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Issue 11 - 30 March 2015

Latest books

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1. WY 105 BON
Skills of clinical supervision for nurses : a practical guide for supervisees, supervisors, and managers

By Bond, M. & Holland, S. Published 2010
This book offers ways of understanding the context of clinical supervision in nursing and pinpoints organizational and personal pitfalls that can sabotage its effectiveness.

2. WM 40 THO
Sarah Vaughan is not my mother : a memoir of madness

By Thomson, MaryJan. Published 2013
n the tradition of The Bell Jar and Girl, Interrupted comes a stunning autobiographical account from a 29-year-old New Zealander. A creative, intelligent young woman with a loving family, in her first year of university MaryJane starts to experience nightmarish delusions and hallucinations. Her journey into madness has begun. She drops out, turns to drugs, and spends eight years in and out of psych wards, police cells, drug hangouts and on the streets. In this book she vividly describes what it is like to live with voices in your head, to lose your freedom, and to despair of ever being well again

3. WT 104 SEG
Out of time : the pleasures and perils of ageing

By Segal, Lynne. Published 2014
Lynee Segal examines her life and surveys the work and experience of other writers and artists to explore the pleasures and perils of growing old. This book explores the trials and vicissitudes of ageing.

4. BF 505 LOC
New developments in goal setting and task performance

By Locke, Edwin A. & Latham, Gary P. Published 2013
This book concentrates on the last ten years of research in the area of goal setting and performance at work. The editors and contributors believe goals affect action and they look at the recent theories and implications in this area

5. WM 55 MIL
Motivational interviewing : preparing people for change

By Miller, William R. & Rollnick, Stephen. Published 2013
This book has been updated to include the new four-process model of motivational interviewing (engaging, focusing, evolving, planning).

6. W26.5 SEN
Mastering informatics: A healthcare handbook for success

By Sengstack, Patricia & Boicey, Charles. Published 2015
Informatics: The use of technology and data to improve patient care. The more formalised role fo informatics that we see today emerged with the implementation of the electronic health record (EHR).

Selected Articles – Nursing Management (RCN), 2 March 2015

7. Report states that NHS reforms have led to fractured leadership
Nursing Management (RCN), Volume 21, Issue 10, 02 March 2015

King’s Fund review criticises coalition government for complex, ineffective reorganisation, writes Nick Triggle

8 Service providers say plans to cut tariff will jeopardise ‘safe care’
Nursing Management (RCN), Volume 21, Issue 10, 02 March 2015

Opponents cite growing financial pressures on hospitals as the reason for rejecting proposals. Nick Triggle reports

9. Time to move on
By Leslie Neal-Boylan. Nursing Management (RCN), Volume 21, Issue 10,
02 March 2015

Like history, nursing repeats itself. Many of the issues and concerns with which we struggle today have been with us in some form or another for more than 100 years

10. International outlook - Why not learn some lessons from the past?
By Susan Williams. Nursing Management (RCN), Volume 21, Issue 10,
02 March 2015

There has been huge growth in active international recruitment of nurses to the UK in recent years driven by nursing shortages… It is now apparent that the continuing need to maintain or increase nurse staffing levels has created a situation where international recruitment is routine to many health care employers’ recruitment and retention strategies.’ This comment comes from a report commissioned by the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) more than a decade ago (Buchan 2003), but it could have been written today.

Articles - Hearing Loss

11. Hearing Care for Elders: A Personal Reflection on Participatory Action Learning With Primary Care Providers
By Jenstad, Lorienne M.; Donnelly, Martha.
American Journal of Audiology. Mar 2015, Vol. 24 Issue 1, p23-30. 8p

This report is a reflective critical narrative of the authors’ experience with an interdisciplinary collaboration of primary care providers (PCPs) and hearing health care providers (HHCPs) that followed the principles of participatory action research/learning. The goal for this report is to describe the 1st author’s observed barriers to PCPs’ willingness to learn about hearing health care and the subsequent facilitators to learning.

12. Music in the Operating Room: Is It a Safety Hazard?
By Shambo, Lyda; Umadhay, Tony; Pedoto, Alessia.
AANA Journal. Feb 2015, Vol. 83 Issue 1, p43-48. 6p

Noise is a health hazard and a source of stress, and it impairs concentration and communication. Since 1960, hospital noise levels have risen around the world. Nowhere in the healthcare setting is noise more prevalent than in the operating room (OR). The genetic makeup of humans does not evolve at the rate of technology. Noise exposure, sensory overload, and the capacity to adapt without physical and psychological consequences are absent from the human condition. The World Health Organization has recognized environmental noise as harmful pollution that causes adverse effects on health. Although noise in the OR is unavoidable, music is a choice.

13. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings in Children With Tinnitus
By Levi, Eric; Bekhit, Elhamy K.; Berkowitz, Robert G.
Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology. Feb 2015, Vol. 124 Issue 2,
p126-131. 6p

Abstract:: The article focuses on the study related to the use of magnetic resonance imaging in children with tinnitus. It states that tinnitus is an experience of noise including buzzing, ringing, or whistling, in the absence of external auditory stimuli. It states that age, sex and hearing loss are the factors related to tinnitus.

14. Accuracy of School Screenings in the Identification of Minimal Sensorineural Hearing Loss
By Dodd-Murphy, Jeanne; Murphy, Walter; Bess, Fred H.
American Journal of Audiology. Dec 2014, Vol. 23, p365-373. 9p

The goal of this study was to investigate how the use of a 25 dB HL referral criterion in school screenings affects the identification of hearing loss categorized as minimal sensorineural hearing loss (MSHL). Method: A retrospective study applied screening levels of 20 and 25 dB HL at 1000, 2000, and 4000 Hz in each ear to previously obtained pure-tone thresholds for 1,475 school-age children. In a separate prospective study, 1,704 children were screened at school under typical conditions, and a subsample had complete audiological evaluations.

15. How to address the communication needs of older patients with hearing loss
By Holmes, Emma.
Nursing Older People. Jul 2014, Vol. 26 Issue 6, p27-30. 4p

Hearing loss is a common problem in older people and may have a negative effect on their care while in hospital, as well as resulting in significant cost to the NHS. This article outlines the findings of a two-year project in an NHS trust to improve the care of older people with hearing loss. An important outcome of the project was the development of a hearing loss toolkit containing good practice recommendations and tools to help staff in all NHS trusts, and other care settings, implement practical and cost-effective improvements

Articles – Mental Health Nursing

16. Teaching from lived experience: a way to make mental health nursing more popular?
By Happell, Brenda; Byrne, Louise. Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal. Mar 2015, Vol. 22 Issue 8, p32-33. 2p
The article presents the author's views on mental health nursing and challenge of attracting graduate nurses into mental health nursing. She states that mental health nursing is less popular than other specialty and discusses a study in which students from the lived experience unit showed a reduction in negative attitudes and stereotypes about mental illness. 

17. Aged mental health - innovation in developing a specialist workforce
By Wilson, Lina. Australian
Nursing & Midwifery Journal. Feb 2015, Vol. 22 Issue 7, p45-45. 1p

The article focuses on the Transition to Mental Health Nursing curriculum offered for registered nurses who have not graduate on mental health nursing developed in collaboration with RMIT University in Victoria, Australia in response to increase the nursing workforce specializing on aged mental health care. Topics discussed include its significance on improving quality care in the facilities, the duration of the program which entails to 12 month period and the outcome of the program.

18. Specialising in mental health care
By Smart, David. Pulse. Nov 2014, p132-133. 2p

The author shares his techniques he preserves his own mental health with patients during his general practice as physicians or general practitioner (GP) in Great Britain. He spends time preparing materials for a tutorial on antidepressants with GP registrars and plans to discuss British Association for Pharmacology guidelines with the students. The author promotes wellbeing through exercise and adult education in the country. 

19. Taking mental health into the community
By Třešňák, Petr. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. Oct 2014, Vol. 92 Issue 10, p702-703. 2p

Abstract: The article discusses the Czech Republic’s plan to pilot community-based mental health services. Topics include the case of a Czech woman who was diagnosed with biploar disorder, the quality of care she received at the Bohnice Psychiatric Hospital in Prague, and the World Health Organization's (WHO's) QualityRights campaign, which supports mental health reform. Comments from director of Bohnice, Martin Holly, and Ivan Duškov at the Czech Republic's Ministry of Health are presented.

