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Issue 206 - 23 Nov 2011

Food safety at home

Getting sick from a foodborne illness is avoidable. Reduce your risk of getting sick by following our easy tips. Foodborne illness is estimated to strike about 200,000 New Zealanders every year. Nearly half of these (at least 40%) are attributed to food handling, preparation or storage in the home – that’s 80,000 people getting sick from a foodborne illness they caused, or one caused by someone they know.

Selected books - NZNO Library

These books can be borrowed by members free of charge, for a period of 4 weeks.

1.  Hearts Hands Minds: The cardio-thoracic nurses of Green Lane hospital
By Margaret Horsburgh. Dunmore Publishing, 2010
This book tells the story of nurses and their work in the Cardio-thoracic Surgical Unit (CTSU) of Green Lane Hospital over 60 years, until the unit transferred to Auckland City Hospital in 2003.

2. Clinical Supervision for Nurses
By Lisa Lynch et al. Wiley-Blackwell, 2008
Clinical supervision provides a framework within which nurses can reflect on their practice, enabling them to face professional challenges with renewed energy and a clearer perspective. This text explores the role of clinical supervision, its contribution to practice development and implementation in practice. It discusses the range of approaches to clinical supervision and models of supervision, organisational readiness and other factors influencing success, legal and ethical issues, and perspectives of supervisors and the supervisees.

3.  Home care nursing practice: concepts and application
By Robyn Rice, Mosby Elsevier, 2006
Known for its comprehensive, readable, consistent format, as well as its coverage of pediatric and geriatric patients, this practical text and reference presents principles for managing complex patient care in the home environment. It addresses the medical conditions most commonly seen by the home care nurse in the context of the theoretical foundations of home health nursing. Patient education a vital element of home care is incorporated throughout. This edition features new chapters on oncology home care, social services for a home care patient, and innovative holistic nursing strategies. It also highlights HIPAA regulations related to home care, new trends in the growing area of telehealth, and content about disaster planning as it relates to people in their homes.


4. Improving the management of children with learning disability and autism spectrum disorder when they attend hospital
By Vaz, I. Child: Care, Health & Development, Nov 2010, Vol 36 Issue 6: p753-755
The author offers opinions on hospital care for children who have learning disability and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It is noted that children with this disability often suffer severe anxiety when receiving medical care, particularly in a hospital emergency department, which in turn makes diagnosis extremely difficult. Means of alleviating the anxieties of autistic child patients are suggested including limiting waiting time, allowing parents to wait with their children and recognition that more time is likely to be needed in diagnosis..

5. A review of the evidence on the effectiveness of children's vision screening
By Mathers, M. et al. Child: Care, Health & Development, Nov 2010, Vol. 36 Issue 6: p756-780
Screening programmes enable health conditions to be identified so that effective interventions can be offered. The aim of this review was to determine: (1) the effectiveness of children's vision screening programmes; (2) at what age children should attend vision screening; and (3) what form vision screening programmes should take to be most effective. A literature review on the effectiveness of vision screening programmes in children aged 0-16 years was undertaken. Eligible studies/reviews were identified through clinical databases, hand searches and consultation with expert reviewers. The methodological quality of papers was rated using National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) guidelines. Screening of children 18 months to 5 years, and subsequent early treatment, led to improved visual outcomes. The benefit was primarily through treatment of amblyopia, with improved visual acuity of the amblyopic eye. However, the overall quality of the evidence was low. The implication of improved visual acuity (e.g. any potential impact on quality of life) was not considered. Without consideration of 'quality of life' values, such as loss of vision in one eye or possibility of future bilateral vision loss, the cost-effectiveness of screening is questionable. Screening and treating children with uncorrected refractive error can improve educational outcomes. Evidence suggested that screening occur in the preschool years. Orthoptists were favoured as screening personnel; however, nurses could achieve high sensitivity and specificity with appropriate training. Further research is required to assess the effectiveness of neonatal screening. Most studies suggested that children's vision screening was beneficial, although programme components varied widely (e.g. tests used, screening personnel and age at testing). Research is required to clearly define any improvements to quality of life and any related economic benefits resulting from childhood vision screening. The evidence could be used to guide optimization of existing programmes. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

