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Nurses Celebrate International Nurses Day

11 May 2012: Nurses all around the country are preparing to celebrate International Nurses Day tomorrow (Saturday 12 May). This year’s theme is Closing the Gap: from Evidence to Action and acknowledges the role nurses can play in improving the health of all.

International Nurses Day is marked on the anniversary of Crimean War nurse Florence Nightingale's birthday and is a chance for the public to recognise the important work nurses do.

Events are being held around the country, from health-related quiz nights to nursing award ceremonies.

The Auckland branch of the New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) is celebrating International Nurses Day on Saturday 12 May in Aotea Square from 9am – 1pm. Members of the public will have the opportunity to talk to local nurses and get their health checked at the same time.

NZNO regional council chair and nurse, Sue Sharpe says, “There will be nurses on hand to check people’s blood pressure and blood sugar levels, give advice on becoming Smokefree and assist women over 45 register for free breast screening.”

“We’ll also be showing people how to use a defibrillator and where they are stored around the city. If someone is having a heart attack, a defibrillator could save their life.”

“There will be Plunket nurses, Practice nurses, Student nurses, nurses who can show you through the mobile asthma clinic and nurses who can talk to you about men’s health,” Sharpe says.

“If you are interested in a career in nursing or are currently studying to become a nurse come and ask us what we do or just come along to show support for your local nurses.”

Direct Media Enquiries To:

Please send all media requests in writing to [email protected].

NZNO's communications and media team is:

Danya Levy (Communications manager)
027 431 2617  |  04 494 8242

Samesh Mohanlall (Media and Communications advisor)
[email protected]
021 240 3420  |  04 494 6839

Support and member enquiries: 0800 28 38 48 or [email protected]