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Issue 194 - 1 September 2011

Enter the UnionAID raffle and help South Indian workers at the same time! 

For $2 a ticket (or up your chances: $20 for 10) you can go in for the draw for 2 iPads, an iPhone and an iPod. All proceeds from the raffle go directly into supporting Dalit (untouchable) and Tribal (indigenous) workers in South India take control of their lives and livelihoods.
Contact Nanette Cormack at the TEU
More information about UnionAid:

Articles about Meningitis

1. Signs, symptoms and management of bacterial meningitis
By Donovan, C.; Blewitt, J. Paediatric Nursing, Nov 2010, Vol. 22 Issue 9: p30-36
This article describes the common causes of bacterial meningitis, signs and symptoms, and management. It summarises the 2010 guideline on bacterial meningitis and meningococcal septicaemia produced by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

2. Bacterial meningitis: a continuing threat
By Blewitt, Jane. Practice Nurse, 9/17/2010, Vol. 40
Issue 5: p5 (1/2p)
The author discusses the launch of an iPhone application by the Meningitis Trust as part of its efforts to provide support services to individuals affected by bacterial meningitis. As noted, this application helps raise awareness of the disease's signs and symptoms. Children and adolescents are claimed to be at high risk for the disease. Symptoms of the disease include fever, nausea, vomiting, petechial rash and headache.

3. Meningitis
By Iyer, Deborah. Nursing Standard, 3/31/2010, Vol. 24 Issue 30: p50 (1p)
A description of educational course work presented in the learning zone article “An Overview of Meningitis and Meningococcal Septicaemia,” by C. Donovan and J. Blewitt in a 2009 issue is provided.

Articles from Nursing Older People Journal

4. Taking a pragmatic approach
By Hayes, Nicky. Nursing Older People, Jun 2011, Vol. 23
Issue 5: p3
An introduction to the journal is presented in which the editor discusses various reports published within the issue including one on the factors relating to ageing process and skin care, one on the use of hypodermoclysis in the treatment of dehydration in older people, and one on a research on caseload management in nursing care.

5. Brief articles: Former government adviser takes up role in private sector; Report highlights lack of access to specialist liaison nurses
Nursing Older People, Jun 2011, Vol. 23 Issue 5: p4
This section offers news briefs in nursing care of older people in Great Britain as of June 2011 including fellowships received by nurse researchers Debbie Tolson in Glasgow and Sarah Hewlett in Bristol, a research on patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD), and a campaign of older people against plans for general practice commissioning.

6. Undercover investigation of care homes found residents bored and poorly fed
By Duffin, Christian. Nursing Older People, Jun 2011, Vol. 23 Issue 5: p5
The article reports on the state of some care homes in Great Britain. It makes reference to a report published in the May 2011 edition of "Which?" magazine concerning the findings of an undercover investigation of four homes. It explores the alleged poor practices in these homes, including the lack of activity for residents, some physical abuses committed, and inadequate food served

7. Six drugs to be tested in race to find cure for dementia.
Nursing Older People, Jun 2011, Vol. 23 Issue 5: p5
The article announces the testing of six drugs for the treatment of dementia under the Drug Discovery Programme of the Alzheimer's Society in Great Britain.

8. Law Commission calls for overhaul of outdated legislation.
Nursing Older People, Jun 2011, Vol. 23 Issue 5: p5
The article reports on the proposal of the Law Commission to overhaul the 60-year-old adult social care legislation in Great Britain

9. Workloads and staff levels hamper dementia care.
By Dean, Erin. Nursing Older People, Jun 2011, Vol. 23
Issue 5: p6
The article reports on a survey of the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) concerning nursing care to patients with dementia in Great Britain. It discusses findings on factors that affect the provision of good quality care to these patients, including workloads, staffing levels and hospital environments. Comment from Rachel Thompson, project hear of the RCN dementia project is presented

10. Pathway to excellence
By Watkins, Caroline et al. Nursing Older People, Jun 2011, Vol. 23 Issue 5: p9
The article discusses the Stroke-Specific Education Framework (SSEF) developed by the UK Forum for Stroke Training (UKFST). The SSEF details the knowledge and skills necessary for nurses based on 16 quality markers from the National Stroke Strategy. It discusses the significance of trainings that are SSEF-compliant.

