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Issue 11 - 5 April 2016

Articles – Rostering

1. The nurse rostering problem: from operational research to organizational reality?
Drake, Robert G.
Journal of Advanced Nursing, Apr 2014; 70(4): 800-810. 11p
: To examine the practical applicability of the 'hard' and 'soft' constraints associated with the 'nurse rostering problem' as defined in operations management research literature and thereby investigate the objectivity of the rostering process. Background In practice, rostering nursing staff is often unrecognized, unrewarded and undervalued; yet, despite four decades of research, operations management has little to offer in terms of faster, safer, fairer or more effective rosters.

2. Roster planning made easy
By Wray, Sarah
Nursing Standard, 3/20/2013; 27(29): 62-63. 2p
: Sarah Wray looks at how electronic systems are helping nurses save time and money.

3. Staffing, skill mix and the model of care
By Duffield C; Roche M; Diers D; Catling-Paull C; Blay N
Journal of Clinical Nursing, Aug 2010; 19(15/16): 2242-2251. 10p
: The study aimed to explore whether nurse staffing, experience and skill mix influenced the model of nursing care in medical-surgical wards. Background. Methods of allocating nurses to patients are typically divided into four types: primary nursing, patient allocation, task assignment and team nursing. Research findings are varied in regard to the relationship between these models of care and outcomes such as satisfaction and quality. Skill mix has been associated with various models, with implications for collegial support, teamwork and patient outcomes.

Articles – Patient Dignity

4. Nursing students' perceptions of patient dignity
By Papastavrou, Evridiki; Efstathiou, Georgios; Andreou, Christos
Nursing Ethics, Feb 2016; 23(1): 92-103. 12p.
: Respecting patients’ dignity has been described as a fundamental part of nursing care. Many studies have focused on exploring the concept of patients’ dignity from the patient and nurse perspective, but knowledge is limited regarding students’ nursing perceptions and experiences. Objective: To explore the issue of patients’ dignity from the perspective of nursing students

5. The significance of small things for dignity in psychiatric care
By Skorpen, Frode; Rehnsfeldt, Arne; Thorsen, Arlene Arstad
Nursing Ethics, Nov 2015; 22(7): 754-764. 11p.
: This study is based on the ontological assumption about human interdependence, and also on earlier research, which has shown that patients in psychiatric hospitals and their relatives experience suffering and indignity.
Aim: The aim of this study is to explore the experience of patients and relatives regarding respect for dignity following admission to a psychiatric unit.

6. Dignity and patient-centred care for people with palliative care needs in the acute hospital setting: A systematic review
Pringle, Jan; Johnston, Bridget & Buchanan, Deans
Palliative Medicine, Sep 2015; 29(8): 675-694. 20p

Abstract: A core concept behind patient-centred approaches is the need to treat people with, and preserve, dignity in care settings.People receiving palliative care are one group who may have particularly sensitive needs in terms of their condition, symptoms and life expectancy. Dignity is more likely to be violated in hospital settings.
Aim: To examine international evidence relating to dignity and person-centred care for people with palliative care needs in the acute hospital setting.

Articles  - Organ Donation

7. Improving family support throughout the organ and tissue donation process
By Mehakovic, Eva & Bell, Amanda
Grief Matters: The Australian Journal of Grief and Bereavement
Volume 18 Issue 1 (Autumn 2015)
: The Australian Government has invested in a national reform programme to improve access to life-transforming transplants for Australians through a sustained increase in organ and tissue donation, by implementing a nationally coordinated approach to improving the donation process and systems

8. What role does organ donation play in grief?
By Murphy, Diane
Grief Matters: The Australian Journal of Grief and Bereavement
Volume 18 Issue 1 (Autumn 2015)
: Donor families come from all walks of life, and from many causes of death, yet share particular experiences surrounding the death of their loved one that identifies them as a unique group. Much of the existing literature on donor families has examined satisfaction with the "process" of donation. Attention to the effect the donation process has on grief has been lacking. This paper qualitatively explores donor families' shared experiences, along with the reported effect of donation on their grief journey in terms of meaning-making.

