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Issue 33 - 2 October 2012

Books Available for Borrowing

1. The Burden of Asthma in New Zealand
By Dr Shaun Holt & Professor Richard Beasley
Asthma and Respiratory Foundation of New Zealand (Inc.)
Published in December 2001
The Asthma and respiratory Foundation commissioned this report to highlight the burden of asthma in New Zealand. Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases affecting children and adults in New Zealand, which has the highest prevalence of asthma in the world.

2. Care of the difficult patient: A nurse's guide
By Peter J. Manos and Joan Braun
Published 2008
A stay in hospital is a traumatic experience for most patients; however, some patients may be more difficult than others to care for, because of mental distress and ill health, historic substance abuse, demanding family members or abusive behavior, for example. "Difficult" patients place extra demands on nurses professionally and personally. Developing the skills required to deal with difficult patients is therefore vital to the smooth running of any hospital ward.

3. The complexities of care: Nursing reconsidered
Edited by Sioban and Suzanne Gordon
Published 2006
In a series of essays, "The Complexities of Care" rejects the assumption that nursing work is primarily emotional and relational. The contributors - international experts on nursing - all argue that caring discourse in nursing is a dangerous oversimplification that has in fact created dilemmas within the profession and in the health care system. This book explores care at a pivotal moment in the history of health care. The ideas presented here are intended to foster a critical debate to assist nurses to better understand the nature and meaning of the nurse-patient relationship, confront challenges to their work and their profession, and deliver the services patients need now and into the future.

Articles - Orthopaedic Nursing [Journal]

4. Caring for the Caregivers 
By Satusky, Mary Jo, BSN, RN, ONC, CCRC. Orthopaedic Nursing 30. 6 (Nov/Dec 2011): 349-350
: Satusky discusses the importance of caring for the caregivers that the National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses (NAON) has a position statement on the importance of a healthful work environment of the nurses. She cites a key component of a healthful work environment, which includes minimizing health risks for the nurse. Among other things, Satusky talks about the NAON Safe Patient Handling and Movement Task Force which was developed in 2006.

5. Reaching Out
Mock, Melinda S, RN, ONC, CLCP. Orthopaedic Nursing 30. 6 (Nov/Dec 2011): 351-2
Abstract: Mock talks about the National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses' (NAON) mission to reach out and touch somebody's hand to make this world a better place. The NAON Foundation Board of Trustees are constantly striving to make the world a better place by providing educational opportunities to the NAON community. Here, Mock provides the traditional methods used in reaching out.

6. Spica Cast Care: A Collaborative Staff-Led Education Initiative for Improved Patient Care 
By Reed, Cynthia; Carroll, Lee; Baccari, Susan; Shermont, Herminia. Orthopaedic Nursing 30. 6 (Nov/Dec 2011): 359-60
Abstract: One of the most challenging aspects for nurses caring for incontinent children in spica casts is maintaining healthy skin integrity. Noting an increase in the number of phone calls from parents of discharged children in spica casts concerning diaper rash and skin breakdown, inpatient orthopedics staff nurses lead an interdisciplinary quality improvement and educational initiative. They standardized pediatric spica cast care and education by creating an intranet narrated PowerPoint presentation for staff and parents of children with spica casts. A take-home DVD of this education module is now produced and given to parents, reinforcing nursing discharge teaching and giving parents the opportunity to review these new skills at home as needed. The purpose of this article is to share this experience of improving patient outcomes and empowering other orthopedics nurses to develop creative educational solutions. [PUBLICATION ABSTRACT]

7. Postoperative Total Joint Replacement Class for Support Persons: Enhancing Patient and Family Centered Care Using a Quality Improvement Model 
By Mazaleski, Amanda. Orthopaedic Nursing 30. 6 (Nov/Dec 2011): 365
Abstract: Thorough patient education is imperative to smooth transitions and positive patient outcomes. Often postoperative patients are exhausted, overwhelmed and taking sedating medications, making retention of patient education information and instructions a challenge. Healthcare providers must find innovative opportunities to educate not only patients but also their loved ones to ensure positive outcomes after discharge. The Plan, Do, Study, Act quality improvement model was utilized to organize and evaluate a weekly postoperative class for support persons of patients who have undergone total joint replacement surgery in an effort to enhance patient- and family-centered care. Results gathered from post-class surveys thus far indicate that the knowledge gained from the postoperative class has increased perception of caregiver preparedness for the recovery phase once the patient is discharged from the hospital. [PUBLICATION ABSTRACT]

