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Issue 14 - 8 May 2012

Enjoy FREE access to LWW Nursing Journals
In honour of Nurses' Week 2012, enjoy online access to the current issues of LWW's Nursing journals - May 6 through May 12.

Articles on Solvent Abuse

1. The Latest “Cheap High” for Teens
By Thomas, Sandra P. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, Nov 2009, Vol. 30 Issue 11: p659-659
The author mentions that teenagers are using computer keyboard cleaner as a drug. The teenagers sniff the aerosol spray in a practice called "doing duster" that is potentially fatal. The product can damage nostrils, internal organs and the brain. The author invites clinical and research papers on the issue and suggests that psychiatric nurses educate parents about the practice
2. Inhalant abuse among adolescents: neurobiological considerations
By Lubman, D. I.; Y.ücel, M.; Lawrence, A. J. British Journal of Pharmacology, May 2008, Vol. 154 Issue 2: p316-326
: Experimentation with volatile substances (inhalants) is common during early adolescence, yet limited work has been conducted examining the neurobiological impact of regular binge use during this key stage of development. Human studies consistently demonstrate that chronic use is associated with significant toxic effects, including neurological and neuropsychological impairment, as well as diffuse and subtle changes in white matter. However, most preclinical research has tended to focus on acute exposure, with limited work examining the neuropharmacological or toxicological mechanisms underpinning these changes or their potential reversibility with abstinence. Nevertheless, there is growing evidence that commonly abused inhalants share common cellular mechanisms, and have similar actions to other drugs of abuse. Indeed, the majority of acute behavioural effects appear to be underpinned by changes in receptor and/or ion channel activity (for example, GABAA, glycine and 5HT3 receptor activation, NMDA receptor inhibition), although nonspecific interactions can also arise at high concentrations. Recent studies examining the effects of toluene exposure during the early postnatal period are suggestive of long-term alterations in the function of NMDA and GABAA receptors, although limited work has been conducted investigating exposure during adolescence. Given the critical role of neurotransmitter systems in cognitive, emotional and brain development, future studies will need to take account of the substantial neuromaturational changes that are known to occur in the brain during childhood and adolescence, and to specifically investigate the neuropharmacological and toxicological profile of inhalant exposure during this period of development.British Journal of Pharmacology (2008) 154, 316–326; doi:10.1038/bjp.2008.76; published online 10 March 2008 [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

Articles - Clinical Nurse Specialist [Journal]

Guest Editorial
3. The Plight of the Psychiatric Clinical Nurse Specialist: The Dismantling of the Advanced Practice Nursing Archetype

By Jones, Jeffrey S.; Minarik, Pamela A. Clinical Nurse Specialist. May/June 2012. 26(3):121-125..

Letter to the Editor
4.The Evidence for Evidence-Based Nursing Policies and Procedures

By Riley, Tracy A. Clinical Nurse Specialist. May/June 2012. 26(3):126-127..

5. Author Response
By Gawlinski, Anna. Clinical Nurse Specialist, May/June 2012. 26(3):127.

Information Technology and the Clinical Nurse Specialist
6. The Use of Smartphones in Hospitals

By Barton, Amy J. Clinical Nurse Specialist. May/June 2012. 26(3):128-130. .

Using Research to Advance Nursing Practice
7. Applying Statistics to Clinical Nurse Specialist Practice

By Westlake, Cheryl; Pozza, Renee. Clinical Nurse Specialist. May/June 2012. 26(3):131-135.
Pharmacology Consult
8. Preventing and Reporting Adverse Drug Events: Pharmacovigilance for the Clinical Nurse Specialist

By O’Malley, Patricia Anne. Clinical Nurse Specialist. May/June 2012. 26(3):136-137..

Cochrane Nursing Care Corner
9. Ad Libitum or Demand/Semidemand Feeding Versus Scheduled Interval Feeding for Preterm Infants

By Brick, Nerys. Clinical Nurse Specialist. May/June 2012. 26(3):138-139. .

Nursing and the Arts
10. Laurel Archer Copp’s Principle of Alternation: Preserving the Humanity of the Nurse

By Young-Mason, Jeanine. Clinical Nurse Specialist. May/June 2012. 26(3):183-184. .
NACNS Position Paper
11. National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists’s Statement on the APRN Consensus Model Implementation
Clinical Nurse Specialist. May/June 2012. 26(3):185-190. .

