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Issue 17 Library e-newsletter-11 May 2017

12 May 2017 - Hot Off the Press
‘Listening with my heart’ – poems of Aotearoa New Zealand nurses 

Selected verse by nurses in Aotearoa New Zealand. Expresses a variety of views of nurses and nursing through experience of people, place and circumstance. This poetry book is part of the NZNO Visibility of Nursing project.


Latest Books

NZNO staff and members can borrow these books for a period of 4 weeks.

1. P95 GAL
Talk like TED: The 9 public speaking secrets of the world’s top minds

Gallo, Carmine
Published in 2015
A powerful guide to public speaking, based on the scientific analysis of hundreds of TED presentations and interviews with TED speakers

2. WY 11.KN4
Recovery: Women’s overseas service in WW1

Matthews, Kay Morris
Published in 2017
This books showcases women from the East Coast who served overseas either with the armed services or as volunteers between 1915 and 1919.

3. W50 BER
Ethics for health care

Berglund, Catherine
Fourth edition, 2012
Using a ‘treatment sequence’ approach, blended with new chapters addressing the phases of life, the text takes health professionals through the process of training to work in health care to meeting a patient and contributing to that person’s care.

Articles – International Journal of Nursing Practice

4. The ethics of postoperative pain management: Mapping nurses' views
Maria Dolores Cano Romero, Maria Teresa Muñoz Sastre, Bruno Quintard, Paul C. Sorum and Etienne Mullet
International Journal of Nursing Practice
Version of Record online: 1 FEB 2017 DOI: 10.1111/ijn.12514
:  We explored the positions of nurses working in hospitals regarding the acceptability of refusing to give a repeat dose of painkiller to a postoperative patient who requested it. These positions were compared with that of lay people, physicians, and other health professionals.

5. Nursing handovers: An integrative review of the different models and processes available
Shannon Bakon, Lisa Wirihana, Martin Christensen and Judy Craft
International Journal of Nursing Practice
Version of Record online: 7 FEB 2017 DOI: 10.1111/ijn.12520
: The aim of this study is to explore the different handover models and processes available and their efficacy in improving handover communication within nursing practice. The handover of information is a key nursing responsibility that ensures patient outcomes through continuity of care. This process is widely recognised as an opening for error that may comprise patient safety.

6. Work related stress, burnout, job satisfaction and general health of nurses: A follow-up study (pages 538–545)
Natasha Khamisa, Karl Peltzer, Dragan Ilic and Brian Oldenburg
International Journal of Nursing Practice
Version of Record online: 30 MAY 2016 DOI: 10.1111/ijn.12455
: Nurses experience high levels of work related stress and burnout as well as low job satisfaction and poor general health owing to the nature of their work. This paper seeks to provide a better understanding of the nature of relationships between work related stress, burnout, job satisfaction and general health of nurses over one year.

7. Practice audit of the role of the Non-medical surgical assistant in Australia, an online survey (pages 546–555)
Toni Hains, Catherine Turner and Haakan Strand
International Journal of Nursing Practice
Version of Record online: 4 AUG 2016 DOI: 10.1111/ijn.12462
: The term Non-Medical Surgical Assistant (NMSA) encompasses all roles where healthcare clinicians without a medical degree provide clinical services during the perioperative cycle. The role of NMSA is gaining momentum within Australia. It is timely to ascertain who is preforming the role and quantify the practice setting and scope of practice to enable a nationally recognised platform for role evolution.

8. Family characteristics and parents' and children's health behaviour are associated with public health nurses' concerns at children's health examinations (pages 584–595)
Hannele Poutiainen, Tuovi Hakulinen, Päivi Mäki and Tiina Laatikainen
International Journal of Nursing Practice
Version of Record online: 31 AUG 2016 DOI: 10.1111/ijn.12478
: The study aimed to establish whether family characteristics and the health behaviour and illnesses of parents and children are associated with public health nurses' (PHNs') concerns about children's physical health and psychosocial development in the context of health examinations. Factors affecting children's health and well-being should be identified as early as possible to provide children and families appropriate support.

