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Issue 25 - 3 August 2012

Articles - Hospital Topics Journal

1. Evaluating Efficiency of Training: An Application in Primary Health Centers Using Multiple Comparison Techniques
By Tasciogullari, Bahar & Kiyak, Mithat.
Hospital Topics. Apr-Jun 2011, Vol. 89 Issue 2: p27-36
The purpose of this research is to measure the efficiency of trainings in the general principles of vaccine applications, the cold chain, and the adverse effects after vaccination for 51 employees (31 midwives and 20 nurses) working at primary health centers in Tuzla Health Group Region via test and retest method. The data collected through measurement of test scores before and after trainings is analyzed via multiple comparison techniques such as general test scores, the scores of each training, the scores of previously trained subjects, and difference scores. Achievement scores after training were significantly high. Previous trainings did not reveal significant effects on the results. Having been trained before did not cause permanent influence. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]. Source: Ebsco - MasterFile Premier Database

2. Introducing the Health Coach at a Primary Care Practice: A Pilot Study (Part 2)
By Lanese, Bethany Sneed; Dey, Asoke; Srivastava, Prashant; Figler, Robert.
Hospital Topics. Apr-Jun 2011, Vol. 89 Issue 2: p37-42
: It is well known that the cost of healthcare in the United States is a poor value proposition. One of the primary goals of the healthcare reform act is to reduce cost while improving healthcare quality. The authors believe that adding a health coach helps to achieve this goal. In part I, the authors discuss the role of a health coach in the healthcare field. They present the findings from a pilot study at a primary care practice managing diabetes of patients using a health coach. The findings from the study suggest that adding a health coach helps in cost savings as well as improved health for the patients. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].
Source: Ebsco - MasterFile Premier Database

3. Is Nursing a Profession in Turkey?
By Celik, Serpil; Kececi, Ayla; Bulduk, Serap.
Hospital Topics. Apr-Jun 2011, Vol. 89 Issue 2: p43-50
Nursing has been a dynamic process since the existence of humanity on Earth. As a part of this process, whether nursing is an occupation or a profession has been a long-lasting question. There exist different sets of criteria and schemes of classification that are used to define professions. In this article the authors inquire into the professionalism of nursing in Turkey in view of the criteria for nursing professionalism first set by B. K. Miller et al. (1993). [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].
Source: Ebsco - MasterFile Premier Database

4. Sticker Shock: An Exploration of Supply Charge Capture Outcomes
By Ledlow, Gerald R.; Stephens, James H.; Fowler, Heidi Hulsey. Hospital Topics. Jan-Mar2011, Vol. 89 Issue 1: p1-8
Do you find supply item charge stickers in shocking places in nursing units? Capturing supply item charges to increase net revenue or achieve break-even are based on efficiency. To determine practical efficiency for a hospital in supply charge capture, the authors examined the quantity of supply charge capture items, volume, and relative size of the hospital in 10 hospitals in the midwestern and southeastern United States. What differences in supply charge capture information can determine if a hospital can break even? Results show that hospital size and number of supply charge capture items to manage are important factors. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].
Source: Ebsco - MasterFile Premier Database

5. Capital Expenditure Trends in California Hospitals: 2002-2007
By McCue, Michael J.
Hospital Topics. Jan-Mar2011, Vol. 89 Issue 1: p9-15
From 1997 to 2001, hospitals expanded their capital expenditures by only 1% while future capital investment was expected to grow by 14% (Healthcare Financial Management Association 2004). Analyzing California hospital data from 2002 to 2004 to 2005 to 2007, the author identified and classified capital expenditures into 4 major types. Between the 2 study periods, growth in capital purchases exceeded 23% for medical equipment, expansion, and maintenance types of projects. Large nonprofit hospitals capturing a greater share of the market and serving fewer uninsured and government payers had a greater number of these types of capital purchases. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].
Source: Ebsco - MasterFile Premier Database

6. Introducing the Health Coach at a Primary Care Practice: Impact on Quality and Cost (Part 1)
By Lanese, Bethany Sneed; Dey, Asoke; Srivastava, Prashant; Figler, Robert.
Hospital Topics. Jan-Mar 2011, Vol. 89 Issue 1: p16-22
: The cost of healthcare in U.S. is a poor value proposition. One of the primary goals of the healthcare reform act is to reduce cost while improving healthcare quality. We believe that adding a health coach will help in achieving this goal. The health coach is a medical professional who supports both the physician and the patient by meeting previously established goals. This research presents and analyzes the key roles of a health coach in a primary care practice. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].
Source: Ebsco - MasterFile Premier Database

7. Derision is the Sweet Spot of Adoption: Unleashing Disruptive Growth
By Poll, Wayne. Hospital Topics. Jan-Mar 2011, Vol. 89 Issue 1: p23-25
: Energetic and ambitious clinicians frequently present new disruptive technologies and growth opportunities to hospital management. Far too often, established medical staff leadership respond to these replacement services with derision, as they sense that the value of their hard-fought experience is threatened. In this regard, derision is often disguised validation and may be the first indicator that the visionary physician is on to something. Truly disruptive service offerings cannot survive the scrutiny of layered medical staff structure or traditional fiscal review. Innovative hospital CEOs should take notice when a new idea is treated with derision and consider resourcing them through an alternative pathway. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].
Source: Ebsco - MasterFile Premier Database

