information on the relationship between poverty experienced during childhood and the impact that poverty may have on the mental health of a child or young person, or later in their adulthood.
News – International
21. Why exercise might be our best weapon against Alzheimer's
The Telegraph – 22 May 2017
For many, the top seed in the race for lifestyle interventions is exercise. Even moderate exercise can markedly lower blood pressure and improve cardiovascular health. And it is these resulting rewards that are thought to directly affect Alzheimer’s risk