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Issue 14 - 9 May 2014

Ministry of Health Rest home audit reports - user survey
MOH have recently redeveloped their rest home audits pages, and are also trialling the provision of full rest home audits. Provide feedback on the rest home audit reports here:


Selected Articles - Cannabis/Marijuana use

1/ Severe Illness Associated with Reported Use of Synthetic Marijuana
Colorado, August- September 2013.
By Ghosh, Tista; Herlihy, Rachel; Van Dyke, Mike; Kuhn, Stephanie; Sherry, Burrer; Halliday, Melissa; Spelke, Bridget; Bayleyegn, Tesfaye; Wolkin, Amy; Lewis, Lauren S.; Fechter-Leggett, than; Olayinka, Olaniyi. MMWR Recommendations & Reports. 12/13/2013, Vol. 62 Issue 49, p1016-1017. 2p.
: On August 30, 2013, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) was notified by several hospitals of an increase in the number of patients visiting their emergency departments (EDs) with altered mental status after using synthetic marijuana. Synthetic marijuana is dried plant material sprayed with various synthetic cannabinoids and smoked as an alternative to smoking marijuana.

2/ Prevalence of use, epidemiology and toxicity of ‘herbal party pills’ among those presenting to the emergency department.
By: Nicholson, Tonia C. Emergency Medicine Australasia. Apr2006, Vol. 18 Issue 2, p180-184. 5p
The aim of the present study was to establish the prevalence of use, epidemiology and toxicity of ‘herbal party pills’ in ED presenters. This was an analytical cross-sectional survey of patients and relatives presenting to a large tertiary ED. A total of 1043 people completed the questionnaire (participation rate of 97.2%). One hundred and twenty-five (11.9%) had taken herbal party pills and subgroup analysis showed that use was most prevalent in those aged 14–25 years (30%). The majority had taken pills between two and five times (56%). Eighty-three (66.4%) had been drinking alcohol when they first took party pills. Only 80 (64%) had read the product directions, and 48 (38.4%) had, at some stage, taken more pills than recommended. One hundred and six (84.8%) had felt effects from party pills, but only 63 (59% of those feeling effects or 50.4% of total) described these as ‘good’. Six (5.7% of those with effects or 4.8% of total) had sought medical attention for effects. Seventy-four (59.2%) would take herbal party pills again. In conclusion, the use of herbal party pills is common in presenters to the ED, particularly in those aged 14–25 years. These people are at risk for toxicity from the pills because there is a tendency for them not to read the instructions before ingestion, to take more pills than recommended and to coingest alcohol. Emergency physicians need to be aware of the use and potential adverse effects of herbal party pills to enable them to recognize signs of toxicity in ED presenters and thus provide appropriate supportive care. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

3/. Effects of State Medical Marijuana Laws on Adolescent Marijuana Use.
By Lynne-Landsman, Sarah D.; Livingston, Melvin D.; Wagenaar, Alexander C.

American Journal of Public Health. Aug 2013, Vol. 103 Issue 8, p1500-1506. 7p
: Medical marijuana laws (MMLs) have been suggested as a possible cause of increases in marijuana use among adolescents in the United States. We evaluated the effects of MMLs on adolescent marijuana use from 2003 through 2011. Results. In 40 planned comparisons of adolescents exposed and not exposed to MMLs across states and over time, only 2 significant effects were found, an outcome expected according to chance alone. Further examination of the (nonsignificant) estimates revealed no discernible pattern suggesting an effect on either self-reported prevalence or frequency of marijuana use. Conclusions. Our results suggest that, in the states assessed here, MMLs have not measurably affected adolescent marijuana use in the first few years after their enactment. Longer-term results, after MMLs are more fully implemented, might be different. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

4/ A Social Norms Approach to Drug Prevention in Schools in Ireland: Results from a Pre Development Study.
By Culleton, Leigheann Ryan; Van Hout, Marie Claire; Foley, Michelle.
Journal of Alcohol & Drug Education. 2013, Vol. 57 Issue 2, p27-46. 20p
Research shows that social norms interventions, which aim to educate individuals and groups on their actual attitudinal and behavioural norms relating to alcohol, cigarette and drug use, incur some success in reducing positive attitudes to substance use and rates of substance use. The research aimed to investigate the extent of misperceptions relating to peer substance-taking attitudes and behaviours amongst a sample of school aged youth (n=80), and was undertaken as a pre development study to a large scale social norms initiative in Irish schools. The study found evidence for the existence of misperceptions relating to cigarette, alcohol or illicit drug use, with no significant differences pertaining to gender and school type. Attitudes to, and self reported cigarette and illicit drug use, tended to be more conservative. Statistically significant differences were found between participants self usage and peer usage of cigarettes, alcohol, cannabis and other illicit drug usage in the past 30 days. A statistically significant main effect for self reported cannabis use and school type was found. Findings were used to guide the development of a culturally appropriate targeted social norms intervention

5/ Going to Pot.
By Khamsi, Roxanne. Scientific American. Jun 2013, Vol. 308 Issue 6, p34-36. 2p
The article discusses concern among health officials and researchers about the short- and long-term effects of marijuana as an increasing number of U.S. states make recreational use legal. Topics include the success of medical marijuana and its influence on its wider legalization, the lack of understanding among health officials and researchers about the safety of recreational use, the effects of marijuana's primary psychoactive compound, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which mimics natural endocannabinoids in the human body that regulate appetite, mood, and memory, and role of the cultivation of increasingly potent marijuana on increased addiction among teenagers.