Selected Articles - Nursing Children & Young People Journal

8. Why the first two years of life can be make or break.
By: Duffin, Christian. Nursing Children & Young People. Jul 2012, Vol. 24 Issue 6, p6-7
The Jesuit mantra of ‘give me the child until he is seven and I will show you the man’ refers to the belief that people’s behaviour and thought patterns are shaped during the first seven years of childhood. However, the Parent Infant Partnership UK (PIPUK) charity suggests that children reach this watershed by the age of two

9. Evolution of a youth work service in hospital
By Hilton, Donna; Jepson, Shelley. Nursing Children & Young People. Jul 2012, Vol. 24 Issue 6: p14-18
Youth workers are based predominantly in the community and use a range of informal educational activities to help young people between the ages of 11 and 25 cultivate their personal and social development. The supraregional paediatric nephrology unit at Nottingham City Hospital successfully evaluated the role of a youth worker, funded by a national renal charity, and secured longterm funding for the post in 2000 (Hilton et al 2004, Watson 2004). This article describes the evolution of the youth service over a decade, following the amalgamation of two children's units into one site and the creation of a unified youth service for the Nottingham Children's Hospital in 2008. INSETS: Case study 1: service user; Case study 2: volunteer; Case study 3: nurse. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

10. Developing a nurse-led child sedation service
By Slynn, Cathy; Hulkes, Corrina. Nursing Children & Young People. Jul 2012, Vol. 24 Issue 6: p20-22
This article explores nurse-led sedation of children in preparation for investigations such as magnetic resonance imaging or minor surgical procedures. The importance of the multidisciplinary team in setting up, implementing and evaluating this new nurse-led initiative is described. Effective planning, involvement, agreement and training are key to a successful change in practice, with responsibility being delegated to competent nursing staff. Evaluation has shown all-round benefits. Trained nurse-led sedation is safe, effective and efficient and nurses are motivated to undertake this extended role. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

11. A paediatric early warning scoring system for a remote rural area
By Henderson, Sarah. Nursing Children & Young People. Jul 2012, Vol. 24 Issue 6: p23-26
Health professionals can fail to identify and treat serious illness or acute deterioration in children because of a lack of relevant training, experience or supervision. In Argyll and Bute in Scotland a standardised, monitoring system was initiated measuring six physiological parameters: temperature, pulse rate, respiratory rate, systolic blood pressure, oxygen saturation and consciousness level. The total score dictates what actions to take. This local system was positively evaluated but a national paediatric early warning scoring system is needed. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

12. An overview of epilepsy in children and young people
By Solomon, Nina; McHale, Kirsten. Nursing Children & Young People. Jul 2012, Vol. 24 Issue 6: p28-35
The role of the nurse is vital in the management of childhood epilepsy. Nurses play a key role in supporting the child and the family and ensuring that important relevant and accurate information is identified, recorded and reported to the team responsible for the medical management [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

Journal - Table of Contents

13. From Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal, Volume 15 (1), 2012
13A. Prospective validation of a predictive model that identifies homeless people at risk of re-presentation to the emergency department
13B. Can a four-hour interactive workshop on the management of dental emergencies be effective in improving self reported levels of clinician proficiency?
13C. Characteristics of effective interventions supporting quality pain management in Australian emergency departments: An exploratory study
13D. Testing the effects of educational toilet posters: A novel way of reducing haemolysis of blood samples within ED
13E. Opportunistic childhood vaccinations in emergency—Are we really missing anyone?
13F. Traumatic injury in Australia and New Zealand
13G. Lung cancer in the emergency department


14. Australian and New Zealand Society of Palliative Medicine (ANZSPM) Conference
: 4th   to  7th September 2012
Venue: Queenstown, New Zealand
Contact person: ANZSPM Secretariat

15. 8th Australasian Viral Hepatitis Conference
10th   to  12th September 2012
Venue: Auckland, New Zealand
Contact person: Amy Watson
Conference Themes: Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C: Within the areas of interest of Basic Science, Clinical Care, Community and Social Research, Epidemiology, Public Health & Prevention.

News - National

16. Pollution harming Aucklanders' health - report
Stuff - 31 July 2012

Air pollution is responsible for the premature deaths of 200 people in Auckland every year, a new report claims. Auckland's air quality is so bad that in the past two months it breached the Government's National Environmental Standards and on five other occasions exceeded Auckland's Regional Air Quality targets

News - International

17. Secret report uncovers e-health patient identity problems
The Age - 30 July 2012

GLITCHES in patient identity details for Australia's new e-health system have been found in about a third of cases nationally, according to a report the federal Health Department refuses to release. The secret report indicates patient identity information held by state public hospitals frequently fails to match the data that Medicare Australia holds on the same individuals. Differences in the spelling of names or other variations, such as the use of Robert and Bob, can pose a significant obstacle as the system requires an exact match before individuals can get e-health access.

18.  Bug hits Auckland Health Facilities
Stuff 24 July 2012

About 40 patients have become ill with a stomach bug at several Auckland health facilities. Patients at North Shore Hospital, forensic psychiatric unit the Mason Clinic and Taharoto Mental Health Unit. Waitemata DHB staff were alerted to the bug on Sunday evening after a number of patients became ill with vomiting and diarrhoea

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