Feature Article
12. Validity and Interrater Reliability of the Moline-Roberts Pharmacologic Sedation Scale

By Moline, Beverly; Roberts, Melanie; Houser, Janet. May/June 2012. Clinical Nurse Specialist. 26(3):140-148.

13. The Clinical Nurse Specialist in Chronic Diseases
By Moore, Jane; McQuestion, Maurene. May/June 2012. Clinical Nurse Specialist. 26(3):149-163.

14. Outcome of Clinical Nurse Specialist–Led Hyperbilirubinemia Screening of Late Preterm Newborns
By Nelson, Laura; Doering, Jennifer J.; Anderson, Megan; Kelly, Lucy. May/June 2012. Clinical Nurse Specialist. 26(3):164-168. .

15. Implementing a Safe and Reliable Process for Medication Administration
By Richardson, Barbara; Bromirski, Bridget; Hayden, Avis. May/June 2012. Clinical Nurse Specialist. 26(3):169-176. .

16. Depression in Hospital-Employed Nurses
By Letvak, Susan; Ruhm, Christopher J.; McCoy, Thomas. May/June 2012. Clinical Nurse Specialist. 26(3):177-182. .
Conference Abstracts
17. 2012 National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists Annual Conference: Student Abstracts
Clinical Nurse Specialist. May/June 2012. 26(3):E1-E11. .

Journal - Table of Contents

18. From World of Irish Nursing & Midwifery, Vol. 20, No 3, April 2012
Uncertainty and confusion serving no one
18B. Clarity needed on organisational reform [The NMO has sought immediate clarity on the ongoing organisational reform of the health service]; Joint INMO/SOU hospital visits to assess ED overcrowding
. Update on undergraduate degree review; Cork community hospitals under threat; Permanency confirmed for 70 posts in Cork; New voluntary Gardia vetting; All roads lead to Killarney for ADC 2012; Post of Director of professional development
18D. Limerick unrest back at boiling point; Protest at St Joseph's, Ardee; Safe practice workshop equips Drogheda members
Media Watch
. Next job cuts will be 'targeted'
Section news
. ODNs getting used to 'doing more with less'; Regional OHN workshops focus on physio and wellness
Midwifery Matters
. And how is the mother? [The dearth of national information on women's health following childbirth in Ireland needs to be addressed]
18H. Catherine Doyle: CNS in complementary therapies
18I. Community - who cares? [Mass retirements are yet another setback for overstretched public health nurses]
18J. A new movement in epilepsy care
Clinical Focus 2012
. Osteoporosis in men: Risk factors and management
18L. Childhood asthma: Prevalence and presentation
18M. Small cell lung cancer: Staging, treatment and prognosis
. Tips for exam success
. Teaching in real time [Outcomes in a Cambodian classroom]

News - National

19. Facebook: paying the price in personal information
ODT - Wed, 2 May 2012
New Zealanders have been reminded that their personal information is the price they pay to use social networking sites as a survey shows nearly 9 out of 10 youngsters use Facebook. The UMR privacy survey, released today, shows social networking use has soared from 14 per cent of the population in 2007 using Facebook to 54 per cent this year

20. Solvent abuse as big as alcohol issue - counsellor
TVNZ - 7 May 2012
The issue of youth abusing solvents is on the "same spectrum" as alcohol abuse, a drug counsellor says. Solvent abuse is much more common than many parents realise, Murray Trenberth, chief executive of the drug counselling service WellTrust, told TV ONE's Breakfast this morning.

21. Health Information Privacy Code
A revised edition 2008 of the Health Information Privacy Code 1994, incorporating amendments and including revised commentary is available.  This edition includes updated commentary, aimed at helping those who work in the health sector understand the code. The HIPC applies to the health information relating to identifiable individuals and applies to the following agencies:
• all agencies providing personal or public health or disability services such as primary health organisations, district health boards, rest homes, supported accommodation, doctors, nurses, dentists, pharmacists and optometrists; and
• some agencies that do not provide health services to individuals but which are part of the health sector such as ACC, the Ministry of Health, the Health Research Council, health insurers and professional disciplinary bodies. This code sets specific rules for agencies in the health sector to better ensure the protection of individual privacy. The code addresses the health information collected, used, held and disclosed by health agencies. For the health sector the code takes the place of the information privacy principles

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