Selected Articles - Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter

6/ Added Sugars Add to Your Heart Risk. (cover story).
Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter. May 2014, Vol. 32 Issue 3, p1-3. 2p
: Previous studies have linked added sugar, such as in non-diet soft drinks and other beverages, to increased risk of key factors in heart disease—including weight gain, hypertension, type 2 diabetes and unhealthy cholesterol levels. Now, for the first time, a new analysis of nationwide dietary data has found an association between consumption of added sugar and higher risk of death from cardiovascular disease.

7/ Evaluating Alternatives Against Alzheimer's and Dementia.
Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter. May 2014, Vol. 32 Issue 3, p4-5. 2p
: The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM, ), a branch of the federal government's National Institutes of Health set up to explore out-of-the-mainstream treatments, did recently evaluate the current state of the science on supplements touted for cognitive benefits. Its conclusions, in a report titled "Dietary Supplements and Cognitive Function, Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease: What the Science Says should give you pause.

Selected articles - Nursing Standard, May 2014

8/ Asthma
Nursing Standard. 7 May 2014, 28, 36, 18-18.
: In the UK, 5.4 million people are estimated to have asthma – the third highest prevalence in the world – and 1.1 million of these are children. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) says that asthma is the most common long-term medical condition, and 1 in 11 children have it

9/ ‘Safe staffing may cost diddly-squat’
Janet Snell Joint deputy editor of Nursing Standard.
Nursing Standard, 7 May 2014. 28, 36, 24-25.
: The new Safe Staffing Alliance chair Susan Osborne is keen to challenge people’s preconceptions. She talked to Janet Snell. Nursing Standard and the Safe Staffing Alliance (SSA) are working to improve staffing levels. Over the coming months, we will be highlighting examples of good practice. In our first article, the new chair of the SSA, Susan Osborne, talks about her hopes and concerns

10. Combating diabetes
Stemming the tide of diabetes will be the focus of this year’s International Nurses’ Day, says Anne Felton [ Anne Felton President and co-founder. Foundation of European Nurses in Diabetes (FEND]
Nursing Standard, 7 May 2014. 28, 36, 26-27.
: Every year on May 12 in commemoration of Florence Nightingale’s birthday, International Nurses’ Day celebrates the achievements of nurses worldwide and highlights critical issues in nursing and health care.

11. Maintaining best practice in record-keeping and documentation
Jane Beach Professional officer for regulation, Unite/Community Practitioners and Health Visitors Association. West Bromwich
Nursing Standard. 28, 7 May 2014, 36, 45-50.
This article considers best practice in record-keeping and documentation in the light of recent public inquiries and reports, renewed national interest in record-keeping standards, and the challenge of moving from paper to electronic healthcare documentation and digital storage of data. The nature of the nurse- patient relationship is also changing, and should be reflected in nurses’ record-keeping practices. Collaborative approaches to the planning and evaluation of care, and more emphasis on patients having a greater sense of ownership of information held about them should be reflected in nurses’ and other healthcare professionals’ attitudes and approaches to this aspect of practice

12. Whooping cough
A CPD article enhanced Michael Danthis’s knowledge of the assessment and management of pertussis
Michael Danthis Nurse Overseas Nurses Programme. Ashcroft Care Home, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire
Nursing Standard, 7 May 2014, 28, 36, 53-53.
The CPD article was relevant to my practice because most upper respiratory tract infections exhibit similar symptoms initially. It is essential to be able to diagnose whooping cough because it is an acute and highly contagious disease.
Author notes
This practice profile is based on NS719 Bentley J et al (2013) Whooping cough: identification, assessment and management. Nursing Standard. 28, 11, 50-57

Journal Table of Contents

13. From International Nursing Review, March 2014
Volume 61, Issue 1 © International Council of Nurses

Nursing and Health Policy Perspectives
13A. Moving towards the greater involvement of nurses in policy development (pages 1–2)
13B. Disaster training for nurses: a moral and humanitarian imperative (page 3)
13C. Make a commitment to improve your health (page 4)

Literature Reviews
13D. An integrative review of nurse-led community-based case management effectiveness (pages 14–24)
13E. Attitudes towards female genital mutilation: an integrative review (pages 25–34)

