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Issue 16 - Library e-newsletter 4 May 2017

Articles – Informed Consent

1. Assisted fertility treatment and the quality of informed consent
Hampton, Kerry; Newton, Jennifer; Mazza, Danielle
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal, Feb 2017; 24(7): 30-31
: Details of a recently completed a four-year fertility-awareness study, which sought to inform a future primary care model as one way of reducing infertility in general practice (Hampton, 2014).

2. Obtaining informed consent to treatment: new legal dimensions
Tingle, John
British Journal of Nursing, 12/8/2016; 25(22): 1268-1269. 2p
: The article discusses the guidance on consent to treatment issued by the Royal College of Surgeons, which take the implications of the 2015 Supreme Court case Montgomery v. Lanarkshire Health Board. Topics covered include the risk of shoulder dystocia taking place during the birth, the application of the Montgomery ruling to nurses and other health experts, and the principles for working with patients through a process of supported decision-making.

3. Vulnerable subjects: Why does informed consent matter?
Goodwin, Michele
Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics; Fall 2016; v.44. n.3, 371-380. 10p
: Most literature captures human experiments as either acceptable or unacceptable; good or bad; ethical or non-ethical. However, might there be finer degrees to distinguish medical experimentation from either being permissible or utterly unethical?

4. Patient care: Many patients do not understand informed consent fully
Soper, Ruth A.
Radiation Therapist, Fall 2016; 25(2): 223-226. 4p.
: Although the goal is to have patients make informed decisions without controlling influences, many people do not understand the aspects of treatment fully and can be vulnerable when asked to give  informed consent.

Articles – Injury Prevention

5. International Day of the Midwife and International Nurses Day special. Celebrate through Self care.
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal, May 2017; 24(10): 16-18. 3p
: The article presents tips and stories to motivate nurses and midwives to care for themselves as part of the International Day of the Midwife and International Nurses Day, celebrated on May and 5 and 12, 2017 respectively, in Australia. Topics discussed include strategies to get a good sleep, positive impact of yoga on the body and how to prevent injury on the job.

6. Patient participation in pressure injury prevention: giving patient's a voice
Latimer, Sharon; Chaboyer, Wendy; Gillespie, Brigid
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, Dec 2014; 28(4): 648-656. 9p
: Pressure injuries burden patients and healthcare organisations, with some preventative practices having little impact on prevalence reduction. Patient participation in care may be an effective pressure injury prevention strategy, yet patient preferences are unknown. The aim of this interpretive study was to describe patients' perceptions of their current and future role in pressure injury prevention

7. Injury prevention at the bedside
Elwell, Sean
Journal of Trauma Nursing, Nov/Dec2016; 23(6): 334-336. 3p
: The article discusses the opportunity of emergency department staff to engage families in injury prevention messaging right at the bedside. Topics mentioned include the use of teachable moments in health care, percentage of medical information provided to patients during office visits that is forgotten immediately according to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, and brief information on an electronic system called the GetWell Network.

8. A Nurse-Initiated Perioperative Pressure Injury Risk Assessment and Prevention Protocol
Meehan, Anita J.; Beinlich, Nancy R.; Hammonds, Tracy L..
Association of Operating Room Nurses. AORN Journal; Denver (Dec 2016): 554-565.
: Pressure injuries negatively affect patients physically, emotionally, and economically. Studies report that pressure injuries occur in 69% of inpatients who have undergone a surgical procedure while hospitalized. In 2012, we created a nurse-initiated, perioperative pressure injury risk assessment measure for our midwestern, urban, adult teaching hospital. We retrospectively applied the risk assessment to a random sample of 350 surgical patients which validated the measure.

9. Physical activity levels and injury prevention knowledge and practice of a cohort of carpentry students
Overton, Mark, BPhty, PGCertPhty, PGDipPhty; Reynolds, Emily, BPhty; Clark, Natalie, BPhty; Bhana, Haresh, BPhty; Mulligan, Hilda, BSc, MHealSc, PhD; et al.
New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy; Wellington (Jul 2016): 84-90.
:The levels of physical activity and knowledge about postures and practices in carpentry students have not been extensively investigated. This study will inform occupational health practitioners about carpentry students' physical activity levels and workplace practices, so that back care and injury prevention education can be included in the curriculum.

10. Pediatric Overuse Sports Injury and Injury Prevention
Myrick, Karen M.
The Journal for Nurse Practitioners; Philadelphia (Nov 2015): 1023-1031.
: Participation in sports by the pediatric population has grown vastly over the years. Overuse injuries in the pediatric population signify a significant health care interest. Some reports and clinical observations designate 50% of all pediatric sport-related injuries as overuse or repetitive trauma. Furthermore, it is ventured that more than half of these injuries may be preventable with straightforward strategies.

Articles –  Self-care

11. Self-care for grown-ups.
By Mannarino, Melanie.
Health. May 2017, Vol. 31 Issue 4, p98-101. 4p
The article provides suggestions for taking appropriate self-care by monitoring oneself physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Topics discussed include recommendation for energizing oneself with the help of moderate exercise; need for spending distraction free time with family; and suggestion for getting visual with art and photography for taking creative appropriate creative care.

12. Long term conditions in general practice Part 2: Patient management.
By Archer, Lucy.
Practice Nurse. Apr 2017, Vol. 47 Issue 4, p10-13. 4p.
: The article discusses clinical assessment and management of patients with long-term health conditions by nurse practitioners in a general practice setting. Topics explored include the necessity of annual review of medications, lifestyle, and symptoms of these patients, importance of collaboration between patient and clinician on self-management and health education, and the monitoring of the patient's blood pressure, temperature, and other vital signs.