9. Nursing care in multifunctional small group homes providing day, visiting and overnight services for older people living at home (pages 605–615)
Nobuko Katahira and Keiko Tsukasaki
International Journal of Nursing Practice
Version of Record online: 21 SEP 2016 DOI: 10.1111/ijn.12482
: Home care programs for older people have been developed around the world. Nurses are key to these programs. The aim of this study is to explore details of the nursing activities used in group homes to provide a basis for describing effective nursing practices in such facilities. A self-administered questionnaire was sent to 240 randomly selected facilities throughout Japan in 2013

10. Educational attainment moderates the associations of diabetes education with health outcomes (pages 444–450)
Su Hyun Kim
International Journal of Nursing Practice
Version of Record online: 21 JUN 2016 DOI: 10.1111/ijn.12454
: Diabetes education is a critical element of care for people with diabetes. However, the associations between diabetes education and self-care or health outcomes have not been clearly demonstrated at a national level. The aims of this study were to examine the associations of attendance of diabetes education classes with health behaviours and glycaemic control, and to understand whether these associations were moderated by level of educational attainment

Articles: –

Australasian Musculoskeletal Medicine, August 2016

11. Why pain research flounders! - From the servitude to fiscal sustenance with confirmation bias.
McKay, ABreck
Australasian Musculoskeletal Medicine, Vol. 20 (Aug 2016)
: Academic blindness occurs when researchers and reviewers, believing their confirmation bias, obtain or support further research funding and waste that funding on error laden hypotheses and research programmes. This paper addresses three examples, one internationally recognised whiplash research study and two examples of erroneous internationally recognised chronic low back pain (CLBP) research.

12. Lumbar spine disc prolapse: Tilt table inversion - a case series
Patel, Vinay; Kanji, Giresh
Australasian Musculoskeletal Medicine, Vol. 20 (Aug 2016)
: Lumbar spine pain is the most common musculoskeletal complaint we see in practice. The disc has been found to be the most common source of lumbar spine pain. A disc prolapse occurs when the nucleus of the disc protrudes through a torn annulus. Disc bulges and prolapses can often cause irritation to an adjacent nerve root, and may cause radicular symptoms down the leg.

13. Complex regional pain syndrome
Griffin, Heather
Australasian Musculoskeletal Medicine, Vol. 20 (Aug 2016)
: Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a relatively uncommon, but painful and disabling condition. It is characterised by limb pain with sensory, vasomotor, sudomotor, motor and dystrophic changes, usually occurring after injury

14. The effect of pain catastrophising on functional outcome following total knee arthroplasty
du Toit, Paul Francois
Australasian Musculoskeletal Medicine, Vol. 20 (Aug 2016)
: Total Knee Arthroplasty is a common and costly surgical procedure. The majority of patients have successful surgery and post operative rehabilitation, however, there is a group that fail to gain adequate ROM and develop chronic pain. The aim of this study is to assess the effect of pain catastrophising on functional outcome following total knee arthroplasty.

15. Osteoporosis - vitamin D supplements in the older patient; what does the evidence say?
Chandra, Nathaniel
Australasian Musculoskeletal Medicine, Vol. 20 (Aug 2016)
: In Australia in 2013, there were an estimated 4.7 million people over the age of 50 with either osteoporosis or poor bone health. Generally under-diagnosed, osteoporosis was associated with 144 000 fractures in 2013. With the total cost of osteoporosis estimated to be approximately $7.4 billion per year, the burden of the disease and its complications are enormous.