9. What matters and what doesn't: Organ, eye and tissue donor families, grief support and recipient communication
By Post, Michelle A
Grief Matters: The Australian Journal of Grief and Bereavement
Volume 18 Issue 1 (Autumn 2015)
: Donor families have unique bereavement experiences due to the potential for secondary losses that occur following donation (Corr, Coolican, Moretti, and Simon, 2011). While Hogan (2015) reported the experience of saying "yes" to donation does not seem to negatively impact the bereavement experience, donor families and guidance documents from various national organisations in the United States (US) have reported that donor families need to have support from professionals trained in donor family bereavement, and donor families should have an opportunity to communicate with recipients

Selected articles – Health Voices [Journal]

10. Improving the health of communities by increasing critical health literacy
By Wise, Marilyn & Nutbeam, Don
Health Voices, Issue 17 (Dec 2015)
: In the early 21st century, Australians, at birth, can expect to be among the longest-lived people in the world. For a century or more, our health and life expectancy has been improving

11. Prevention in general practice - getting the balance right
By Litt, John
Health Voices, Issue 17 (Dec 2015)
: As a GP I find that your agenda as a doctor may not always match your patient's agenda, and this can have important health implications. Similarly it can be a challenge to balance preventive activities with the need to deal with the patient's main problem/concern

12. Evidence plus people-power: A winning combination for prevention
By Tang, Anita
Health Voices, Issue 17 (Dec 2015)
: Governments can be reluctant to adopt policies to prevent cancer, even when there is clear evidence for action. Reasons for this include lobbying by industries profiting from products such as tobacco, alcohol, junk food, and the absence of an active constituency for prevention.

Journal Table of Contents

Primary Health Care: The RCN Community Health Nursing Journal, March 2016

13A. Editorial: Nurses’ role in public health
13B. News: More nurses enter NMC revalidation process as April launch nears; Too much pressure on designated nurses for safeguarding children
13C. News: RCN calls for more nurse input into public health; Advice on Zika Virus
13D. Analysis: Are we nearing a turning point in children’s asthma services?
13E. Dementia service offers continuity of care
13F. Research news: Cardiovascular mortality; Tackling depression; Food hypersensitivity; Palliative care
13G. Research focus: management of COPD
13H. Young people: Assessing sexual health risk for young black and minority ethnic people
13I.  Mens health: Stratified follow-up care for people with prostate cancer
13J. Ageing populations: Long-term conditions in older adults using primary care services
13K. Personalised care for patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes
13L. Self-assessment questionnaire: Type 2 diabetes


14. Le Va third national conference - GPS 2016
Date: 20-22 April, 2016
Venue: Vodafone Events Centre, Manukau City 
More information:

15. The Power of Longitudinal Data - from Research to Policy
Growing Up in New Zealand (GUINZ) longitudinal study
: 17 May 2016
Venue: Te Papa | Wellington

16. Autism New Zealand 2016 Conference
Empowering People Living with Autism
: 19–20 August 2016
Venue: Shed 6, Wellington

17. Māori Public Health Symposium 2016
The end of post-colonialism and the future of Māori public health
: Monday 2 May 2016, 9am-4pm
Venue: Te Huinga Centre, Te Papa, Wellington

18. The JBI 20th Anniversary Celebration
: 9th - 11th November, 2016
Venue: National Wine Centre of Australia
Corner of Botanic & Hackney Roads
Adelaide, South Australia
More information:

News – National

19. The biggest myths about contraception
By Dr Brad McKay
9:34 AM Monday Apr 4, 2016

News – International

20. Mandatory complaints about ACT health professionals nearly double
The Age - April 4, 2016

Mandatory complaints about health professionals in the ACT nearly doubled in the year 2014-15, while seven had their registrations suspended for misconduct. Doctors and nurses were equally responsible for 80 per cent of the 20 mandatory complaints received by Australia's health industry watchdog, with pharmacists copping the rest. This figure was up from 11 the year before, Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency data shows

21. Private health wants a role in chronic disease overhaul
The Age - March 31, 2016

Private health sector operators including insurers and pharmacists are pushing for bigger roles in patient care after the federal government unveiled plans to shake up care for Australians with chronic disease such as diabetes and arthritis. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Health Minister Sussan Ley on Thursday said the chronically ill will choose a single general practitioner under a new system of Health Care Homes. Those GPs will be paid to provide a care package, getting away from the episodic fee-for-service model that has been highlighted as an incentive to overservice.

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