13. Caring for the Caregiver
Carroll, Theresa Carlson; Loesche, Sara J.
OT Practice; Bethesda (Apr 24, 2017): 8-11
: Caregiving is a rewarding occupation, but it can also be very demanding to prioritize the needs of others. Caregiving is considered a co-occupation or instrumental activity of daily living, as reflected in the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework: Domain and Process, 3rd Edition (American Occupational Therapy Association [AOTA], 2014.

14. From neurocognition to community participation in serious mental illness: the intermediary role of dysfunctional attitudes and motivation
Thomas, E C; Luther, L; Zullo, L; Beck, A T; Grant, P M.
Psychological Medicine; Cambridge (Apr 2017): 822-836.
: Evidence for a relationship between neurocognition and functional outcome in important areas of community living is robust in serious mental illness research. Dysfunctional attitudes (defeatist performance beliefs and asocial beliefs) have been identified as intervening variables in this causal chain. This study seeks to expand upon previous research by longitudinally testing the link between neurocognition and community participation (i.e. time in community-based activity) through dysfunctional attitudes and motivation.

15. The empowerment of elderly patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Managing life with the disease
Fotokian, Zahra; Farahnaz Mohammadi Shahboulaghi; Fallahi-Khoshknab, Masoud; Pourhabib, Ali.
PLoS One; San Francisco (Apr 2017).
: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a serious health problem that has significant effects on the life status of elderly persons. Use of the empowerment approach is necessary for health promotion in older people with COPD, but little attention has so far been paid to all the dimensions of empowerment in the management of COPD, which would provide useful knowledge regarding elders with COPD.

16. Chronic pain and sex-differences; women accept and move, while men feel blue
Rovner, Graciela S; Sunnerhagen, Katharina S; Björkdahl, Ann; Gerdle, Björn; Börsbo, Björn; et al.
PLoS One; San Francisco (Apr 2017).
: The aim of this study is to explore differences between male and female patients entering a rehabilitation program at a pain clinic in order to gain a greater understanding of different approaches to be used in rehabilitation.

Journal Table of Contents

Registered Nurse Journal: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, January/February 2017

17A. Editorial: Knowledge is power
17B. Presidents View: Excitement builds for annual visit to Queen’s Park
17C. CEO Dispatch: values, evidence, courage
17D. Mailbox: Think outside the box when treating dementia patients; NP receives award for saving a life
17E. Nursing in the News: Raising awareness of medical cannabis; Smoke-free hospitals coming in 2018; Nurse named healthy change champion
17F. Nursing Notes: Update on supervised injection services (SIS); Call for national strategy on PTSD
17G. Just say: No, maybe, yes [Conversatiosn about cannabis – whether used medicinally or for recreation are heating up]
17H. Caring in the face of heartbreaking loss
17I. Paid in full [RNAO membership for Ontario nursing students]
17J. Understanding pain to help patients
17K. Policy at work: Nurses prescribe a dose of financial advice for the government; Waiting for the right health funding arrangement; Initiating psychotherapy
17L. What nursing means to me…


18. Ethics at end of life
: Friday 9 June 2017
Venue: Home of Compassion, 2 Rhine St, Island Bay

19. 18th Annual Medical Law Conference
: 30 - 31 Aug 2017
Venue: Wellington
More information:

20. 2017 Primary Care Symposium
: 15 November 2017
Venue: Te Papa, Wellington
More information:

News – National

21. Care needed with accessing health services and records online
Dr Cathy Stephenson 16:37, May 3 2017
We live in an increasingly accessible world, where information is available to us at the touch of our fingertips. Medical information is no different. Since the advent of "patient portals" in New Zealand, around 297,000 of us have been using them, accessing our health records whenever we choose.

22. Costly cold meds no better than rest and paracetamol: Consumer NZ (Video)
Tom Hunt 07:39, May 4 2017
Medsafe has been asked to investigate after New Zealand's consumer watchdog found most cold and flu medications are a waste of money. Consumer NZ looked at more than 50 over-the-counter cold and flu medications before concluding they are often no more effective than rest, honey, and paracetamol. Consumer NZ chief executive Sue Chetwin said the over-the-counter medications - some costing up to $30 - had ingredients that had little to no good evidence of being effective.

23. Hui to tackle core drug problems in Hawke's Bay
By Nicki Harper - Hawkes Bay Today 8:00 AM Tuesday May 2, 2017
A hui designed to get to the core of the drugs issue in Hawke's Bay, particularly the harm drugs and drug laws cause to Maori, is being held this weekend. Organised by the New Zealand Drug Foundation, it will feature speakers who will discuss issues with the current laws as well as outline solutions to reduce the harm from drugs.

24. Shock resignation by DHB chief executive
Liz Wylie - Wanganui Chronicle - Monday May 1, 2017
Whanganui District Health Board chief executive and national DHB spokeswoman Julie Patterson has stunned her colleagues with a resignation announcement.

News – International

25. Exercise 'keeps the mind sharp' in over-50s, study finds
BBC News 25 April 2017
Doing moderate exercise several times a week is the best way to keep the mind sharp if you're over 50, research suggests. Thinking and memory skills were most improved when people exercised the heart and muscles on a regular basis, a review of 39 studies found.

26. When a cancer scientist becomes a cancer patient, Dr Chris Jolly's work was no longer academic
Sydney Morning Herald – May 1 2017
Christopher Jolly is fascinated with antibodies. Antibodies and cancer. To hear Dr Jolly talk about the role of antibody mutations, B cells, and mutagenic (cancer-causing) DNA repair, is to be immersed in a complex and alluring world of mysteries waiting to be unravelled.

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