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Issue 37 - 14 November 2013

Articles - Rest Breaks

1. Everybody Needs a Break! Responses to a Playgarden Survey.
By: Turner, Joan; Fralic, Jessica; Newman-Bennett, Krista; Skinner, Linda. Pediatric Nursing. Jan/Feb 2009, Vol. 35 Issue 1, p27-34
Abstract: The role of outdoor activity in health and development warrants attention as an important feature of quality health care environments. This study of visitor perceptions of a playgarden located in a pediatric and women's health care facility resulted in 52 completed surveys from hospital staff and parents. Most respondents indicated high levels of agreement to questions related to their general experience. The main reason stated for visiting the playgarden revolved around the need for "a break." Time spent outdoors was appreciated relative to specific features, such as the natural environment, play equipment, furniture, and the atmosphere of the outdoors. Access to outdoor spaces and play are important features of the principle of normalization and also serve as an avenue for the promotion of healthy lifestyles.[ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] .

2. Fighting against fatigue: WSNA wants to ensure nurses are well-rested, patients are safe.
By Trossman, Susan. American Nurse. Jan/Feb2009, Vol. 41 Issue 1, p7-7. 1p
: The article focuses on the concerns on fatigue-related risks addressed by Washington State Nurses Association (WSNA). The association calls for changes in nursing work shift and the abolishment of mandatory overtime to provide enough rest period and to prevent fatigue. Recommendations on fatigue prevention and nurse action from WSNA's resource document "Quality of Care, Nurses' Work Schedules, and Fatigue: A White Paper" are also presented.

3. Who has the time for a break? 
By Arif, Zeba. Nursing Standard. 9/20/2006, Vol. 21 Issue 2, p26-27. 2p.
The article reflects on the author's view on the lack of rest periods for ward-based nurses in Great Britain. According to the author, nurses rarely have breaks due to the duties they need to perform, even during lunchtime, such as helping with patient's meals, notes to write up and handovers to prepare. She stresses that it was interesting to discover that the problem was usually real only for nurses. Although changes have been presently implemented, still, the potential for interruption exists..

4. The impact of rest breaks upon accident risk, fatigue and performance: a review.
By Tucker, Philip. Work & Stress. Apr 2003, Vol. 17 Issue 2, p123-137. 15p
This review's primary objective is to identify research examining the impact of rest breaks upon accident risk in industrial settings. In the absence of much directly relevant research, the focus is broadened to consider the impact of rest breaks upon performance and fatigue, as well as epidemiological evidence, in both transport and non-transport settings. Relevant studies are identified from a range of electronic sources. In general, regular rest breaks can be an effective means of maintaining performance, managing fatigue and controlling the accumulation of risk over prolonged task performance. While two-hourly breaks are common in many industrial settings, the scheduling of additional micro-breaks can be beneficial under at least some circumstances. While some evidence supports allowing workers to take rest breaks that coincide with periods of heightened fatigue, workers sometimes fail to take adequate breaks when they are needed.

Selected articles - Journal of Clinical Nursing

5. Editorial: Issues in quantitative healthcare research.
By Penny, Kay I; Atkinson, Ian. Journal of Clinical Nursing. Oct 2012, Vol. 21 Issue 19/20, p2697-2698. 2p
An introduction is presented in which the editor discusses various reports within the issue on topics of issues in quantitative healthcare research such as issues concerning the generation of robust data sets, and different approaches in data analysis.

6. Knowledge creation and the use of secondary data.
By Alvarez, Juan; Canduela, Jesus; Raeside, Robert. Journal of Clinical Nursing. Oct  2012, Vol. 21 Issue 19/20, p2699-2710. 12p
: Aims and objectives - To expose problems of using bespoke questionnaire-based surveys to create knowledge and to advance the use of secondary data as an alternative research approach. Background Many researchers from students undertaking dissertations to those who attempt to create knowledge to advance society collect data by using questionnaires. But this raises reliability and validity concerns as a consequence of low response rates and non-response bias. This constrains knowledge creation.

7.  A Rasch analysis of nurses' ethical sensitivity to the norms of the code of conduct.
By González-De Paz, Luis; Kostov, Belchin; Sisó-Almirall, Antoni; Zabalegui-Yárnoz, Adela.
Journal of Clinical Nursing. Oct 2012, Vol. 21 Issue 19/20, p2747-2760. 14p
Aims and objectives - To develop an instrument to measure nurses' ethical sensitivity and, secondarily, to use this instrument to compare nurses' ethical sensitivity between groups.
Background. Professional codes of conduct are widely accepted guidelines. However, their efficacy in daily nursing practice and influence on ethical sensitivity is controversial. Design. A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted.

