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Issue 13 Library e-newsletter-13 April 2017

Articles – Reflective Practice

1. Understanding reflective practice
Wrigglesworth, Sue
Nursing Standard; London. (Oct 19, 2016): 72.
: The article provided practical advice to increase my knowledge and understanding of reflective practice. It challenged assumptions that nurses make about the purpose of reflective activity, and indicated that professional reflection should be purposeful, focused and questioning, to enable professional development.

2. A competency-based approach to nurses' continuing education for clinical reasoning and leadership through reflective practice in a care situation
Goudreau, Johanne; Pepin, Jacinthe; Larue, Caroline; Dubois, Sylvie; Descôteaux, Renée; et al.
Nurse Education in Practice; Kidlington (Nov 2015): 572-578.
: Newly graduated nurses need to demonstrate high levels of competencies when they enter the workplace. A competency-based approach to their education is recommended to ensure patients' needs are met. A continuing education intervention consistent with the competency-based approach to education was designed and implemented in eight care units in two teaching hospitals

3. Safeguarding vulnerable adults: learning from the reflective assignments of pre-registration students in the adult field of nursing practice
Stevens, Emma L.; Cook, Katie.
The Journal of Adult Protection; Brighton (2015): 31-40.
: The purpose of this paper was to identify safeguarding concerns for vulnerable adults, including exploring the implementation of safeguarding policy and procedures into practice. This was achieved by reviewing the content of reflective assignments written by pre-registration student nurses, identifying areas of concerns and proposing action plans.

4. Reflective practice in an acute setting
Markey, Liz; Farvis, Rachel.
Nursing Times: NT; London (Jun 11-Jun 17, 2014): 16-8.
: This initiative was undertaken to find a realistic and sustainable approach to reflective practice in an acute hospital ward. A questionnaire was distributed to staff on an oncology ward to discover their thoughts on finding an approach that could be used on a daily basis. The results were collated and a reflective tool was developed; a pilot study was carried out, which found the tool to be usable.

5. Shared decision making through reflective practice: Part 1
By Truglio-Londrigan, Marie.
MEDSURG Nursing. Jul/Aug2016, Vol. 25 Issue 4, p260-264. 5p.
: The article discusses the background and description of shared decision making, and its importance in patient-centered care. Topics covered include the expansion of share decision making beyond the healthcare provider and patient dyad, the competencies for shared decision making, and the use of reflective questioning to enable nurses adjust their practice as they engage patients in shared decision making.

6. Shared decision making through reflective practice: Part 11
By Truglio-Londrigan, Marie.
MEDSURG Nursing. Sep/Oct2016, Vol. 25 Issue 5, p341-350. 6p
: Positive health outcomes result when shared decision making occurs. The competencies of shared decision making are presented along with examples of how self-reflective questioning may assist the clinical nurse to achieve and integrate these competencies into practice.

Articles - Nursing Inquiry, March 2016

7. The practice of nursing research: getting ready for 'ethics' and the matter of character
By Sellman, Derek.
Nursing Inquiry. Mar 2016, Vol. 23 Issue 1, p24-31. 8p
: The article examines the possibility of a relationship between the level of perceived burdensomeness of the research ethics application process and the character of the nurse-researcher. Topics covered include how the self-regarding nurse-researcher could find the ethics application more difficult than the other-regarding nurse-researcher who is involved with nursing research as a practice as developed by the philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre.

8. Scandals in health-care: their impact on health policy and nursing
By Hutchison, Jacqueline S.
Nursing Inquiry. Mar 2016, Vol. 23 Issue 1, p32-41. 10p
The article presents an analysis of several famous health-care scandals in Great Britain and their impact on policy reform. Topics covered include the nature of the scandal, the public, and government discourses generated by events and the policy response to these scandals and how understanding the socially constructed nature of scandal allows nurses to develop a greater clinical awareness of policy contexts.

9. Working in a 'third space': a closer look at the hybridity, identity and agency of nurse practitioners 
By Chulach, Teresa; Gagnon, Marilou.
Nursing Inquiry. Mar 2016, Vol. 23 Issue 1, p52-63. 12p
: The article examines the concepts of hybridity, identity, and agency of nurse practitioners in Canada. Topics covered include the use of postcolonial theory to examine and challenge traditional ideologies and structures that have influenced the development, implementation, and integration of nurse practitioners (NPs) and the importance of a broader, power structure analysis in the healthcare system.

10. An analysis of England's nursng policy on compassion and the 6 Cs: the hidden presence of M.Simone Roach's model of caring 
By Bradshaw, Ann.
Nursing Inquiry. Mar 2016, Vol. 23 Issue 1, p78-85. 8p
: The article presents an analysis of British nursing policy on compassion and the covert influence of M. Simone Roach's 6Cs model of caring. Topics covered include the publication of a policy on compassion by chief nursing officers (CNO) in Great Britain in 2012 and the CNO's requirement converting virtues into commodities and a form of external control that is a form of dehumanization.

