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Issue 39 - 14 Nov 2012

Books Available for Borrowing

1. Life, Happiness & Cancer: Survive with action and attitude
By Phil Kerslake, Published 2006.
Phil's narrative, his diary of cancer survivorship covers more than 25 years. He was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, a cancer of the lymphatic system, which progressed to stage 4 Hodgkin's disease. In total Phil contended with six separate encounters with Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, with one immediately superseding the other on more than one occasion. This book covers Phil's journey and talks about how he coped living with cancer.

2. Medical ethics
By Alastair Campbell; Grant Gillett & Gareth Jones
Oxford University Press, Published 2001
This book is a practical introduction to the ethical questions that doctors and other health professionals are likely to encounter during their working lives. This third edition is divided into three parts, dealing with ethical foundations, clinical ethics, and medicine and society.

3. Transforming communication: Leading-edge professional and personal skills
by Richard Bolstad
Second edition; Published 2004
The author combines his experience as a communication educator and trainer, to show how a wide range of skills, including Neuro Linguistic Programming can be applied to create effective communication.

4. Whistleblowing in the health service: Accountability, law & professional practice
Edited by Geoffrey Hunt
Published in 1995
This text compares the UK experience with that of the USA, exploring the core issues of accountability and legal rights from the managerial, clinical and public perspectives.


5. Skin cancer.
By Perrett, Conal; Fry, Mandy. Pulse. 10/3/2012, Vol. 72 Issue 32: p30-32
This article includes answers to the following questions
a/ Has the increased emphasis on avoiding excessive sun exposure influenced the incidence of skin cancer?
b/ What is the current consensus on the risks of sunbeds?
c/ Many GPs use the ABCDE rule when assessing moles. Is this helpful? Are there any other tips
you can provide to enable us to spot malignancy?
d/ How quickly do BCCs develop? Is it safe to leave them alone in very elderly, frail patients or would you always advise excision?
e/ How important is family history in the development of common skin cancers? is there any association between skin cancer and
other common cancers?

6. Gambling with skin cancer not worth risk
By Kate Clifford, Sunshine Coast Daily, 11/02/2012
Source: Australia/New Zealand Reference Centre Database
Skin cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in Australia. It affects about 11,000 Australians a year.
About 1800 Australians die from skin cancer each year. MOOLOOLABA doctor Krzysztof Cichocki's heart breaks when he remembers the day he told a 23-year-old he had skin cancer.

7. Sunscreens -- which one's right for you?
By Vaughan, Bonnie. Good Health (ACP Publishing PTY Limited). 01/11/2012: p48-52
Want to have fun in the sun but unsure which sunscreen is best and how much you should use? We have the answers to all your questions. Australia has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world, with about 400,000 new diagnosed cases and more than 1800 deaths each year. This makes it imperative to know your sunscreen and their SPFs -- how much to use, how often to reapply, what's suitable for your skin type, and whether it is safe.
How much sunscreen is enough? It's a major concern to skin cancer specialists that people don't use enough sunscreen. They're applying too little, missing spots and not reapplying often enough. The Cancer Council recommends this simple guide for the average adult: one teaspoon for each limb, the chest and stomach, the back, and the head and neck. Dermatologist Dr Natasha Cook advises doubling that for the face, neck and chest. "They are the most exposed areas, and they get such a hammering on a continual basis," she says. "Plus, the face is one of the high areas for general sun cancers because of cumulative doses of UV rays acquired over long periods of time."