8. Editorial: Call yourself a nurse? Time to get precious.
By Wetherall, Claudine. Journal of Clinical Nursing. Oct 2012, Vol. 21 Issue 19/20, p2809-2811. 3p
The author discusses the confusion that exists in Great Britain with regards to the term 'nurse.' The image and status of nursing in Great Britain has hit an all-time low. The title nurse has a protected status in countries such as Australia, Canada and the U.S. Protection of the title ‘nurse’ is reducible to recognition of the value of nursing knowledge and expertise and the protection of the public. She says that nurses must be recognized for their caring nature and outstanding work they do.

Selected articles - Nursing Older People [Journal]

9. Demand grows for an official advocate for older people.
By Triggle, Nick; Nursing Older People, 2013 Nov; 25 (9): 8-9
Would the creation of an independent commissioner’s post give the group a voice? Nick Triggle hears the arguments.

10. Carers are left adrift without essential support and advice on dementia.
By Berry, Lisa; Nursing Older People, 2013 Nov; 25 (9): 9 (1p).
Carers of people with dementia are not getting the support and advice they need, according to a research report. Just over half of carers questioned by charity Carers Trust said they were given an opportunity to talk separately about their own needs when health and social care professionals assessed their loved ones.

11. Exploring nurses' use of language with older people
By Draper, Peter; Wray, Jane; Burley, Sandra; Nursing Older People, 2013 Nov; 25 (9): 18-23
: Patients’ wellbeing can be affected by the way staff talk to them. Peter Draper and colleagues describe a creative writing project that helped heighten sensitivity to the power of words in care.

Selected Articles - Health, Risk & Society [Journal]

12.  A will to health? Drinking, risk and social class.
By Järvinen, Margaretha. Health, Risk & Society. May 2012, Vol. 14 Issue 3, p241-256. 16p
This article explores risk conceptions related to alcohol use among Danes who drink ‘too much’ (based on the National Health Board’s standards for safe drinking). It analyses drinking patterns and risk management strategies among interviewees from different socio-economic backgrounds, and explores the differences between the behaviours and conceptions of these individuals and the risk advice and definitions provided by health agencies. 

13. Trust in the Australian food supply: Innocent until proven guilty.
By: Henderson, Julie; Ward, Paul; Coveney, John; Meyer, Samantha. Health, Risk & Society. May 2012, Vol. 14 Issue 3, p257-272. 16p
:  International research demonstrates diminishing trust in the food supply associated with food scares which undermine trust in expert advice. Even though Australia has not experienced major food scares, there is evidence of diminishing trust in the food supply. Contrary to concepts of reflexive modernisation which presume an increasing awareness of risk and placement of trust as a means of reducing uncertainly, participants adopt an ‘innocent until proven guilty’ approach displaying little knowledge or interest in knowing about food regulation relying instead on routine food safety practices as a means of managing uncertainty.

14. 'I know I'm a good mom': Young, low-income mothers' experiences with risk perception, intensive parenting ideology and parenting education programmes.
By: Romagnoli, Amy; Wall, Glenda. Health, Risk & Society. May 2012, Vol. 14 Issue 3, p273-289. 17p
: Intensive mothering, which fits within neo-liberal notions of individual responsibility and risk management, and is based on middle-class ideals, is widely accepted as the ‘proper’ mode of child rearing. Intensive mothering ideology also intersects culturally with expanding notions of risks to children's wellbeing and increasing portrayals of parents as risk factors in their children's lives. State-driven interventions aimed at promoting intensive mothering practices and maximising child outcomes target young and low-income mothers as particular risk groups. This study explored the experiences of young, low-income mothers with intensive parenting advice and educational programmes that focused on child cognitive development.

