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Issue 15 - 17 May 2012

NZNO on Facebook

NZNO has just launched its new Facebook page. We’ve created an opportunity for you to interact with NZNO, ask us questions and find out what’s going on. We’re also here to give you the chance to engage with your fellow members and chat about the big issues facing nursing and health in New Zealand Aotearoa. We hope you will enjoy the information and discussion on a wide range of professional nursing and union related topics. Please click the link , “like” and “share”:


1. Labor delivers on promise of aged care reform

By Thomas, Lee. Australian Nursing Journal, May 2012, Vol. 19 Issue 10: p1

Letter to the editor
2A A dilemma for clinical nurses

By Kay, Kate. Australian Nursing Journal, May 2012, Vol. 19 Issue 10: p4-5
I would like to offer a new nurses’ perspective to the letter “Student dilemma” (Mail April ANJ). I never had the luxury of a clinical educator during my placements rather I relied heavily on the “buddy system”. The problem with the buddy system is that the student nurse is not buddied with the same RN for the duration. This means they constantly have to prove themselves in order to be able to complete clinical tasks, as any nurse will tell you they are always nervous about letting a student complete tasks in case the student makes a mistake, and it’s the RN’s name on the chart.

2B.Preceptor dilemma
Australian Nursing Journal, May 2012, Vol. 19 Issue 10: p4
In response to “Student dilemma” (Mail April ANJ), as a registered nurse in a large busy Melbourne private hospital on a high acuity medical/surgical ward, my colleagues and I have found it increasingly stressful to have student nurses on our ward, which is usually for the greater part of the year (February through to
December). I too am baffled as to why universities have changed from providing their own educators to the preceptor/buddy system, especially when most nursing staff on the ward have no teaching or assessment training.

2C. Preceptorship model positive
By Turnbull, Laura; Newall, Fiona; Trueman, Melody. Australian Nursing Journal, May 2012, Vol. 19 Issue 10: p5

3. Push for NPs in primary care; Nurse practitioner roles expanding; Nurse triage line not dismal; Hike in registration fees;Inequitable funding for electronic health record
Australian Nursing Journal, May 2012, Vol. 19 Issue 10: p6

4. INTERNATIONAL NURSES' AND MIDWIVES' DAYS: celebrating our professions
Australian Nursing Journal, May 2012, Vol. 19 Issue 10: p10-13

Australian Nursing Journal, May2012, Vol. 19 Issue 10, p15-18
Subjects: NEW South Wales; QUEENSLAND; SOUTH Australia; AUSTRALIAN Capital Territory; AWARDS; COLLECTIVE bargaining; HOLIDAYS; NURSE practitioners; POLITICAL participation; PUBLIC sector; NURSE-patient ratio; NSW Nurses' Association.

NSW campaign: Defend ratios; WA: NP recruitment drive; NSW: Ironclad guarantee on nurse patient ratios; ACT continues to support NPs; Lifesaving health action for women and children; Nurse to patient ratios impact burnout worldwide; TB prevention toolkit

Changing jobs on a 457 visa; Immigration Q & A; LEMNOS nurses 2015; Get active on policy: your voice is loud

. Student survival guide: Clinical placements; Assignments; Home Life

IND Theme - Closing the gap: From evidence to action

. Closing the gap: Support for indigenous loss

11. The importance of accurate documentation

. Poor records can reflect poor practice

13. Jo Lovelock (Breast Cancer Nurse) - Working Life

Personal carers' role in medication administration

. Dementia care mapping as a tool for person centred care

Competition - ICT solutions for the Health Sector in Africa

16. The International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTeH)
The African Development Bank (AfDB) has launched a competition for innovative and sustainable information and communication technology (ICT) solutions for the health sector in Africa. Initiated by the AfDB's Human Development Department, the eHealth Award aims to discover current work being done in the fields of eHealth and mHealth in Africa, to encourage the production and sharing of knowledge on eHealth solutions, and provide added value through the sharing of lessons learnt in eHealth and mHealth. The award targets a range of participants, including individuals, NGOs, development organizations, companies, academic institutions and research facilities. The criteria and focus of the award are centered on:

a)    using ICT to increase access to health services, particularly for the poor and marginalized,

b)    using ICT to increase the utilization of essential health services and/or

c)    the evaluation of eHealth solutions to improve efficiency in the delivery of health services.
Deadline for submissions from participants: 30 May 2012. Submissions should be an abstract of 500 words from their projects, after which the shortlisted candidates will need to produce an evaluation report.
Online submission form:
For more information:

Journal - Table of Contents

17. Whitireia Nursing Journal; Issue 18, 2011
Celebrating 25 years of Nursing Education [Margaret Southwick - Dean, Faculty of Health (Nursing)
caring for the patient with dementia in the acute setting
17C. Dental health of children from a low socio-economic background: Socio-Political Nursing in the New Zealand context
17D. Collaborative work with industry: Implementation of dedicated education units
17E. Disparity in mental health provision for Maori and Pacific: A nursing response
Cultural safety in nursing education and practice in Aotearoa New Zealand [Frances Richardson]
17G. Within the current primary healthcare system, how easy is it for registered nurses employed by Maori healthcare providers to work in a holistic way with people who have type 2 diabetes? [Liz Day]

News - National

18. Investigation launched into tertiary providers
TVNZ - 14 May, 2012

The qualifications authority has launched an investigation into the recruitment of Indian nurses who come to study in New Zealand. The announcement comes after TV ONE's Close Up programme revealed some nurses come here on the false hope that they will find work, only to be turned away because their qualifications do not meet New Zealand standards. The nurses are pleading for the Government to step in

19. Parents are working too much say kids
NZ Herald - 15 May, 2012

Many children feel their parents are working too much and it is impacting on family time, according to new research by the Australian Institute of Family Studies

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