6.  An epidemiologic study of irritable bowel syndrome in adolescents and children in South China: a school-based study
By Zhou, H. et al. Child: Care, Health & Development, Nov 2010, Vol. 36 Issue 6: p781-786
 To explore the prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) among school-aged children in South China, and identify distribution characteristics and contributing factors. Methods Primary, middle and high school students ( n= 2013) were recruited from schools in Shanghai. Students completed two questionnaires, one for IBS in adolescents and children and the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED). Results (1) The prevalence of IBS among students was 20.72% and the incidence increased with age. (2) Several physical factors and overuse of analgesics were significantly associated with IBS. (3) The prevalence of anxiety disorder was higher in older students, and in females vs. males. Students with IBS tended towards anxiety-related emotional disorders (38.14% vs. 18.96%). (4) IBS students scored higher in all SCARED categories. Within IBS students, those who frequently sought medical care reported higher scores in the somatization/panic category.
Conclusion: (1) Irritable bowel syndrome is a common disorder among adolescents in South China and prevalence increases with age. (2) Gastrointestinal infection, abuse of analgesics and psychological factors might be related to the incidence of IBS. (3) The tendency towards anxiety-related emotional disorders also increases with age, suggesting a possible correlation with IBS and underlining the importance of positive family and school environments. Although the prevalence of anxiety-related emotional disorders was higher in females than males, this trend was not correlated with the occurrence of IBS. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

7. Burns in young children: a retrospective matched cohort study of health and developmental outcomes.
By Hutchings, al. Child: Care, Health & Development, Nov 2010, Vol. 36 Issue 6: p787-794
 Unintentional injuries are a major cause of death and disability in childhood. Most burns are unintentional, the majority occurring in pre-school children. Little is known about the outcomes of young children following burns. The purpose of this study was to examine the presenting features of burned children and compare their health and developmental outcomes with controls.
Methods: Children under 3 years admitted to the Welsh Regional Burns Centre between September 1994 and August 1997 were studied up to their sixth birthday (final data collection 2003) to ascertain the nature, course and cause of their burn. One hundred and forty-five burned children were matched with 145 controls. Their physical, psychosocial and educational health status was compared. Retrospective data were gathered from hospital notes, social services, emergency department databases, child health surveillance records and schools.
Results: Burns peaked at age 13-18 months were typically sustained by scalding, drink spillage and contact with hot objects. They occurred most frequently at mealtimes and 89.7% were judged to be unintentional. There was a high rate of non-attendance for follow-up - 24%. The families of children admitted with burns were more likely to have moved home than those of controls ( P = 0.001). By age 6 significantly more cases were admitted to hospital with an unrelated condition ( P = 0.018). There were no differences between the cases and controls in immunization status, development, school attendance and educational progress up to the age of 6 years ( P > 0.05). Conclusions: We found important findings in relation to unintentional injury prevention and also noted markers that may indicate inequalities in health service utilization between cases and controls. There were no major differences between developmental and educational outcomes in the two groups. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

8. Parents' decision following the Food and Drug Administration recommendation: the case of over-the-counter cough and cold medication
By Hanoch, al. Child: Care, Health & Development, Nov 2010, Vol. 36 Issue 6: p795-804
 In 2007, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommended against parents administering over-the-counter cough and cold medications (OTC-CCM) to children under 2 years of age because serious and potentially life-threatening side effects can occur. This study examined the impact of FDA's recommendations against giving children under 2 years old OTC-CCM.
Methods: We asked parents ( n= 377) whether they knew of and trusted the FDA recommendations, as well as whether they intended to follow them. We also examined parents' knowledge, perceptions and behaviours with respect to OTC-CCM.
Results: About 33% of our sample had never heard of the FDA recommendations. Of those who were aware, 32.9% intended to continue administering OTC-CCM, and another 36.7% were not sure what to do. Our results indicate that parents who trust the FDA recommendations are significantly more likely to stop giving OTC-CCM to their children. However, almost half did not trust the FDA recommendations or were not sure whether to trust them. Our results indicate that parents who trust the FDA recommendation are significantly more likely to discontinue using OTC-CCM. Our data also reveal that many parents give more than one drug simultaneously (32.9%), cannot identify the active ingredient(s) (28.9%) or fail to store the medications in a safe place (86.1%).
Conclusion: Parents' confidence in the FDA recommendations predicted whether they would continue or stop administering OTC-CCM to their children. Our findings illustrate the urgent need for widespread public education about OTC-CCM products to ensure children's safety. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

