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Issue 20 - 20 June 2014

The next library e-newsletter will be published on Tuesday 1 July 2014

Articles - Measles


1/ Measles vaccination: a shot of common sense. Gordon Giddings.
CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal. 186.9 (June 10, 2014) p651. Word Count: 761.
: In the past few years, North America and Europe have reported increasing and alarming numbers of measles outbreaks. With France having experienced 10 deaths as a result of its 2008-2011 measles outbreak, (1) falling rates of childhood vaccination have become a rising concern. So, how is Canada doing with childhood vaccination rates, you ask? Well, we don't know. Measles has a case fatality rate of one to three per thousand cases in the developed world. (2) It is a highly contagious epithelial disease; more than 90% of unvaccinated people who are exposed to the virus will contract the disease. (3) Measles can lead to corneal ulceration, making it one of the leading causes of blindness in the developing world. Uncommon but severe complications of measles include pneumonia, meningitis and encephalitis. People with weakened immune systems are particularly vulnerable

2/  Measles: highly contagious, easy to prevent. Natalie McGill.
The Nation's Health. 44.3 (Apr. 2014) p24. Word Count: 807.
: When you develop a cough and a runny nose, you may brush those off as symptoms of a common cold that can be beaten with rest and fluids. But it's when those symptoms persist and combine with a fever and rash that points to signs of something more serious: measles.

Articles – Health Care Rationing

3/ One and done? Equality of opportunity and repeated access to scarce, indivisible medical resources. Marco D. Huesch.
BMC Medical Ethics. 13 (May 24, 2012) p11.
: The efficient and fair distribution of scarce medical resources is one of the most difficult problems in society [1]. This intuitive trade-off between efficiency (e.g. medical need, ability to benefit) and fairness (e.g. waiting lists, equal chances) [2], may be further characterized as a trade-off between multiple core ethical values. Existing ethical guidelines on how to approach such allocation decisions are informed by many underlying moral principles [3]. These include treating all equally, favoring some on some basis, maximizing total benefits, and promoting and rewarding social usefulness (respectively, egalitarianism, prioritarianism, utilitarianism, and instrumentalism or reciprocity)

4/ Can health care rationing ever be rational?. David A. Gruenewald.
Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics. 40.1 (Spring 2012) p17. Word Count: 6787.
:  Americans' appetite for life-prolonging therapies has led to unsustainable growth in health care costs. It is tempting to target older people for health care rationing based on their disproportionate use of health care resources and lifespan already lived, but aged-based rationing is unacceptable to many.

5/ Can rationing possibly be rational?. Lauren Vogel.
CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal. 183.11 (Aug. 9, 2011) p1242. Word Count: 1517.
: Annie Farlow was just short of three months old when she died in an Ontario hospital of what her parents believe might have been a treatable respiratory condition. Born with the chromosome disorder Trisomy 13, Annie had little chance of surviving to her teens, but her parents, Barbara and Tim Farlow, took comfort in the hospital's assurance that her disorder wouldn't preclude her from receiving the same level of care as any other child with a medical condition. But months after Annie's death, the Farlows discovered that physicians had not initiated emergency resuscitation measures with the same alacrity as in other cases.

Articles – Cholesterol

6/ Why it's important to know your lipid profile.
Healthy Years. 11.6 (June 2014) p3. Word Count: 777.
: Over the years, you've probably heard a lot about cholesterol. There's "good" cholesterol, and "bad" cholesterol, and triglycerides, and they all need to be at the proper balance to keep your heart healthy. But what exactly does that mean? The combination of LDL ("bad") cholesterol, HDL ("good") cholesterol, total cholesterol (LDL plus HDL plus 20 percent of the triglycerides), and triglycerides is known as your "lipid profile." According to the American Heart, a lipid is a fatty substance that can't dissolve in blood. Cholesterol, cholesterol compounds, and triglycerides are all lipids. They are transported in the blood as part of large molecules called lipoproteins. Abnormalities in lipids can contribute to heart disease.

