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Government giving wrong message to women on 8 March

Media Release                                                       6 March 2017


NZNO says it is short-sighted of the government to not support the first reading of the Domestic Violence – Victim’s Protections Bill and call on Minister Michael Woodhouse to at least vote it through its first reading so that surrounding issues can be heard by the Select Committee.

Auckland Lead Organiser Carol Beaumont explains that there are wide reaching benefits of passing legislation that enables victims of domestic violence to be explicitly supported with specific leave and other more flexible work arrangements. Ms Beaumont explains the terrible costs to New Zealand society of domestic violence primarily against women is hurting our culture, our women, our men and our children and the economy.

 “NZNO is a 47,000 strong union representing mainly women and we know that the issue of domestic violence is also one that personally affects many of our members and so we strongly back Green MP Jan Logie’s members’ Bill”, Ms Beaumont said.

“Nurses have a strong commitment to supporting domestic violence victims. Nurses see first-hand the high costs of this violence, which is a huge problem in our country. Any initiative which can help must be seriously considered.

“By supporting the Bill the government can send a strong signal to perpetrators that women’s rights are important, that women are valuable to the workforce, and women have a right to work.

“The more empowered woman are to work, the more they can work, the better chance they have of escaping domestic violence and rebuilding their lives. This is hugely beneficial for their offspring and generations of women to come.

 “This Bill is one vital step to stop the cycle of domestic violence, is good for the economy and vital for families. The Government should act accordingly and vote in favour of the Bill on International Women’s Day next Wednesday,” Ms Beaumont said.



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027 431 2617  |  04 494 8242

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[email protected]
021 240 3420  |  04 494 6839

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