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Issue 45 - 11 December 2015

Pic of the day  ** Happy New Year **

11 January 2016 - The NZNO Library has reopened 

Articles  - Handovers

1. Impact of a modified nursing handover model for improving nursing care and documentation in the emergency department: A pre- and post-implementation study
By Debra Kerr, Sharon Klim, Anne-Maree Kelly & Terence McCann
International Journal of Nursing Practice.
Article first published online: 29 OCT 2014 DOI: 10.1111/ijn.12365
: The aim of this study was to evaluate whether implementation of a new nursing handover model led to improved completion of nursing care activities and documentation. A pre- and post-implementation study, using a survey and document audit, was conducted in a hospital ED in Melbourne.

2. Examination of current handover practice: Evidence to support changing the ritual
By Debra Kerr, Sai Lu, Louise McKinlay and Christine Fuller
International Journal of Nursing Practice, Vol 17, Issue 4, August 2011,
Pages: 342–350.
: Examining systems of nursing handover provides the opportunity to identify areas in need of improvement and modification. The aim of this study was to describe nursing handover practices for one organization and explore clinical nurses' opinions regarding the quality of the current shift-to-shift handover style. One hundred and fifty-three registered nurses employed in 23 wards in an acute tertiary hospital in Australia completed a survey.

3. Bedside nursing handover: Patients' opinions
By Sai Lu, Debra Kerr and Louise McKinlay
International Journal of Nursing Practice. Vol. 20, Issue 5, October 2014,
Pages: 451–459
: Within the context of contemporary nursing practice, bedside handover has been advocated as a potentially more suitable mode for achieving patient-centred care. Given that patients can play an important role in the process, better understanding of patients' perspectives of bedside handover could be a critical determinate for successful implementation of the practice. Using a phenomenological approach, this study attempted to explore patients' perceptions of bedside nursing handover

4. Towards patient-centred care: Perspectives of nurses and midwives regarding shift-to-shift bedside handover
By Debra Kerr, Sai Lu and Louise McKinlay
International Journal of Nursing Practice, Vol. 20, Issue 3, June 2014,
Pages: 250–257
: The aim of this descriptive qualitative study was to explore perspectives of nurses and midwives towards the introduction of shift-to-shift bedside handover. Semistructured interviews with nurses (n = 20) and midwives (n = 10) occurred 12 months after the introduction of bedside handover. Two main themes were identified: enhanced individual patient care and documentation, along with improved patient–clinician partnerships; and protection of confidentiality and privacy

Articles – Vitamin D

5. A do-it-yourself drive to spread the D word
By Elaine Cole
Nursing Standard. 29, 46, 18-19
: A community nursing team in Surrey led by Pauline Bigwood was recognised in the 2015 Nursing Standard Nurse Awards for an innovative campaign to increase vitamin D awareness among parents and clinicians. The aim of the campaign is to improve child health by implementing Department of Health recommendations for vitamin D supplementation.

6. Significant link between vitamin D deficiency and airflow limitation in COPD
Nursing Standard. 29, 36, 14-15.
Published in print: 06 May 2015
; A significant relationship between vitamin D deficiency and airflow limitation exists in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), suggests a study of patients in South Korea

7. Vitamin D and breastfeeding: An update
McGuire, Elizabeth
Breastfeeding Review, Vol. 23 Issue 2 (Jul 2015)
: Over the past two decades or so, vitamin D has become a matter of renewed interest to nutritionists and researchers around the world. The observation of a number of cases of rickets in developed countries was one element in this upsurge of interest. Another was the discovery of vitamin D receptors in numerous tissues throughout the human body, which suggests that vitamin D might be involved in many body systems, in addition to its accepted role in bone metabolism

8. Vitamin D: A hot topic with many uncertainties
Lucas, Robyn
Medicus , Vol 54 Issue 11 (Dec 2014)
: There is substantial and legitimate scientific debate on the health benefits and harms of vitamin D - and General Practitioners (GPs) in Western Australia are in a position to help answer some of the important vitamin D questions.