Journal table of Contents

American Journal of Nursing, April 2017, Vol.117, Number 4

16A. Focusing on people at risk: The importance of the nurses’ role in patient assessment
Making patients partners in real-time electronic charting
16C. News: A beacon in the labyrinth of the Indian Health Service: the success of a diabetes program offers hope; OSHA considers national standard to prevent health care workplace violence; Long-term NSAIDs and Acetaminophen linked to hearing loss in women; Peanut allergy prevention starts in infancy; FDA Anesthesia warning for pregnant women, children
16D. Changing health care delivery, one company at a time: Improving access to comprehensive primary care in the workplace
16E. Surgical vs. conservative interventions for treating ACL injuries
16F. Drugwatch: Diabetes drug receives new indication (Empagliflozin); Updated review confirms potential risk of bladder cancer with pioglitazone
16G. Identifying hospitalized patients at risk of harm: A comparison of nurse perceptions vs. electronic risk assessment tool scores
. Overactive bladder in women: An evidence-based review of screening, assessment, and management
16I. Climate change and mental health: An evidence-based review of the emotional health risks associated with a changing climate
16J. Clinical alert: Candida Auris [ A new pathogen is making its presence known]
16K. Writing your manuscript: Structure and style
16L. How to engage funders  and get money: the 10 Rs you need to know: Tips from a foundation insider for researchers and nurse leaders
16M. Journal watch: Palliative care improves quality of life, reduces symptoms; Atrial fibrillation increases risk of CVD, renal disease, death; Topical lidocaine reduces vaccination pain in infants; Early physical activity may reduce postconcussion symptoms in children and adolescents
16N. Nurse in the legislature: After years as a Minnesota state representative, Erin Murphy is now running for governor
16O. Blind Spot: Understanding a disabled son’s vulnerability as a state of grace


17 Maori Public Health Symposium 2017
Māori Public Health: Business - Innovation – Health
Creative conversation about the solutions we design in public health, embracing business, Māori development and new ways of funding to have more freedom in defining the future of Māori public health
Date: 19 Jun 2017 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Venue: Waipuna Conference Centre, Mount Wellington, Auckland

18. 2017 International Conference on Successes and Failures in Telehealth (SFT-17)
: 30-31 October 2017
Venue: Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC)

19. 2017 NZ Rehabilitation conference
Making an impact: putting knowledge to work in rehabilitation"
Date:  8-10 September 2017
Venue: Rydges Latimer in Christchurch
More information:

News – National

20. A third of Maori are skipping hospital appointments
Nicholas McBride 12:11, May 10 2017
Nearly a third of Maori are skipping health appointments because they associate hospitals with death, according to experts. In the MidCentral district, 29 out of 102 Maori (28.4 per cent) did not attend their first urology appointment last year.

21. Theresa Gattung: 100 years on, still waiting for equal pay
Stuff – May 10, 2017
This column falls into the category of "I can't believe we are still talking about this stuff". Green MP Jan Logie's Private Member's Equal Pay Amendment Bill is due before Parliament today. New Zealand women are paid on average 12 per cent less an hour than men. Most of this difference can't be explained away by arguments such as education or time out of the workforce bringing up children.

22. Wellington and Wairarapa smokers sought for e-cigarette stop-smoking trial
Stuff - 09 May 2017
A clinical trial by the University of Auckland is calling for smokers in Wellington and the Wairarapa to take part in their stop-smoking programme using nicotine patches and e-cigarettes. “We want to find out how effective the current most popular, proven quit smoking treatment (the nicotine patch) is at helping people quit smoking when used alone or in combination with e-cigarettes,” says Associate Professor Natalie Walker, the lead researcher on the trial.
Email: [email protected] or call 09 923 1751 if interested in taking part in the trial

News – International

23. Emotional eating: why we do it and how to manage it
The Age – 3 May 2017
It's called "comfort food" for a reason; it's a common instinct for children and adults to self-soothe through food. But why are some of us more likely to eat when upset? And where does the instinct come from?

24. Why are so many scientists studying this spice?
The Age – 3 May 2017
What do depression, dementia, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and cancer have in common - apart from being modern plagues? They're linked by inflammation - not the acute painful inflammation that erupts from a throat infection and then subsides, but the chronic inflammation that smoulders in the body and is linked to many chronic diseases.  Curcumin, an ingredient in turmeric, has researchers excited.

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