8. Practical Preparation for Hip Replacement Surgery: Valuable Insider Tips 
Camillo, Pat. Orthopaedic Nursing 30. 6 (Nov/Dec 2011): 367-372
Camillo utilizes observational skills during a personal experience with hip replacement to gain deeper insight into the practical preparation for this surgery. She shares the gaps she discovered for this surgery. Beginning with three reliable online resources, she identified these gaps in the information related to preoperative planning.

9. Mulitmodal Analgesia for Postoperative Total Knee Arthroplasty 
By Otten, Cecilia; Dunn, Karen. Orthopaedic Nursing 30. 6 (Nov/Dec 2011): 381
Postoperative pain after a total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is a major concern for the patient and nurse. Pain after a TKA can be severe and, when inadequately controlled, can impair or prevent functional rehabilitation with physiologic, psychologic, and economic consequences (Sawyer, 2004). With multiple pain management regimens, healthcare providers need data on approaches that provide optimal postoperative pain relief with minimal side effects. This retrospective study examined whether there were differences between regional anesthetics used for TKAs in their ability to control postoperative pain with fewer side effects. Retrospective chart review of two hundred fifty seven charts. Patients who received all 3 anesthetic modalities (intrathecal morphine sulfate, single-shot femoral nerve block, and wound catheter) had better pain control postoperative TKA and requested less opioids.

10. Perceptions of Self-Image and Physical Appearance: Conversations With Typically Developing Youth and Youth With Idiopathic Scoliosis 
By Merenda, Lisa; Costello, Kimberly; Santangelo, Anna Marie; Mulcahey, Mary Jane. Orthopaedic Nursing 30. 6 (Nov/Dec 2011): 383-90
To report how youths, both with and without idiopathic scoliosis (IS), respond to questions about their self-image and perceptions of body shape. An additional purpose is to describe themes that emerged as important to youths with IS to better understand scoliosis from their perspective. Descriptive qualitative and quantitative methods were utilized. Subject interviews were conducted, as part of a larger cognitive interviewing study on the Spinal Appearance Questionnaire, using a cross-sectional sample of 76 females between 8 and 16 years of age with IS and who were typically developing (TD), without scoliosis. IS and TD subjects revealed similar findings when asked what makes them look good versus their peers; self-image ratings were also positive. Predominant themes from open-ended responses include physical appearance, feelings, brace wear, and discomfort. Self-image and body shape did not differ significantly between groups. The identified themes warrant further exploration as they are significant and important to youth with scoliosis.

11. Bilateral Femoroacetabular Impingement 
By Hart, Erin S; Turner, Alison; Kreher, Jeffrey. Orthopaedic Nursing 30. 6 (Nov/Dec 2011): 397-8
The patient is an extremely active 25-year-old male who is a personal trainer by profession, who first experience pain in his left hip. He states he has pain that is located over the anterior aspect of his left groin most of the time and he also states that his right hip is occasionally painful. Among other things Hart, Turner and Kreher shares that many patients with femoroacetabular impingement report pain after sitting for a prolonged period of time and when climbing stairs.

Articles - Bariatric Nursing and Surgical Patient Care [Journal]

12. Evolution of a Discipline  
By Seidl, Kristin L. Bariatric Nursing and Surgical Patient Care 7. 1 (Mar 2012): 1-
The primary goals of nursing practice are to promote and restore health and to improve the quality of life for patients. Direct care nurses primarily seek to achieve this at the level of the individual patient, while nurse administrators and researchers seek to achieve this for populations of patients. Bariatric nurses are no different. While many aspects of nursing practice involve the implementation of universally accepted strategies to promote and restore health and improve quality of life, there are strategies and methods that are specific to the bariatric population. For example, assisting with mobility and activities of daily living is different for the patient with morbid obesity than it is for the patient without obesity.

