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Issue 34 - 10 October 2014

Ebola – How does it spread among people?

People can become infected with the Ebola virus if they come into contact with the blood, body fluids or organs of an infected person. Most people are infected by giving care to other infected people, either by directly touching the victim's body or by cleaning up body fluids (stools, urine or vomit) that carry infectious blood
More information:

Articles – Intentional Rounding

1. Intentional rounding: a review of the literature
By Forde-Johnston, Carol
Nursing Standard. 4/9/2014, Vol. 28 Issue 32, p37-42. 6p
Intentional rounding is a structured approach whereby nurses conduct checks on patients at set times to assess and manage their fundamental care needs. Concerns about poor standards of basic nursing care have refocused attention on the need to ensure fundamental aspects of care are delivered reliably. A literature review was conducted to inform nurses planning to use this approach in their practice and to direct future research in this area. The aim is to explore the implementation and use of intentional rounding and its effectiveness in improving patient care

2. Ethical and professional concerns in research utilisation: Intentional rounding in the United Kingdom
By Snelling, Paul C
Nursing Ethics. Nov 2013, Vol. 20 Issue 7, p784-797. 14p
Intentional rounding, a process involving the performance of regular checks on all patients following a standardised protocol, is being introduced widely in the United Kingdom. This article subjects the evidence base to critical scrutiny concluding that it consists of poor quality studies and serial misreporting of findings and a failure to consider wider concerns, including transference of evidence to differing health-care systems, and the conflation of perception and quality of care.

3. The implementation of intentional rounding using participatory action research
By Harrington, Ann; Bradley, Sandra; Jeffers, Lesley; Linedale, Ecushla; Kelman, Sue; Killington, Geoffrey
International Journal of Nursing Practice. Oct 2013, Vol. 19 Issue 5, p523-529. 7p
'Intentional'/'hourly rounding' is defined as regular checks of individual patients carried out by health professionals at set intervals rather than a response to a summons via a call bell. Intentional rounding places patients at the heart of the ward routine including the acknowledgement of patient preferences and in anticipation of their needs. The aim of this study was to implement intentional rounding using participatory action research to increase patient care, increase staff productivity and the satisfaction of care provision from both patients and staff.

4.  Caring around the clock': a new approach to intentional rounding
By Hutchings, Marie; Ward, Paula; Bloodworth, Kerry
Nursing Management - UK. Sep 2013, Vol. 20 Issue 5, p24-30. 7p
: Intentional rounding is a widely debated topic and, in this article, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust shares its experience and learning from implementing an innovative approach based on the process across 79 wards. The authors look at the need for education and for cultural shift to achieve the best results

Articles – Gout

5.  Gout: clinical presentation and management.
By Burbage, Gail. Nursing Standard. 9/10/2014, Vol. 29 Issue 2, p50-56. 7p.
: Gout is a painful inflammatory condition that can affect a variety of joints, causes significant distress and is associated with a number of comorbidities. This article aims to dispel the myths surrounding this condition and explore the pathogenesis, clinical presentation, risk factors and diagnosis. It also describes the treatment options and lifestyle changes that can reduce the effects of this condition and the incidence of reoccurring episodes

6.  Safety and efficacy of colchicine therapy in the prevention of recurrent pericarditis.
American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy. 8/1/2014, Vol. 71 Issue 15, p1277-1281. 5p
:  A review of published data on the safety and efficacy of colchicine therapy for primary and secondary prevention of pericarditis is presented. Summary. Colchicine has been used effectively as an antiinflammatory agent for gout and has shown promise as a treatment for acute and recurrent pericarditis. Several small studies have indicated that colchicine can decrease pericarditis symptom persistence at 72 hours and pericarditis recurrence rates at 18 months compared with conventional therapy (corticosteroids and aspirin or ibuprofen).

7.  Q: Which prophylactic therapies best prevent gout attacks?
By  White, Sarah; Mounsey, Anne; Tillett, Janine.
Journal of Family Practice. Apr2014, Vol. 63 Issue 4, p216-217. 2p.
The article provides an answer to a question on the prophylactic therapies that can prevent gout

Journal – Primary Health Care 

8. From Primary Health Care: The RCN Community Health Nursing Journal, July 2014

8A. A nurse-led sleep service for children and young people with Disability
8B. Carers experience of looking after a person with chronic obstructive respiratory disease
8C. The hidden cost of constipation
8D. Assessment and management of vulval skin conditions

News – National

9. NZ may offer help to fight Ebola – Key
By Corin Dann ONE News Political Editor
New Zealand could help with international efforts to contain the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Prime Minister John Key acknowledged today that offering some military or humanitarian aid to help with Ebola was something his government may consider.

10. Te Manu Korihi News for 9 October 2014
06:27 The National Council of Maori nurses and other health organisations say a lack of jobs for Maori graduate nurses is a national crisis; The satisfaction levels of Te Tumu Paeroa, the Maori Trustee's clients has been falling for the last couple of years; A cardiac expert says heart disease rates are not dropping as fast for Maori because tangata whenua are more likely to smoke or be overweight than non-Maori.

11. Lifestyle advice goes down well
By Liz Wylie
6:35 AM Friday Oct 10, 2014
Eat fewer takeaways and take more exercise - that was the the advice given to Geoff Hipango at a health expo in Wanganui yesterday.Mr Hipango was attending the expo at the Wanganui War Memorial Hall where free heart, blood pressure and diabetes checks were on offer along with healthy food stands, traditional and alternative therapies

News - International

12. Can you catch Ebola on a plane?
By Katia Hetter and Jacque WilsonC
CNN - October 7, 2014
You're settling into your tiny coach seat on your next business trip, and the person next to you starts coughing. In the past, you might have grumbled about him flying with a cold. But now travelers may want to know: Does your seatmate have Ebola? Probably not. But given the news of the past week, it's hard not to worry.

13. Ebola: how the UK will prepare screening for travellers
Defence secretary Michael Fallon and Ebola medical experts shed light on the UK's strategy for keeping the virus out of the country.


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