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Rally for staff safety at Middlemore Hospital

New Zealand Nurses Organisation: 26 March 2019


Nurses, midwives and healthcare assistants (and their supporters) will rally in protest at the lack of care Manukau Counties District Health Board has shown for their personal safety.

When: Thursday 28 March, 2-3:30pm

Where: Middlemore Hospital main entrance, 100 Hospital Rd, Otahuhu

Spokesperson: Anna Majavu, Organiser, New Zealand Nurses Organisation

Protesters’ demands:

  • Security cameras at locations of danger that will record footage for police playback
  • Fencing around the entire car park – (currently anyone can just walk in)
  • Floodlights on every level of the car park for the hundreds of nurses who park there
  • Security guards at the carpark entrance/exit from 6pm-9am every day (this car park is a popular hangout for drug users and criminal elements)
  • Security guards to escort staff to certain location after their late shifts.

Supporting comments:

People quoted intend to be there on the day.

"It has taken way too many incidents for CMDHB management to do something. I am rallying because this is no longer acceptable. I am done with broken promises and deserve to be able to feel safe. In my career I give my all to make Kiwis feel safe, why can’t this DHB do that for us?"

Sela Ikavuka, Registered Nurse, Middlemore Hospital

"I support this rally to stand for the health and safety of my colleagues which has been neglected by CMDHB Board and corporate management for so long and after so many requests have fallen on deaf ears. Staff cars being vandalised and stolen from the staff car park, there are not enough carparks for staff coming for their late shifts. Now nursing staff are being brutalised by cowards and opportunists leaving my colleagues in ICU. None of this should have ever happened and no one should ever go through such things."

Karnel Singh, Health Care Assistant, Middlemore Hospital, and NZNO delegate

"I support the rally because I am angry that it has taken a serious assault on members of staff for our employer to take our complaints seriously. I support the rally so that our staff can feel safe when going to and from their cars. I should feel safe going to and from my place of work at all times."

Judith Couch, Midwife, Counties Manukau DHB


Media inquiries: Rob Zorn, NZNO Media and Communications Advisor: 027 431 2617.

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027 431 2617  |  04 494 8242

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[email protected]
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