13. Supporting and Encouraging the Bariatric Surgical Patient: Tips for Keeping Patients on Track and Engaged Throughout Their Journey   
By Seidl, Moderator: Kristin; Rochin, Participants: Elizabeth; Wright, Rebecca; Cowart, Karianne. Bariatric Nursing and Surgical Patient Care 7. 1 (Mar 2012): 3-9
: Dr. Seidl: Bariatric surgery has been recognized as an effective treatment for obesity, and as the prevalence of obesity has increased, so have bariatric surgery rates. While surgery has resulted in positive weight loss outcomes with relatively low complication rates, it is recognized that inadequate participation in or adherence to follow-up care regimens is associated with lower weight loss, and in some cases more complications. During a breakout session at the most recent NABN conference, members discussed some of the strategies used to assist patients maintain compliance with the posthospitalization
postoperative plan of care.

14. Safety, the Nursing Shortage, and the Bariatric Nurse: Is This an Ethical Debate?  
By Gallagher, Susan. Bariatric Nursing and Surgical Patient Care 7. 1 (Mar 2012): 10-12
The Institute of Medicine report, To Err is Human, suggests that 98,000 people who enter the U.S. healthcare system die each year due to medical errors. To that extent, patient safety and current healthcare dilemmas have become the focus of lively debate. Although important, the focus of this debate tends to be short sided. More and more occupational health experts are suggesting nursing injuries affect the nursing shortage and therefore threaten all aspects of patient care including safety. In fact, on October 7, 2011, the Governor of California signed into law California Assembly Bill 1136. This cash-strapped state recognized the threat nurse injuries place on the nursing shortage and ultimately patient safety. This article briefly describes current legislative attempts to address nursing injuries and the status of the nursing shortage, and argues that this shortage is unique in a number of ways. Ethical questions are raised and ideas are presented, including the argument to justify healthcare, and specifically bariatric nursing practice, as a special and protected social good.

15. Use of a Text Messaging Program to Promote Adherence to Daily Physical Activity Guidelines: A Review of the Literature  [PDF] 
By Williams, Anne Dearth. Bariatric Nursing and Surgical Patient Care 7. 1 (Mar 2012): 13-16
Obesity has reached epidemic proportions in the United States and is a complex health problem with many biological, environmental, and psychosocial causative factors. While there are many factors which must be addressed to combat the prevalence of obesity, increasing physical activity is an important modifiable behavior. To determine if text messaging can be used as a communication tool to promote the adherence to daily physical activity guidelines in adults, a literature review was conducted.
Methods: Five databases were searched using the search terms of text messaging*, and MeSH subheadings of cellular phones, health promotion, and health behaviors. Databases were searched from the year 1950 to present, although this topic is more relevant to this century. The literature search produced 37 articles from Medline, 68 articles from CINAHL, 8 from Cochrane, and 42 from PubMed databases. Titles were then reviewed to screen out duplicates and to verify topic relevancy. An abstract review was then completed, followed by an article review of eleven articles. After reviewing the eleven articles, five were excluded, leaving a final total of four relevant articles.
Conclusion: After reviewing the available evidence, text messaging is an effective tool when coupled with additional strategies to increase physical activity in healthy adults and its use is highly recommended by a limited number of participants in these initial studies. However, further research of the important innovative use of text messaging for the use of promoting daily physical activity is needed to substantiate these early findings with larger, diverse samples.

16. Healthcare Reform and Bariatric Nursing: Exploring Differences in Patient Experience between Bariatric and Non-Bariatric Patients  [PDF] 
By Rochin, Elizabeth. Bariatric Nursing and Surgical Patient Care 7. 1 (Mar 2012): 17-20
Healthcare reform continues to generate changes that impact all facets of patient care. One of these impending changes is Value-Based Purchasing (VBP). VBP will create an incentive pool that will allow participating organizations to earn a specified amount based upon core measures and patient satisfaction, specifically measured by HCAHPS (Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems). For the first time, reimbursement will be linked to nursing care. One healthcare organization's experience reveals distinct patient satisfaction differences between bariatric and non-bariatric surgical patients.

