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Nurses to network in Northland

New Zealand Nurses Organisation media release, 8 May 2019

Te Tai Tokerau nurses will convene in Whangārei tomorrow for the annual New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) Te Tai Tokerau Regional Convention. The theme for the day-long event will be “Nurses a Voice to Lead – Health for All” which is also this year’s theme for International Nurses Day (12 May).

The day will start with karakia and waiata and is specifically for NZNO delegates and other members. Throughout the day key NZNO staff will give presentations on matters important to nursing such as overcoming barriers to participation, developing participatory approaches to creating healthy workplaces, and increasing delegates’ confidence through health and safety action plans at work.

NZNO Chief Executive Memo Musa, Kaiwhakahaere Kerri Nuku and President Grant Brookes will also attend and will speak and answer questions as part of a panel of leaders.

Grant Brookes said he commends NZNO’s Te Tai Tokerau Regional Council for building member responsiveness and leadership accountability into the programme of the convention.

“The issues we’ll be discussing are of great interest to our members and include pay parity for nursing staff and kaimahi hauora in Māori and iwi providers. We’ll also be talking about matters particular to NZNO such as the impacts of social media on the organisation and the current independent review of the 2017-18 DHB MECA bargaining process.”

Te Tai Tokerau Regional Council Chair and Registered Nurse Sacha Young said Regional Conventions are a time for nurses and members from different sectors to come together and network with the greater NZNO community.

“In Te Tai Tokerau we have our own unique issues and the sessions will provide attendees with opportunities to participate in new approaches within their workplaces to overcome barriers and create healthier workplaces.

“Networking and the sharing of stories are valuable tools through which we can learn from each other and move forward positively with nurses using their voices to lead for health for all.”

NZNO’s Regional Conventions are held in nine regions across New Zealand each year, organised and run by NZNO’s nine Regional Councils: Southern; Canterbury/West Coast; Top of the South; Greater Wellington; Central; Hawke’s Bay; Midlands; Greater Auckland; and Te Tai Tokerau.

The Te Tai Tokerau Regional Convention will be held at Barge Park Showgrounds and Events Centre and will start at 9am.


Media inquiries: Rob Zorn, NZNO Media and Communications Advisor: 027 431 2617.

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021 240 3420  |  04 494 6839

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027 725 2680  |  04 494 8242


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