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Library e-newsletter Issue 24 - 14 July 2016

New Books

The following books have been purchased recently and are available for borrowing by current NZNO members. They will be couriered to you so please provide your current street address when requesting items.

1. WY 105 HUB
Leadership & Nursing Care Management

Diane L. Huber
Fifth edition, Published 2014

2. WY 29 CHA
Transitions in Nursing: Preparing for professional practice

Esther Chang & John Daly
4th edition, Published 2016

3. WY 88 STE
Patient & Person: Interpersonal skills in nursing

Jane Stein-Parbury
5th edition, Published 2014

4. K3750 GOS
Global Health Law

Lawrence O. Gostin
Published 2014

5. Promoting health in Aotearoa New Zealand
Edited by Louise Signal & Mihi Ratima
Published 2015

6. Mentoring and Supervision in Healthcare
Neil Gopee
3rd edition, Published 2015

Articles – Surgical smoke

7. Can efficient smoke evacuation limit aerosolization of bacteria?
Schultz, Leonard
AORN Journal, Jul 2015; 102(1): 7-14. 8p
: Preventing surgical site infections requires knowledge of the sources of wound contamination. One possible source of wound contamination is bacteria aerosolized in diathermy plume (ie, surgical smoke). This study used an experimental model o f porcine tissue embedded with Serratia marcescensto determine the extent of viable bacteria present in surgical plume.

8. An analysis of surgical smoke plume components, capture, and evacuation
Schultz, Leonard
AORN Journal, 2014; 99(2): 289-298. 10p
: Chronic exposure to surgical smoke can transmit viruses; lead to respiratory illness; and increase the risk of more serious conditions, including Alzheimer disease, collagen and cardiac diseases, and cancer. Despite this, surgical smoke plume capture and evacuation devices are often used sporadically or not at all, and do not necessarily reduce costs per procedure.

9. Surgical smoke
Sanderson, Cara
Journal of Perioperative Practice, Apr 2012; 22(4): 122-128. 7p
: Surgical smoke is produced when tissues are dissected or cauterised by iieat generating devices. Perioperative personnel and patients are routinely exposed to this smoke, and the use of smoke evacuation devices in operating theatres is not mandatory. This review will examine the most recent literature relating to surgical smoke in an attempt to discover guidelines for best practice and thereby provide recommendations for future practice.

Articles – Nursing in Critical Care [Journal]

10. Quality and patient safety: the bedrock for future critical care nursing.
Richardson, Annette
Nursing in Critical Care, Jul 2015; 20(4): 170-171. 2p
: Quality and safety are increasingly positioned together as the most important priorities in the provision of health care services worldwide, and this is no different within critical care. A more detailed review of the key components of quality care reveals patient safety as only one of the six characteristics of high quality care, the others being: effective, person-centred, timely, efficient and equitable (Institute of Medicine, 2001).

11. Quality and safety: reflection on the implications for critical care nursing education 
Baid, Heather; Hargreaves, Jessica.
Nursing in Critical Care, Jul 2015; 20(4): 174-182. 9p.
The purpose of this paper is to reflect upon how a post-registration, degree-level critical care nursing course provided by an English university facilitates nurses to deliver high quality, safe nursing care for critically ill patients and their families.

12. Interruptions and medication administration in critical care 
Bower, Rachel; Jackson, Christine; Manning, Joseph C
Nursing in Critical Care, Jul 2015; 20(4): 183-195. 13p
: Medication administration has inherent risks, with errors having enormous impact on the quality and efficiency of patient care, particularly in relation to experience, outcomes and safety. Nurses are pivotal to the medication administration process and therefore must demonstrate safe and reliable practice. However, interruptions can lead to mistakes and omissions.

13. Improving compliance with central venous catheter care bundles using electronic records  
Hermon, Andrew; Pain, Terina; Beckett, Penelope; Jerrett, Heather; Llewellyn, Nicola; Lawrence, Paul; Szakmany, Tamas
Nursing in Critical Care, Jul 2015; 20(4): 196-203. 8p
: Health care associated infections are a major contributor to avoidable harm experienced by patients in modern health care settings. Recent reports suggest that electronic checklists for the documentation of a central line bundle may significantly enhance documented process compliance and help to reduce catheter-related bloodstream infection rates.

Journal Table of Contents

The Outlet: New Zealand Stomal Therapy Nurses, July 2016

14A. Profiles: Your executive committee members
14B. NZNOSTS section: Chairperson’s report
14C. Co-editors report [Bronney Laurie and Jackie Hutchings]
14D. History of Bernadette Hart Award
14E. Application for Bernadette Hart Award
14F. The Liberty NZ Stomal Therapy ‘Publishing Excellence’ Award
14G. Best published article entry form
14H. Stomal Therapy conference details, programme, registration
14I. The Liberty NZ Stomal Therapy ‘Best Presenter’ Conference Award; ‘Best Presenter’ entry form
14J. Minutes of the Biennial General Meeting 2014
14K. Financial statements 2015-2016
14L. Nomination form – NZNO Stomal Therapy Executive Committee
14M. Dilating that stricture
14N. Adapting Stoma Management to meet a disability
14O. WCET report


15. College of Emergency Nurses New Zealand Conference
Balance - Caring for others, caring for ourselves

Date: 3-4th November 2016
Advanced Emergency Nurses Network (AENN) Day:  5th November 2016
Venue: Heritage Hotel Auckland
More information

16. New Beginnings: Stomal Therapy Conference
: October 27-28, 2016
Venue: Rydges Latimer, Christchurch
More information:

17. HiNZ is joining forces with Global Telehealth (GT 2016), Successes & Failures in Telehealth (SFT-16) and the NZ Nursing Informatics Conference (NZNIC-16) to bring you four concurrent conferences in one week
Date: Monday 31 October to Thursday 3 November 2016
Venue: SKYCITY Convention Centre, Auckland
More information:

News – National

18. A clean house is bad for your health
Scientists from Yale University say inviting "good bacteria", into your home can help to prevent allergies and possibly asthma. In a paper published in the journal Trends in
Microbiology, they make a case for building homes that let the right microbe in, rather than trying to keep all bugs out.

News International

19. Children's safety at risk after multiple government privacy breaches
The Age – 13 July 2016
The confidential information of at-risk children and the foster carers who look after them has been breached multiple times by the Victorian government agency responsible for their safety. In the most disturbing cases, parents jailed for violent crimes, convicted of serious offences including threats to kill, and questioned by police over child sex abuse have been given the home address of the children removed from their custody.

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