17. Sleeve Gastrectomy Patients May Be at Increased Risk Postoperatively for Decline in Vitamin B12 Values--Do They Need Monitoring?  [PDF] 
By Calogeras, Ellen; Zeller, Margaret; Hoover, Cassandra; Cooper, Karen; Tuininga, Paul; et al. Bariatric Nursing and Surgical Patient Care 7. 1 (Mar 2012): 21-24
: Bariatric sleeve gastrectomy patients have 75% of their stomach removed, reducing the stomach volume and parietal cell mass, leaving a narrow gastric tube/sleeve. The parietal cell mass secretes hydrochloric acid and intrinsic factor, which are necessary for vitamin B12 absorption. A review of the literature indicates that a reduction in parietal cell mass could lead to a decline in serum B12 levels. A total of 72 sleeve gastrectomy patients between January 1, 2005, and December 31, 2007, were reviewed. Data collected by retrospective review until December 21, 2008, included gender, age, date of surgery, vitamin B12 supplementation, and serum B12 levels before and after surgery

Journal - Table of Contents

18. From Journal of Advanced Nursing (JAN), Vol. 68, No. 10, October 2012
External validity of physical activity interventions for community-dwelling older adults with fall risk: a quantitative systematic literature review (pages 2140–2154)
18B. Liminality as a framework for understanding the experience of cancer survivorship: a literature review (pages 2155–2164)
Original Research
Paediatric nurse practitioner managed cardiology clinics: patient satisfaction and appointment access (pages 2165–2174)
18D. How haematological cancer nurses experience the threat of patients’ mortality (pages 2175–2184)
18E. Factors influencing Dutch practice nurses’ intention to adopt a new smoking cessation intervention (pages 2185–2194)
18F. Family carer reactions and their related factors among Taiwanese with hospitalized relatives (pages 2195–2206)
18G. Dementia and relationships: experiences of partners in minority ethnic communities (pages 2207–2217)
18H. Converting policy into care: women’s satisfaction with the early labour telephone component of the All Wales Clinical Pathway for Normal Labour (pages 2218–2228)
18I. Graduating nursing students’ perceived preparedness for working in critical care areas (pages 2229–2236)
18J. Assessing quality of life of older people with dementia: a comparison of quantitative self-report and proxy accounts (pages 2237–2246)
18K. Children and adolescents living with atopic eczema: an interpretive phenomenological study with Chinese mothers (pages 2247–2255)
18L. Factors associated with sleep disturbance in women of Mexican descent (pages 2256–2266)

18M.  Randomized controlled trial of a lay-facilitated angina management programme (pages 2267–2279)
Click on this link to access this article free of charge

18N. What to know and how to get to know? A fieldwork study outlining the understanding of knowing the patient in facilities for short-term stay (pages 2280–2288)
18O. Using the Theory of Planned Behaviour to predict nurses’ intention to integrate research evidence into clinical decision-making (pages 2289–2298)
18P. Uncertainty during perimenopause: perceptions of older first-time mothers (pages 2299–2308)
18Q. Promoting continuity of care for people with long-term neurological conditions: the role of the neurology nurse specialist (pages 2309–2319)
18R. Complications after acute coronary syndrome are reduced by perceived control of cardiac illness (pages 2320–2330)
18S. Student centredness in clinical learning: the influence of the clinical teacher (pages 2331–2340)
Research Methodology
. The Care Dependency Scale for measuring basic human needs: an international comparison (pages 2341–2348)
18U. Music in mind, a randomized controlled trial of music therapy for young people with behavioural and emotional problems: study protocol (pages 2349–2358)
Initiating end-of-life care pathways: a discussion paper (pages 2359–2370)