Journal - Table of Contents

15. From The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, Volume 44, Number 10, October 2013
CNE Article
Practice Uncertainty: Changing Perceptions
CNE Quiz
Practice Uncertainty: Changing Perceptions
Original Article
15C. A Hospital Nursing Research Enhancement Model
Original Article
Concept Mapping in a Critical Care Orientation Program: A Pilot Study to Develop Critical Thinking and Decision-Making Skills in Novice Nurses
Original Article
. Patient Navigation in Oncology Nursing: An Innovative Blended Learning Model
Original Article
. Implementation of a Continuing Education Model for Nurses in Bangladesh
On Scholarly Writing
Administrative Angles
. More on Gap Analysis
Clinical Updates
Using Social Media to Share the Death Experience: Discussion Points
Teaching Tips
The Flipped Classroom for Professional Development: Part I. Benefits and Strategies  

Health Quality & Safety Commission New Zealand

16. Medication Safety Watch - Issue 8, November 2013
A bulletin for all health professionals and health care managers working with medicines or patient safety.
Topics include
- Fentanyl transdermal patches
- Medication alerts and safety signals
- Tall Man lettering list completed
- Aged residential care medication chart update
- Importance of full, free and frank disclosure of any error
- Minimising risk of serious hypersensitivity reactions from intravenous (IV) iron
- Generic packaging look alike
More information:

Conferences & Seminars

17.  Opportunity for a Postdoctoral Scholarship
WHO Collaborating Centre for Nursing Research Development, Brazil
: University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing
The Research Group on “Rehabilitation and Quality of Life” of the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing will select a postdoctoral fellow to participate of the Thematic Project funded by FAPES untitled “The rehabilitation process and its interfaces with the quality life and culture of individuals - Phase II”.
Candidates: Send a motivation letter, Curriculum vitae, and a recommendation letter by email to:  by November 15th, 2013.
More information:

18. Managing the Deteriorating Patient Symposium
Strategies for recognising and responding to the deteriorating patient and improving quality of care toward the end of life
Date: 17 Feb, 2014, Auckland
More information:

Latest News - Ministry of Health

19. Targeting Prevention
Published online: 04 November 2013
This publication looks at how district health boards, primary health organisations and general practices are working to achieve the prevention-focused health targets:
•Increased immunisation
•Better help for smokers to quit
•More heart and diabetes checks

20. Eighth Annual report on mental health treatment
Released 11 November 2013
The  annual report by the Office of the Director of Mental Health has been released today by the Ministry of Health. The 2012 annual report includes information about compulsory assessment and treatment, electroconvulsive therapy, seclusion, and suicide

News - National

21. Women's role in war overlooked
Stuff - 11/11/2013
New Zealand women who went overseas to help in World War I war effort are a forgotten slice of our history, writes Jane Tolerton. We see nurses - of whom 550 served overseas - because they were officially employed. But there were probably at least another 550, including doctors and volunteers (and about 60 government-employed VADs, as nurse aides were called).
Jane Tolerton is seeking information for a book on New Zealand women who served overseas in World War I and asks those with diaries, letters, photographs or memoirs to contact her: .

22.  Deal reached over privacy breach
The Canterbury District Health Board appears to have reached a deal to avoid legal action over a doctor's 2007 privacy breach. The case could have proved a test case for whether DHBs are vicariously liable for their staff breaching patient confidentiality by accessing electronic records without permission, something virtually untested in New Zealand

23. Roast Busters: Police set up phone line
ODT - Wed, 13 Nov 2013
An 0800 phone number has been set up by police investigating the Roast Busters claims.
Anyone who would like to speak to the enquiry team is encouraged to ring the freephone number, said Detective Inspector Karyn Malthus, the head of the so-called Operation Clover.

News - International

24. Catalyst: patients stop taking cholesterol drugs, says survey
The Age - Nov 13, 2013 - 2:20PM
Huge numbers of people on potentially life-saving cholesterol medication have stopped taking it without consulting their doctor after watching an ABC television program, a survey of GPs has indicated.
Up to 40 per cent of patients who were concerned by the Catalyst episodes had already gone off their medication, the survey found

25. NHS plan to concentrate specialist A&E expertise in fewer hospitals
The Guardian - 13 Nov 2013
Plans to establish a two-tier accident and emergency service, with specialist expertise in areas such as stroke and trauma concentrated in fewer hospitals, are launched on Wednesday by NHS England's medical director, who said it was an illusion to suppose all hospitals were as good as each other.
Sir Bruce Keogh said it was absolutely necessary to rethink under-pressure A&E services because too many people turn up there who do not need emergency care. While 40% leave without any treatment, frail and elderly people end up waiting for hours and sometimes could have been better cared for at home

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