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Library e-newsletter Issue 23 - 8 July 2016

Articles – Nursing Management (RCN) July 2016

1. Mission impossible?
Nick Evans . Nursing Management (RCN), Vol. 23, Issue 4, 01 July 2016
: Has more ever been asked of nurses? Within the space of 24 hours in May, two documents called on them to lead change and take on extra responsibilities in front line care. Two recent reports seek to empower nurses to take on more responsibilities in light of staff shortages

2. The nursing associate role: have we been here before?
Marcia Levene Smikle.
Nursing Management (RCN), Vol. 23, Issue 4, 01 July 2016
: Workforce development needs closer regulation and a look back at historical precedents. What should the nursing workforce of the future look like? It is a question all nurse leaders should ask themselves.

3. Action on antibiotics
Susan Williams. Nursing Management (RCN), Vol. 23, Issue 4, 01 July 2016
: Nurses and other healthcare professionals are taking on the challenge of antimicrobial resistance. It is now acknowledged widely at international level that antimicrobial resistance requires urgent action – and not just in the healthcare sector and pharmaceutical industry, but within farming and among the wider public.

4. Treat students as potential employees
Constance McIntosh , Cynthia Thomas.
Nursing Management (RCN), Vol. 23, Issue 4, 01 July 2016
: Create a friendly and caring culture to retain staff, say Constance McIntosh and Cynthia Thomas. In today’s complex, chaotic, and rapidly changing healthcare environment, a newly registered nurse will face many obstacles on the journey into a professional role.

5. Reducing waste in the NHS: an overview of the literature and challenges for the nursing profession
Virginia Minogue. Nursing Management (RCN), Vol. 23, Issue 4, 01 July 2016
: This article examines the literature on reducing waste, analyses some approaches to waste reduction, and identifies the role that nurses and other health professionals can play in developing a sustainable NHS. For the purposes of the article, and to inform nursing practice, the definition of, and discussion about, waste is broader than that outlined by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) controlled waste regulations, and the Royal College of Nursing classification.

6. Improving the quality of the NHS workforce through values and competency-based selection
Clare McGuire , Jean Rankin , Lynsay Matthews , Marie Cerinus.  
Nursing Management (RCN), Vol. 23, Issue 4, 01 July 2016
: This article reports on a study that explored interviewers’ and interviewees’ experiences of using values and competency-based interview (VCBI) methods for NMAHPs. Results suggest that this resource could have a positive effect on the quality of the NMAHP workforce, and therefore on patient care

7. Evaluation of the safety and efficacy of same-day discharge following outpatient surgery in a US hospital
Nursing Management (RCN), Vol. 23, Issue 4, 01 July 2016
: This article describes a service development project which evaluated patients’ perceived preparedness for same-day discharge. Results suggest that a standardised approach to managing potential complicating factors, such as pain and patients’ expectations, can increase the number of successful same-day discharges.

Articles – Health Literacy

8. Health literacy: How nurses can make a difference
Johnson, Anne.
Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, Vol. 33 Issue 2 (Dec 2015 - Feb 2016)
: Health professionals, specifically nurses, are important providers of health information to health consumers. They influence the health literacy demands placed on health consumers through the way they organise, present and communicate information (Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, 2014).

9. Improving the health of communities by increasing critical health literacy
Wise, Marilyn;   Nutbeam, Don
Health Voices, No. 17, Dec 2015: 23-24
: The role of critical health literacy in improving the health of communities is challenging even within the health sector, which has yet to find the best way to engage and empower the most disadvantaged communities in actions to promote health, and is only recently finding ways to work effectively with other sectors so that the impact of their decisions on health is positive.

10. Patient and carer information: Can they read and understand it?: An example from palliative care
Rawlings, Deb;   Tieman, Jennifer
Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal, Vol. 23, No. 5, Nov 2015: 26-29
: Literacy is considered to be the ability to read and write, with health literacy defined as having the knowledge and skills required to understand and use health information to make informed decisions (Cloonan et al. 2013.

11. Disease state management: Communicating the harmful effects of medication
Gowan, Jenny;   Roller, Louis
AJP: The Australian Journal of Pharmacy, Vol. 96, No. 1136, Jan/Feb 2015: 64-69, 71
: Concerns about how much and what information to give a person depends on the assessment of the needs of the person and their ability to assess information, but also the need to prevent harm.

12. Health literacy screening instruments in adults with cardiovascular disease and their importance to the nursing profession
Chan, Alex
Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, Vol. 32, No. 2, Dec 2014 - Feb 2015: 14-23
: healthcare professions, including nurses, may overestimate the health literacy skills of adults, and result in ineffective communication and misunderstanding. Adults with inadequate health literacy skills are often less compliant with their prescribed preventive treatments.

Journal Table of Contents

TQN: the Queensland Nurse, Vol. 35, No. 2 – April 2016

13A. Taking the lead has its own rewards [Motivations of nurses and midwives who aspire to be nurse/midwife leaders]
13B. Editorial: Watching our nursing and midwifery leaders in action; Legislation that will set staffing ratios in Queensland Health facilities]
13C. Tea room: New entrants to nursing and their FAQs
13D. 68 ways to improve Queensland’s industrial relations laws
13E. Baby Asha unites community against refugee policy
13F. Strength to strength across Logan and Ipswich [Meeting the needs of children  aged 0 to 8 years]
13G. New QNU training course targets professional culpability; Union training schedule of courses
13H. Pay parity for State School RNs
13I. Are you ready for QNU annual conference?; Ratios on the agenda at MODs
13J. Re-emergence of black lung disease [Coal workers’ pneumoconiosis CWP]
13K. Aged care senate inquiry: The need to prioritise resident care over profits
13L. Election issue 4: Quality of care [Healthy budgets are essential for safe quality care]
13M. Patients as partners: You can make it happen!
13N. Good delegation favours guidelines over guesswork
13O. More leadership, less paperwork [Its time to refocus the NUM/MUM role]
13P. Rocky midwives take a stand on unsafe workloads
13Q. Taskforce looks to end violence and aggression against nurses
13R. Campaign to ban asbestos worldwide


14. HiNZ is joining forces with Global Telehealth (GT 2016), Successes & Failures in Telehealth (SFT-16) and the NZ Nursing Informatics Conference (NZNIC-16) to bring you four concurrent conferences in one week
Date: Monday 31 October to Thursday 3 November 2016
Venue: SKYCITY Convention Centre, Auckland
More information:

News – National

15. Revealed: Bacteria kills in a day, and it only takes a sniff
NZ Herald - 

News International

16. Dr Stefania Siedlecky, a champion of women's health
The Age - July 6, 2016
Stefania Siedlecky 1921 – 2016. Stefania Siedlecky was a doctor, a teacher and a feminist. She was the first adviser in women's health for the Whitlam government, led responses to the emerging issue of female genital mutilation and was awarded the AM for her services to women's health.

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