8. Management of Metastatic Melanoma: Nursing Challenges Today and Tomorrow
By Rubin, Krista. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing. Feb 2009, Vol. 13 Issue 1: p81-89
Advanced and metastatic melanoma is a devastating and deadly disease.No standard of care has been established to date.As the understanding of the natural history of this disease advances, agents directed at interrupting single and multiple steps in the proliferation, growth, and metastatic processes involved in melanoma are being developed and evaluated.Several agents (particularly anticytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 antibodies) are in development.The role of the oncology nurse in the care of patients with melanoma includes understanding and communicating to patients the disease process and goals for care, knowing the various agents and their associated efficacy and toxicities, and learning how to guide patients through the decision-making process. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

Journal - Table of Contents

9. From Canadian Nurse, September 2012, Volume 108, Number 7
. Avoidance of dairy products: Implications for nutrient adequacy and health
9B. Baby-Friendly designation: Honouring a commitment to best practice
9C. Building strength and engagement [Barb Milton - areas of focus during her term as CNA President]
9D. Prescribing in Alberta's Influenza Assessment Centres [Expanding the role of RN's]
9E. Energy at work [Some nurses believe that using therapeutic touch and other energy-based modalities can improve patients' health by balancing their energy fields]
9F. B.C.'s research brokers
9G. Rethinking the meaning of literacy
9H. Optimistic about new directions in mental health
9I. Primary health care leads to better health

Conferences, Workshops and Training Opportunities

10. ICN 25th Quadrennial Congress: Equity and Access to Health Care
The ICN 25th Quadrennial Congress will bring together evidence, experience and innovations highlighting the critical importance of equity and access to health care for communities and individuals, demonstrating how nurses are key to ensuring equal access and quality of health care for all. The Congress will provide a global platform for the dissemination of nursing knowledge and leadership across specialities, cultures and countries via the ICN scientific programme, featuring keynote and main session invited speakers as well as a wide range of concurrent sessions including dynamic papers accepted through our highly competitive abstract selection process
Date: 18-23 May 2013
Venue: Melbourne, Australia.
More info:

11.Palliative Care Nurses Australia Conference
PCNA's 2012 conference theme is enabling, enriching, transforming - delegates will be inspired to take back to the workplace strategies to further enhance the standard of palliative care they provide
Date: 10th to 11th December 2012
Venue: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
More info:

12. 7th Australian Women's Health Conference
The 7th Australian Women's Health Conference Gender Matters: Determining Women's Health will continue the national, international and local focus on the priorities of women's health and wellbeing.
Date: 7th to 10th May 2013
Venue: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
More info:

News - National

13. Young girls binge-drinking more than boys
ODT - 14 Nov 2012

Young teenage girls are now slightly more likely to binge-drink than boys of the same age - but experts say the girls are still being led on by older boys. A survey by Massey University's Social and Health Outcomes Research and Evaluation (Shore) public health unit has found that among 16-17-year-old drinkers, 28 per cent of girls against 25 per cent of boys drank at least eight standard drinks in a typical drinking session last year.

14. Teeth grinding blamed on quake stress
The Press - 14 Nov 2012

The stress of Canterbury's earthquakes could be damaging people's teeth, a Christchurch dentist says. New Zealand Dental Association (NZDA) Canterbury president Donna Batchelor said the region's dentists had noticed a growing number of people seeking treatment for teeth grinding, with stress believed to be the cause of the problem

News - International

15. Health and well-being the real boom jobs
The Age - Nov 14, 2012

Forget stereotypes such as flinty farmers and dust-covered miners. Australians are now more likely to make a living from ''healthcare and social assistance'' than anything else. The latest census revealed that broad employment category as having overtaken retail as Australia's biggest employer

16. Health services failing stroke patients
The Age - 3 Nov 2012

CRITICAL rehabilitation services for patients who have suffered a stroke are unavailable or substandard, a national audit has shown. Fifty per cent of hospitals did not routinely provide a discharge plan for stroke patients, according to a National Stroke Foundation audit of rehabilitation services at 111 hospitals.

17. Nursing workload and patient care
Publication Date: 
Sat, 2012-09-29
Published by The Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions
Relying on the best evidence, and on the experience of frontline nurses, Nursing Workload and Patient Care presents a sobering look at the challenges facing our overworked nursing workforce and the ensuing effects on patients. This book reviews the now incontrovertible body of evidence linking inadequate nurse staffing with increases in mortality and other negative outcomes for patients. Nursing Workload and Patient Care lays bare the empty promises of countless government studies while urging policy makers to fully understand the value that a nurse’s education and training bring to patient care.

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