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NO to proposed Buller IFHC

Media Release                                                                    10 August 2017


NO to proposed Buller Integrated Family Health Centre

In support of the community opposition to the proposed Integrated Family Health Centre (IFHC), NZNO CE Memo Musa has written to the chair of the Health Select Committee, Hon. Simon O’Connor to set out NZNO’s position.


Steve White and Phyl Phipps has this week presented a submission on behalf of the Buller Hospital Action Group against the current proposal and to highlight the lack of public consultation about the health centre.


“The West Coast population is forecast to be an aging population, not a wealthy population and with increasing health needs. Therefore, a reduced and smaller health facility, as currently proposed, is not future focused and not fit for purpose in this context. The current proposals should be scrapped,” Memo Musa said.

“Members feel that the exclusion of community health, district nursing and mental health and the reduction in bed numbers is unacceptable and unfair to the community.

“Regular staff and community consultation ceased eighteen months ago but decisions regarding the partner funder (ACC) have been announced, without opportunities for discussion,” Memo Musa said.


“A proper and transparent planning process should be instigated involving the West Coast District Health Board to develop a proposal and business case outlining the health needs of the Buller community, having engaged and consulted with the community and health professionals on the frontline.

“A new facility concept should be designed through proper consultation to ensure it is fit for purpose and can adequately cater for health needs of the community, and provide a safe environment for delivery of care and services.”





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