7/ New standard could improve diagnosis rates of inherited cholesterol condition.
Podiatry Review. 70.6 (November-December 2013) p27. Word Count: 693.
: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) A new quality standard for familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) could help healthcare professionals identify more cases of a condition often dubbed a 'silent killer', says NICE. FH is an inherited condition caused by an alteration in a gene which results in a high cholesterol concentration in the blood. This can lead to the early development of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. Raised cholesterol concentrations are present from birth and lead to early development of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease

Articles – Patient Centred Care

8/ Unannounced standardized patients: a promising method of assessing patient-centered care in your health care system. Sondra Zabar, Kathleen Hanley, David Stevens, Jessica Murphy, Angela Burgess, Adina Kalet,, et al.
BMC Health Services Research. 14 (Apr. 5, 2014) p157. Word Count: 4939
  Newly developed models of health care delivery such as Patient-Centered Medical Homes (PCMH), Accountable Care Organizations (ACO) and explorations of the features of a clinical unit or microsystem that are associated with high quality care [1] are based on an appreciation of the impact of the entire care system on patients? health. A central principle of these models is that care should be oriented around the needs of patients.

9/ Walking the talk for patient-centered care: an interview with Eileen O'Grady, wellness coach. Deborah B. Gardner.
Nursing Economics. 32.2 (March-April 2014) p99. Word Count: 1576.
One certainty in life is change. Nurses are experiencing dramatic change in health care in part due to the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The interface between policy and practice has never been more visibly linked. However, nurses often struggle to see the relevance of national policy in their practice. Eileen O'Grady, PhD, RN, NP, is using the context of national health policy change to pioneer an innovative practice model. In this interview, she shares her vision of a patient engagement model designed to create partnerships that improve health outcomes. She demonstrates the individual involvement nurses can have to make a difference. Her example poses the question: Will we lead or just try to fit into health reform?

10. How can we motivate patients to change?. Miriam Walter.
Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand. 19.11 (Dec. 2013) p16. Word Count: 2906.
  Helping patients change their behaviour, be it smoking, unhealthy eating, lack of exercise or non-adherence to medication, can be frustrating for nurses. Motivational interviewing techniques offer a different approach.  As a nursing educator, I sometimes struggle with defining and using catch-phrases such as patient-centered care (if care isn't about the patient, what is it?) and empowering (who are we empowering and to do what?). And how do we motivate patients to change unhealthy behaviours, adopt healthy practices and follow treatment regimes?

Articles – Assaults on nurses

11/ Impact of a program to prevent incivility towards and assault of healthcare staff in an ophtalmological emergency unit: study protocol for the PREVURGO On/Off trial. Sandrine Touzet, Pierre-Loc Cornut, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Marie-Annick Le Pogam, Carole Burillon, and Antoine Duclos.
BMC Health Services Research. 14 (May 19, 2014) p221. Word Count: 5146.
:  An increase in violence at hospitals and more specifically at emergency units.The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health has long recognized violence as a workplace hazard for health care workers [1]. The emergency department (ED) and treatment rooms are among the most frequent locations for violent events to take place in the health care setting

12/ Shrink rap news: why I did not press charges after a patient assault. Annette Hanson.
Clinical Psychiatry News. 42.2 (Feb. 2014) p1. Word Count: 789.
: I saw the patient standing near the door of the unit, watching me and shifting from foot to foot. This in itself wasn't unusual. At our forensic hospital some of the most seriously ill patients have behaviors that are stranger than this if not overtly bizarre. As I was leaving the unit, he approached me, which also wasn't unusual. Although I was not the ward psychiatrist, a patient might approach a stranger to find out what that person is doing on the unit or just to say hello if the patient knows you from a previous court-ordered evaluation.  I wasn't expecting him to hit me in the face, twice

Articles – Wound care

13/ Do mesenchymal stem cells have a role to play in cutaneous wound healing?. Ippokratis Pountos, Michalis Panteli, Theodora Georgouli, and Peter V. Giannoudis.
Cell & Tissue Transplantation & Therapy. (May 14, 2014) p11. Word Count: 5969.
:  Cutaneous wounds represent a significant healthcare problem despite our increasing understanding of the molecular and cellular events governing this process. A major contributor to this problem is the lack of reliable therapies for the treatment of "hard-to-heal" wounds. Tissue engineering with the use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have emerged as a promising therapeutic tool with favorable early experimental and clinical results. This manuscript aims to provide an overview of the available approaches to up-regulate the cutaneous wound response with the use of MSCs.