9. Sleep problems and daytime tiredness in Finnish preschool-aged children-a community survey
By Simola, P. et al. Child: Care, Health & Development, Nov 2010, Vol. 36 Issue 6: p805-811
 Sleep is important to the well-being and development of children. Specially, small children are vulnerable to the effects of inadequate sleep. However, not much is known about the frequency of all types of sleep problems and daytime tiredness in preschool-aged children.
Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of a wide spectrum of sleep problems, daytime tiredness and associations between these in 3- to 6-year-old Finnish children. Methods A population-based study where parents of 3- to 6-year-old children ( n= 904) living in Helsinki filled in the Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children (SDSC).
Results: Of the children, 45% had at least one sleep-related problem occurring at least three times a week: 14.1% were unwilling to go to bed, 10.2% had difficulties in falling asleep, 10.2% had bruxism, 6.4% sleep talking, 2.1% sleep terrors, 8.2% had sleep-related breathing problem, 11.2% had excessive sweating while falling asleep and 12.9% excessive sweating during sleep. Age and gender were related to phenotype of the sleeping problems. In multiple regression analysis, the difficulties in initiating and maintaining sleep were most strongly associated with tiredness in the morning and during the day.
Conclusions: Different types of sleep problems are frequent in preschool-aged children. Poor sleep quality is associated with morning and daytime tiredness. In screening for sleep problems in children, attention should be paid not only to sleep amount but also to sleep quality. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

Journals - Table of Contents

10. From Contemporary Nurse, Volume 39 Number 1, August 2011.
. The development of a parenting program for incarcerated mothers in Australia: A review of prison-based parenting programs
10B. 'Walk-ins': Developing a nursing role to manage unscheduled presentations to a community mental health clinic
10C.  A path of perpetual resilience: Exploring the experience of a diabetes-related amputation through grounded theory
10D.  A mixed method pilot study: The researchers' experiences
10E.  Sex differences in gender characteristics of Australian nurses and male engineers: A comparative cross-sectional survey
10F.  Theory before practice: Implicit assumptions about clinical nursing education in Australia as revealed through a shared critical reflection
10G.  Reasons for leaving nursing: A study among Turkish nurses
10H.  Meanings and aspects of quality of life for cancer patients: A descriptive exploratory qualitative study
10I.  Cultural and linguistic isolation: The breast cancer experience of Chinese-Australian women - A qualitative study
10J.  The role of religiosity as a coping resource for relatives of critically ill patients in Greece
10K.  Quality of work life and productivity among Iranian nurses
10L.  Outcomes of a clinical partnership model for undergraduate nursing students


11. Best Practice in Emergency Departments & Intensive Care Settings
20-21 February 2012
Venue: Rendezvous Hotel
More information:

12. 11th Annual Emergency Management Conference  
: 28 to 29 February 2012
Venue: Wellington, New Zealand
More information:
13. Fifth International Asian and Ethnic Minority Health and Wellbeing Conference 
27 to 29 June 2012
Venue: Auckland, New Zealand
More information:

News - National

14. Drug taking schoolgirls were 'reckless' - hospital doctor
TVNZ - 22 Nov 2011

The consumption of ecstasy-like pills yesterday by Hamilton schoolgirls was "dangerous" and "reckless", the clinical director of Waikato Hospital's emergency department says. Eleven students took the illegal drugs during the school lunch hour on Monday, with seven ending up at Waikato Hospital.

15. Tobacco giant challenges Australian Government
TVNZ - 21 Nov 2011

Tobacco giant Philip Morris has launched launched legal action against Australian laws forcing tobacco products to be sold in drab, plain packaging from late next year, and other tobacco companies said they would soon follow suit.

16. Introduction to The Children's Social Health Monitor
In New Zealand, there are currently large disparities in child health status, with Māori and Pacific children and those living in more deprived areas experiencing a disproportionate burden of morbidity and mortality [1]. These disparities were present even in the mid 2000s, when New Zealand experienced some of its lowest unemployment rates in recent decades.

News - International

17. Study confirms sodium-related heart risks
CNN - 22 Nov 2011

People with heart disease may increase their risk of heart attack, stroke, heart failure, and dying from heart-related causes even more if they consume a diet high in sodium, according to a new study that followed nearly 30,000 people for more than four years.

18. Coffee May Protect Against Endometrial Cancer
ABC News - 22 Nov 2011

A new study found that java may protect against endometrial cancer, which begins in the lining of the uterus. It is the most common type of uterine cancer. The research, published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, examined data from the Nurses' Health Study, one of the largest and longest-running investigations of factors that influence women's health. 

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