11. 'Risk or Right': a discourse analysis of midwifery and obstetric colleges' homebirth position statements 
By Licqurish, Sharon; Evans, Alicia.
Nursing Inquiry. Mar 2016, Vol. 23 Issue 1, p86-94. 9p
: The article presents a discourse analysis of the homebirth position statements of midwifery and obstetric colleges in Australia, the U.S., and Great Britain. Topics covered include the tensions between conflicting discourses of risk and autonomy and the lack of support for homebirth in obstetric colleges in the U.S. and Australia.

Articles –  Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal (ANMJ)

12. On the front line: The rewards of life as a military nurse
Fedele, Robert
Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal, Vol 24(9), Apr 2017
At any given time, military nurses could be working in field hospitals, supporting training exercises across Australia, or deployed overseas in war zones. Filled with adventure and unique challenges, Robert Fedele explores the highs and lows of life as a military nurse.

13. ANMF's aged care staffing and skill mix project
Bonner, Rob
Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal, Vol 24(9), Apr 2017
: The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) recently published the National Aged Care Staffing and Skills Mix Project Report 2016 - Meeting residents' care needs: A study of the requirement for nursing and personal care staff, it commissioned. Conducted over the past two years the results have been integral to building the foundation of the ANMF's national aged care campaign.

14. Indigenous nursing workforce to achieve equality in healthcare services
Piercey, Carol; Robinson, Melanie
Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal, Vol 24(9), Apr 2017
: Inequities and poor health outcomes of Aboriginal people in Western Australia are well documented. Indigenous Australians continue to experience poorer health and higher death rates than non-Indigenous Australians (AIHW 2008).

15. Using mapping tools to improve aboriginal patient journeys
Kelly, Janet
Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal, Vol 24(9), Apr 2017
: Nurses and midwives play a central role in ensuring effective healthcare for Aboriginal patients in urban, rural and remote locations. However, at times they feel underequipped to fully support Aboriginal patients and their families with the skills and knowledge and resources available (Dwyer et al 2014).

16. Incorporating the nursing and midwifery aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health curriculum framework into a BN program
Middleton, Rebekkah; Stephens, Moira; Mackay, Maria
Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal, Vol 24(9), Apr 2017
: Preparing nursing students for authentic person-centred practice demands an awareness and understanding of Australian culture and history and the impact of these things on the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Journal - Table of Contents

Canadian Nurse, March/April 2017

17A. Editor-in-chief: Resolving to be healthier
17B. President’s message: I can’t wait to meet you
17C. From the CEO: Expanding roles of NPs and CNSs
17D. Position statement: Clinical nurse specialist
17E. Position statement: The nurse practitioner
17F. Letters to the editor
17G. The conservative leadership hopefuls: Where they stand on health care
17H. New theme announced for #NNW 2017 and 2018
17I. The making of the MAID framework [Medical Assistance in Dying]
17J. Carty appointed to Order of Canada
17K. Perspectives/News: A gut feeling about  age-related macular degeneration; New tool on the horizon to tame food allergies; game-changing blood test for concussions; Re-establishing brain communication in early alzheimer’s disease; The key to a happy sex life
17L. April is Rosacea Awareness month
17M. The research file: Probability sampling
17N. Revisions in the Works for Canada’s Food Guide
17O. Food for thought [Food labelling]
17P. Legalizing and regulating cannabis: Designing a framework
17Q. Needle fear and insulin self-injection
17R. A home care palliative sedation simulation program
17S. Promoting health, one strategy at a time
17T. Nursing memes at odds with our values
17U. Larger investment needed in student nutrition


18. 18th Annual Medical Law Conference
Date: 30 - 31 Aug 2017
Venue: Wellington
More information:

19. 2017 Primary Care Symposium
Date: 15 November 2017
Venue: Te Papa, Wellington
More information:

News – National

20. The running struggles they don't tell you about
NZ Herald - Thursday Apr 13, 2017
Most endurance runners are well acquainted with the idea of a gradual ramp-up of speed and distance over several months. In other words, they know that going from the couch to running a marathon the next week is a recipe for disaster

21. These foods will wake you up just as much as your morning coffee
NZ Herald - Thursday Apr 13, 2017
It can be a struggle to get going in the mornings at least until you've had your first caffeine fix of the day that is. But one nutritionist says there is a way to fight fatigue and be energised for the day ahead without reaching automatically for coffee or a cup of tea.

News – International

22.  Health Minister Greg Hunt eyes organ donor subsidies ahead of federal budget
Sydney Morning Herald - April 9 2017
The Turnbull government has sought to allay fears it will cut taxpayer-subsidised sick leave for living organ donors from the federal budget

23. DHS staff escalate pay fight with two weeks' strike action
The Age – 12 April 2017
Public servants at Centrelink, Medicare and Child Support will up the stakes in their long-running fight with the Department of Human Services over pay and conditions, starting two weeks of rolling strikes on Thursday.

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