New Zealand Nurses Organisation media release, 8 November 2021
NZNO members working at Wellington and Hutt Hospitals are appalled by a recent decision by Capital Coast District Health Board (CCDHB) to nearly double parking fees for most staff.
An NZNO delegate says this decision is a huge affront to workers who rely on private transport.
"It's a kick in the guts. We’ve just had a recent pay increase and now having to pay double feels like not getting an increase at all. It'll force staff to find other less desirable places to park, like residential areas, and that presents a big safety concern.
"As a predominantly female workforce who often work unsociable hours, we’re at risk of predatory behaviour and assaults which happen too often. Staff don’t feel safe walking long distances to cars and the same goes for taking public transport late at night.
"There’s also an ongoing issue with cars being broken into while we’re on nights. For us, safety is best guaranteed by being able to park at the hospital."
The delegate says the fee hike was framed by CCDHB as an equity based policy meant to incentivise staff to find greener travel options.
"We absolutely support equitable, green policies but this isn’t really either.
"Many of our patients and their whānau can’t afford parking as it is, and this could likely be the deciding factor for them to not attend appointments.
"It also won’t disincentivise personal car use. It’ll just make our extremely hard working nurses pay more for something that many of us rely on to get to work a little easier and a lot safer."
"We urge CCDHB to prioritise our wellbeing and access for patients and their whānau and scrap the fee hike."
Media inquiries: Rob Zorn, NZNO Media and Communications Advisor: 027 431 2617.