Journal – Table of Contents
20. From Journal of Clinical Nursing. Mar 2014

20A  Editorial: Surviving critical illness: Intensive care and beyond
20B. Intensive care survivors' experiences of ward-based care: Meleis' theory of nursing transitions and role development among critical care outreach services
20C. When the body is past fixing: caring for bodies, caring for people
20D. Life after critical illness: an overview
20E. Intensive care delirium - effect on memories and health-related quality of life - a follow-up study
20F. Graduating nursing students' basic competence in intensive and critical care nursing
20G. Nutritional rehabilitation after ICU - does it happen: a qualitative interview and observational study
20H. How do intensive care nurses perceive families in intensive care? Insights from the United Kingdom and Australia
20I. Understanding the distributed cognitive processes of intensive care patient discharge
20J. Difficult to wean patients: cultural factors and their impact on weaning decision-making
20K. 'Targeting' sedation: the lived experience of the intensive care nurse


21. 2nd International Congress of Nursing in Multiple Sclerosis “Better Practice, More Quality of Life”
Date: 25-26 September, 2015
Location: Coimbra, Portugal.
More information:

22. Introducing the Ottawa Charter: A framework for effective health promotion
Date:              Thursday 30th April 2015
Time:               9.30am – 3.30pm
Location:        Parnell Community Centre, Jubilee Building,
                        Pukekawa/Bledisloe Room
                        545 Parnell Road, Parnell.
To Register:   Please complete the online registration form by clicking

23. NZ Health and Wellbeing qualification - 2015
Carers NZ is working in partnership with Careerforce to help carers achieve a New Zealand recognised qualifications at no financial cost. There are 10 places available. 
Carers will complete a programme of study leading to the NZ Certificate in Health and Wellbeing Level 2 or 3 depending on skills and experience.
To register your interest, phone 0800 777 797

24. Public Health Association of New Zealand Annual Conference
"Healthy people, healthy nation: Public health is everybody's business"
Date: 7-9 September 2015
Venue: Dunedin
More information:

25. The Dying Room Symposium
Date: 16 May 2015
Venue: James Cook Hotel Grand Chancellor, Wellington
More information:

News – National

26. More young people losing hearing through loud music
Stuff - March 24 2015
Audiologists are appealing to people to be more aware of the risks of listening to loud music continuously as part of the National Foundation for the Deaf's Hearing week campaign. Audiology South senior audiologist Simon Melville said clinicians were seeing more young people with hearing loss caused by loud music. With teenagers and young adults being exposed to loud noises and music more directly through headphones, Melville was worried about the effect on younger children

27. Funds squeeze hurts cancer patients
Waikato Times - March 22 2015
A funding squeeze means breast cancer victims are "suffering needlessly", denied access to vital drugs and treatments. Experts and patients met with Health Minister Jonathan Coleman this week to lobby for new medicines available overseas, but not in New Zealand. The mortality rate for breast cases is 40 per cent higher than in Australia.

News – international

28. New global fund to help countries defend tobacco control
BBC News - 18 March 2015
The $4m (£2.7m) fund is a joint effort by Bloomberg Philanthropies and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. They say tobacco control gains are being put at risk by the industry's use of trade agreements and litigation

29. Older people concerned about keeping up with technology, one in five young people the same
Sydney Morning Herald - March 24, 2015
Many of us are familiar with the chill of horror that slips down our spine when a younger, cooler person casually mentions a technological phenomenon we know nothing about. And there are people who still think the sole use for a Tumblr is gin and tonic, and tweeting is best left to birds.  But it is not only older people who worry about keeping up with mercurial trends – one in five young Australians under 35 says they will be left behind by technological advances in the future

30. David Cameron's plans for obese benefit claimants questionable, says the Lancet
The Guardian – 19 March 2015
Weight-loss programmes often fail and forcing claimants to undergo surgery is unethical – better to work on health of whole population, says journal’s editorial
David Cameron’s proposal to make weight-loss programmes compulsory for anybody who is obese and claiming benefits is “financially and ethically questionable”, according to medical experts. The prime minister said last month that people who cannot work because they are overweight or suffering addiction problems could be compelled to go for treatment if they wanted to receive benefits

31. Invisible threat to maternal and child health
By Edward McCabe and Norman Edelman
CNN - March 16, 2015
CNN)It's hardly news to state that air pollution is bad for people's health. What might be more surprising to learn, though, is that air pollution is bad for the health of an unborn child, long before his or her lungs ever take their first breath. A growing body of research indicates that various forms of air pollution have a measurable impact on the health of babies, both in utero and after birth

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