23 August 2013:
The New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) congratulates Kristine Bartlett and the Service and Food Workers Union: Ngā Ringa Tota on their historic win in the Employment Court. Aotearoa New Zealand is now one step closer to achieving equal pay for men and women who do similar work.
NZNO industrial adviser for the aged care sector, David Wait says, “NZNO’s membership is 93 percent women and today is a great day for each and every one of them. Equality is now one step closer.”
“Although we have had an equal pay act since 1972 we have never used it, and continue to pay those in female-dominated jobs less than those who work in male-dominated jobs. That’s not fair.”
“It seems bizarre that we have to resort to court action to achieve equality between the sexes in the 21st century. Kristine Bartlett and the SFWU, with support from NZNO and others, have bravely stood up for fairness and won,” Wait says.
“Te pai kē o au mahi, kua whai hua mo ngā wāhine.”