Selected articles: –
 Registered Nurse Journal [Registered Nurses Association Ontario]

9. #GoingSocial: The rising popularity of social media is changing the way nurses communicate, network and learn.
Registered Nurse Journal, Vol 27, No. 5,  September/October 2015. P12-15.
: Sarah Dinsdale grew up hearing both her maternal and fraternal grandmothers tell stories about life in nursing residences in the 1960s. The two seasoned RNs told her about spending their early careers living in dormitories attached to hospitals, and about climbing down a gutter to sneak out for the weekend. But mostly, they told her about time spent in the dorm with other young nurses, socializing and learning from one another

10. Members have competitive advantage.
By Daniel Punch
Registered Nurse Journal, Vol 27, No. 5,  September/October 2015. P16-18
: As RNAO’s influence and impact snowballs, membership in the association is recognized as a must-have for employers.

11. RNs on campus
By Victoria Alarcon
Registered Nurse Journal, Vol 27, No. 5,  September/October 2015. P20-21
RNAO’s newest interest group dedicates itself to campus health nurses and the students they serve.

12. Policy at work: Why health matters; making retirement homes safer; The link between health and clean water
Registered Nurse Journal, Vol 27, No. 5,  September/October 2015. P24
: In the run-up to the federal election, RNAO asked members what they’d be voting for, and the answers were as diverse as the membership itself.

Journal Table of Contents

From Primary Health Care, Vol. 25, No. 9, November 2015

13A. Editorial: Right kind of care takes time
13B. New era for nurses as council gives go-ahead for revalidation model; Community nurse pioneers use of injectable cannula; national standards on immunisation training released
13C. Senior staff cuts are making services unsafe, says RCN; Stroke game illustrates stages of the treatment pathway; The Smoking in Pregnancy Challenge
13D. Programme launched to speed up anorexia recovery times
13E. England’s chief nurse looks to the future [Jane Cummings]
13F. Community skincare: whose responsibility? [Sharon Neill asks where acre for people with pressure ulcers fits into the wider responsibilities of teams]
On the web
13G.  Travel health advice; Giving up smoking; Benefits of exercise
13H. Research news: Appropriate antibiotic prescribing


14. Public Health Leadership Programme 2016
The Public Health Leadership Programme (PHLP) is designed for people working in public health.
Applications close at 5pm Wednesday 3 February 2016.
Programme 1 (Wellington):
21-22 June, 16-17 August, 11-12 October 2016
Programme 2 (Auckland):
28-29 June, 23-24 August, 18-19 October 2016
More information:

15. Autism New Zealand 2016 Conference
Empowering People Living with Autism
Date: Friday 19 and Saturday 20 August 2016
Venue: Shed 6, Wellington
More information:

News – Nursing Council of New Zealand

16. Decision on nurse practitioner scope of practice and further consultation 2015
Nursing Council of New Zealand - 04 November 2015
Following extensive consultation the Nursing Council has confirmed it will make changes to the nurse practitioner scope of practice and education programmes that prepare nurse practitioners to meet future health needs of New Zealanders.  These changes will not come into effect until the Council has completed a further consultation on new education programme standards and competencies for nurse practitioners.

News - National

17. The Draft NZ Health Strategy: Will it enable New Zealanders to “live well, stay well and get well”?
Prof Nick Wilson, Prof Richard Edwards, Prof Tony Blakely - December 1, 2015
The new draft NZ Health Strategy is strong on strengthening the health care system and has some strong population health aspects, at least rhetorically. It includes phrases like a system moving “from treatment to prevention”. But how does it fare when considering the science around burden of disease and interventions to address the 10 top risk factors for health loss in NZ?
Read more:

18. Emett has a blunt message to cover up
NZ Herald - Sunday Dec 6, 2015
Chef Josh Emett is on a mission to make sure Kiwis cover up this summer. Emett's father, Roger, died from melanoma four years ago. Now Emett has teamed with Melanoma New Zealand as an ambassador to help spread the word about how to prevent the aggressive cancer. He is throwing his support behind a joint campaign with Blunt umbrellas to help shield Kiwis from the sun.

News – International

19. Suncorp eyes private health insurance market
The Age - December 10, 2015 - 4:54PM
Suncorp Group is recruiting health insurance experts and contemplating setting up its own private health arm as the $17 billion insurer hunts for new growth avenues. As first revealed by AFR Street Talk, Suncorp Group is eyeing the private health sector with sources suggesting the bancassurer is looking at creating its own in-house capabilities. Ernst & Young is believed to be helping the company

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