11. Practice question: Peri-operative care.
By Cross, Jason; Dhesi, Jugdeep. Nursing Older People, Jun 2011, Vol. 23 Issue 5: p10
The article presents questions and answers related to the nursing practice including how ward nurses can improve the care of older surgical patients and what models of best practice can be adopted for care of these patients.

By Scales, Katie. Nursing Older People, Jun 2011, Vol. 23 Issue 5: p16-22
Older people, particularly those who are frail, are vulnerable to dehydration. Management of dehydration in older people can be more complex than in younger adults because of the physical effects of ageing. As the population ages, nurses will increasingly care for older patients in every setting. This article provides an overview of the physiological changes that affect the ability of older people to maintain a normal fluid balance. Risk factors for dehydration are reviewed and strategies for the prevention, detection and management of dehydration are discussed. The article focuses on subcutaneous fluid replacement for the management of dehydration in older adults. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

13. How community matrons perceive their effectiveness in case management.
By Grange, Michele. Nursing Older People, Jun 2011, Vol. 23 Issue 5: p24-29
The aim of this study was to explore community matrons' experience of caseload management and identify situations that may restrict or enhance patient care and outcomes. The Department of Health advises that community matrons should have a caseload of 50, based on the Evercare model from the US. However, there is little evidence to justify this caseload target. Method A phenomenological approach was adopted to analyse data from interviews with six community matrons based in two south west primary care trusts. Maximum variation sampling was used. Findings There are difficulties in building and maintaining a caseload of 50 complex patients with long-term conditions. The higher the caseload the less effective the community matrons perceived themselves to be in reducing hospital admissions. Conclusion Targets should not be set from similar models such as Evercare. A more integrated approach is required with the service being available 24 hours a day. Further research is required to identify the most appropriate caseload size and the effectiveness of managing such high-risk patients. Quantitative research would help to determine the effect of variables. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

14. The use of emollient therapy for ageing skin.
By Watkins, Philip. Nursing Older People, Jun 2011, Vol. 23
Issue 5: p31-38
Skin ageing has intrinsic signs and symptoms, often complicated by extrinsic photo-ageing symptoms and concurrent disease processes. It progresses with age but varies between individuals and its symptoms are numerous. Skin ageing has physical and psychosocial repercussions that can influence coping. Emollient therapy can help to reduce two symptoms - dryness and loss of the skin's barrier function. Better understanding of skin ageing and the usefulness of emollients can be reinforced by education and encouragement from healthcare professionals. Such interventions should encourage self-management and confidence in using emollients. The partnership between healthcare professionals and older people helps to overcome co-existent ageing difficulties, such as cognitive impairment, hearing loss and impairment of manual dexterity and mobility, which enhances self-reliance. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

Journals - Table of Contents

15. From The Journal of Nursing Administration, July/August 2011, Volume 41, Number 7/8
Supplement: Positive Practice Environments and Outcomes - State of the Science
15B. Effects of Learning Climate and Registered Nurse Staffing on Medication Errors
15C. The Impact of Workplace Incivility on the Work Environment, Manager Skill, and Productivity
15D. The Impact of Safety Organizing, Trusted Leadership, and Care Pathways on Reported Medication Errors in Hospital Nursing Units
15E. Exploring correlates of turnover among nursing assistants in the National Nursing Home Survey
15F. Employer-Provided Support Services and Job Dissatisfaction in Canadian Registered Nurses
15G. The Impact of Hospital Nursing Characteristics on 30-Day Mortality


16. Neonatal Nurses College of Aotearoa Annual Professional Conference
Date: 25th -27th October 2011
Venue: Otago Museum, Dunedin, New Zealand
Theme: “Families/Whanau:
- Relationships and wellbeing in the NICU
- A Foundation for the Best Start to Life”  
More info:

17. ASBD Conference
This conference will bring together researchers and clinicians; multi-disciplinary practitioners (including psychology, psychiatry and general practice); practice and theory. The conference will showcase the latest developments that have increased our understanding and improved our treatment of depressive and bipolar disorders.
Oct 20 2011 - Oct 22 2011
Early bird registration: Jul 29 2011
Location: Sydney NSW
Convenor: Australasian Society for Bipolar and Depressive Disorders (ASBD)
Phone: +61 3 9682 0244
Fax: +61 3 9682 0288

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