Conferences & Workshops 

19. WAI-262 Seminar
4th October, 2012
Time: Please arrive at 5:45pm for a 6pm start.
Location: Rutherford House,
          Victoria University,
          23 Lambton Quay,

20. HINZ 2012 Conference and Exhibition
7-9 November 2012
Venue: Energy Events Centre, Rotorua
Provisional Programme:

21. Mind How You Go
The NZCCP Wellington branch is hosting a free public event in Wellington on the Saturday of Mental Health Awareness week.
Date: Saturday 13th of October the New Zealand College of Clinical Psychologists is running a free event. The day will consist of a series of presentations given by experienced clinical psychologists. A range of topics will be discussed from common childhood mental health disorders, parenting strategies, stress and resilience, positive psychology, adult mood disorders and older persons mental health. This is an opportunity to learn how a Clinical Psychologist can improve your mental health and wellbeing.
Venue: 10am - 4pm Wellington City Library, Mezzanine Community Room.

News - National

22. Women told: X-rays worth the cost
NZ Herald - 2 Oct 2012
Younger age groups don't know breast cancer is a common disease for those in their 40s, national survey reveals. Expand Rose Wharepapa, 49, has no regrets about her decision to have a double mastectomy. Photo / Brett Phibbs More women are being encouraged to pay for breast cancer x-rays from when they turn 40, after it was found that many younger women do not know how common the disease is at their age. The Breast Cancer Foundation has released results of a national survey which found the majority of women in their early 40s have not had a mammogram. And two-thirds of women in their 20s or 30s don't know breast cancer is the commonest cancer among women in their age group.

23. Chilling K2 drug warning
ODT - 1 Oct 2012
A Dunedin teen is warning others against the dangers of the synthetic cannabis product K2, which she blames for a manic episode in which she battered and bruised her own face

24. Oz law proposes to store users' internet data
NZ Herald - 27 Sept 2012
Australia is proposing sweeping new powers to keep watch over its citizens, including laws to force telecommunications and internet providers to store their subscribers' data for two years.

25. California signs social network privacy bills
Stuff - 28 Sept 2012
Californians who use social media like Twitter and Facebook have a little more privacy protection from employers or universities who may want access to usernames or passwords after the governor signed two bills into law on Thursday.

26. Discovery may boost IVF success rate
Stuff - 1 October 2012
University of Otago researchers are developing a test that could significantly improve the success rate of women trying to get pregnant through IVF. Research recently published in international journal Fertility and Sterility has shown positive results for a test determining the optimal time to implant a fertilised embryo through in-vitro fertilisation (IVF).

News - International

27. Makeshift wards threaten patient health, say doctors
Sydney Morning Herald - 2 Oct 2012
PATIENTS are being left overnight on trolleys in rooms intended for waits of several hours at the crowded Royal North Shore Hospital, a senior doctor says. Dr Greg Purcell, an anaesthetist at Royal North Shore Hospital for 30 years, said the patients were staying in ''inappropriate rooms for inappropriate periods'', heightening their risk of inadequate care and spreading infections. Dr Purcell and other senior doctors interviewed by the Herald blamed the situation on a budgetary method to clear overcrowded wards.

28. Parents blind to early obesity in children - report
Sydney Morning Herald - 2 Oct 2012
FED on a steady diet of fast food, soft drinks and television, 20 per cent of children are overweight or obese by the time they start kindergarten. Parents are unable to recognise their children are obese, public health experts say, making it difficult to get across health promotion messages. The University of Sydney study of more than 500 children aged up to five found that the home environment was the most significant factor contributing to their weight.

29. Largest-ever tobacco study finds 'urgent need' for policy change
CNN - August 17, 2012
(CNN) -- About half the men in numerous developing nations use tobacco, and women in those regions are taking up smoking at an earlier age than they used to, according to what is being called the largest-ever international study on tobacco use. The study, which covered enough representative samples to estimate tobacco use among 3 billion people, "demonstrates an urgent need for policy change in low- and middle-income countries," said lead researcher Gary Giovino, whose report was published in the British medical journal The Lancet.

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