14/   A guide to better wound closures: the techniques described--and pictured--here can help you improve outcomes, whether the wound is a laceration or the result of a surgical procedure. Luke M. Baudoin and E.J. Mayeaux, Jr. 
Journal of Family Practice. 63.4 (Apr. 2014) p181. Word Count: 2624.
: Skin procedures such as closing wounds and removing neoplasms are an integral part of most family medicine practices. While closure of simple lacerations and small surgical procedures are relatively straightforward, some lesions require extra techniques and attention to achieve the best outcomes.

Journal - Table of Contents

15. From Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal, Vol 21, No 11, June 2014

15A.Fight looming over health budget cuts
15B. Nurses and midwives March in May; Mental health nurse wins top national nursing award [Steve Brown]
15C. Depression risk for young mums; Decision hurts nurses and midwives; Health care innovations in Sydney
15D. Needlestick injuries avoidable; Images to breakdown stereotypes; Depression screening tool for remote communities
15E. Cut salt to save lives; Pap test could be scrapped
15F. Aussie kids not getting enough exercise
15G. Call for safe staffing levels in UK; Racism concerns in American health care
15H. Women leading the way [ANMF Federal Secretary – Lee Thomas; ACTU President Ged Kearney]15I. Plans to deregulate migration arrangements threatens grads
15J. The responsibility of care: A conversation about the registered nurse’s role
15K. Learning from clinical leaders

15L. Preventing ethical conflicts

15M. Developing a protocol for people living with HIV entering residential aged care facilities

15N. Bad cholesterol link to cancer spread; New DNA blood test for bowel cancer

15O. Adopting the Team Leader Model of student supervision into the acute mental health setting; Positive changes in mental health
15P. New ways to enhance mental health nursing: Collaboration between academy and practice; The productive ward in an over productive environment
15Q. The alcohol smoking and substance involvement screening test in an acute mental health setting; Improving continence management of long stay mental health populations


16. NZCPHCN Conference: Nurses live better laugh sooner care more
Date: 15-17 August 2014
Venue: Te Papa, Wellington
More information:

17. 2014 Conference for General Practice and Quality Symposium Pre-conference Day:

  • Quality Symposium Pre-conference Day
  • Thursday 24 July 2014
  • Conference for General Practice 2014
  • Friday 25 - Sunday 27 July 2014

Air Force Museum of New Zealand, Christchurch

News – National

18. Measles - it's not over yet
Waikato Times - 18/06/2014
Five people have now been hospitalised by measles in recent weeks.The Waikato District Health Board Population Health Service confirmed 60 cases had been found in the city since the outbreak began earlier this month. Waikato DHB medical officer of health Dr Anita bell said while a large number of cases were linked with Fraser High School, there was a single confirmed case at both Hamilton Girls' High School and Hamilton Junior High School.


19. Mammograms cut cancer toll
The Press - 20/06/2014S
ARAH-JANE O'CONNOR looks back at some of the main findings from scientists around the world during the past week


News – International

20. Ask the Expert: Fat is not your enemy when it comes to fuel for exercise
Have you ever stopped to consider how the body stays in motion and where you get the energy to do activities? Like a car, the body needs fuel to continue to function, but how does that fuel get utilized for energy? Fat has been given a bad reputation, however, fat is not necessarily the bad guy. In fact, it is essential for exercise and to sustain energy. When too many calories are consumed and not enough are burned, excessive fat will be hoarded by the body and stored
By Helen Vanderburg, For the Calgary Herald

21. Large CDC survey detects drop in asthma rates, but researchers cautious about celebrating yet
NEW YORK — A new survey suggests asthma in the U.S. may finally be on the decline. But the results are so surprising that health officials are cautious about claiming a downturn


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