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Make yourself count during Census 2023

Everyone in Aotearoa New Zealand, including NZNO members, will be asked to answer questions about themselves on Census Day - 7 March 2023.

We encourage all our members to participate this year. By doing the census, we create a better idea of what our whānau and communities need and this makes it important for all of us to get involved.

If we go on the Stats NZ website we can access fliers, posters and resources as well as some really cool videos that reach out to our Māori, Pacific, migrant and refugee families, our youth and elderly to participate. There are also resources that have been translated into 28 languages.

The questions you will be asked reflect the broad range of uses of census data. Most of the topics covered are the same as previous censuses, for example, population demographics, location, ethnicity, culture and identity, education and training, income, work, families and households, housing, transport, cigarette smoking, and disability.

One in seven people did not complete the 2018 census, which was far from ideal to get the best information to our Government. Some of the data was also considered too incomplete to be regarded as official statistics and required revision by combining real census data with other government administrative data. We urge to play your part in making the 2023 Census a better one.

Go to to do your bit.

Direct Media Enquiries To:

Please send all media requests in writing to [email protected].

NZNO's communications and media team is:

Danya Levy (Communications manager)
027 431 2617  |  04 494 8242

Samesh Mohanlall (Media and Communications advisor)
[email protected]
021 240 3420  |  04 494 6839

Support and member enquiries: 0800 28 38 48 or [email protected]