13F. Quality indicators for initial licensure and discipline in nursing laws in South Korea and North Carolina (pages 35–43)
13G. A literature review of the Dutch debate on the nurse practitioner role: efficiency vs. professional development (pages 44–54)

Health Promotion
13H. The development, feasibility and acceptability of an Internet-based STI–HIV prevention intervention for young Chilean women (pages 55–63)
13I.The effect of a structured adolescent health summer programme: a quasi-experimental intervention (pages 64–72)

Research into Clinical Practice
13J. Comparing nursing handover and documentation: forming one set of patient information (pages 73–81)
13K. Perception of Spanish primary healthcare nurses about evidence-based clinical practice: a qualitative study (pages 90–98)
Research Methods
13L. Measuring the nursing work environment: translation and psychometric evaluation of the Essentials of Magnetism (pages 99–108)
Research into Work Life Experiences
13M. Depression, self-esteem and anger expression patterns of Korean nursing students (pages 109–115)
13N. Work-related quality of life of Ugandan healthcare workers (pages 116–123)
13O. Belongingness in the workplace: a study of Malaysian nurses' experiences (pages 124–130)
13P. Nurses' job satisfaction and attitudes towards people living with HIV/AIDS in Russia (pages 131–139)
13Q. Commitment to care: a qualitative study of intensive care nurses' perspectives of end-of-life care in an Islamic context (pages 140–147)
Other Research
13R. Palauans who chew betel nut: social impact of oral disease (pages 148–155)


14. Making Connections: Are you plugged in?
Conference for General Practice 2014
Conference organised by Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners
General practice is all about connections: connections with patients, with colleagues, with other primary health care providers and with the wider primary health care sector.
Date: 25 Jul 2014 - 27 Jul 2014 in Canterbury
More information:

15. Epidemiology in the age of the internet
Aotea Centre - Wednesday 8th October, 2014
Sessions include:
- Health inequalities and poverty
Kristie Carter
- Better population health through smarter technology
Rod Jackson

Pre Budget Announcements

16. 2014 Pre-Budget Announcements
Tony Ryall, Tariana Turia
The Beehive - 1 May, 2014
Budget 2014: Additional $20m to help fight rheumatic fever
The Government has today announced free drop-in sore-throat clinics will be expanded to target a further 90,000 children and young people who are at risk of getting rheumatic fever

17. 30 April 2014
Hon Paula Bennett, Minister of Social Development, and Hon Jo Goodhew, Associate Minister of Health
Budget 2014: Sexual violence services get funding boost
Social Development Minister Paula Bennett and Associate Health Minister Jo Goodhew have today announced $10.4 million in new operating funding to support sexual violence services over the next two years.

18. 28 April 2014
Hon Tony Ryall, Minister of Health
Budget 2014: Two funded cochlear implants for children
 Health Minister Tony Ryall has announced children with profound hearing loss will now receive two funded cochlear implants, and children under six with only one implant will be offered the opportunity to have a second funded implant.

News - National

19. Deaths follow transfer delays
ODT - 8 May 2014
Three cardiology transfer patients died after the Southern District Health Board started to transport patients to Christchurch when no service was available in the South

20. Synthetic cannabis users brace for ban  
The Press - 08/05/2014
Canterbury health officials are ready for a surge of synthetic cannabis addicts needing help for withdrawal symptoms now the products are off the shelf. The Government's amendment of the Psychoactive Substances Act 2013 stopped the sale of all interim approved psychoactive substances at midnight

News - International

21. Ireland's smoking ban, 10 years later
By Rachel Barth, Special to CNN
CNN - May 7, 2014
Visualize an Irish pub: there's likely fiddles, pints, and smoke -- and lots of it. While that may be a reality in some Irish pubs abroad, that hasn't been entirely the case in Ireland for the last decade. March 29 marked the 10-year anniversary of a workplace smoking ban in Ireland, extending to pubs and restaurants. Ireland was the first country worldwide to enact such a sweeping ban. The initiative made smoking in enclosed workplaces illegal, punishable by a fine of up to 3,000 euros, or about $4,200.

22. Social media: how does it really affect our mental health and well-being?
Wednesday 16 April 2014      
In 1971, the first email was delivered. More than 40 years on, social media has taken the world by storm. Social networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, are now used by 1 in 4 people worldwide. Such activity may seem harmless, but some researchers suggest social media may affect our mental health and well-being

23. Ownership of patient records, just one challenge in e-health
The Age - May 7, 2014 
From wireless to wearables, Australia’s health care system is on the cusp of a digital technology revolution, but issues of privacy, ownership of patient records and cyber security need to be ironed out first. That's the view of Kenneth Morgan, special advisor to the vice chancellor of Flinders University on cyber security and resilience, who discussed the future of e-health at CeBIT’s eHealth conference in Sydney this week.

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