4 Posthumous Reproduction – Two part consultation link https://consult.health.govt.nz/acart/posthumous-reproduction/ Current guidelines on assisted reproduction do not address the: use of stored eggs, after the death of a woman use of stored embryos after the death of one or both of the gamete donors retrieval of sperm from a... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
2 Draft SNOMED reference set for general paediatrics and child developmental services Draft SNOMED reference set for general paediatrics and child developmental services Feedback is sought on the draft SNOMED (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms) reference set for general paediatrics and child developmental services which identifies the most common clinical... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
26 Health and Safety at Work (Volunteer Associations) Amendment Bill Members are invited to this bill which amends the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 to allow volunteer associations that employ a person or persons for not greater than 100 hours per week to be excluded from the definition of a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU). Ie effectively... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
19 Living Standards Dashboard – Indicators of Living Standards and Intergenerational Wellbeing NZNO welcomes your feedback on the proposed Living Standards “dashboard”. This dashboard aims at assisting the Treasury to measure the living standards of New Zealanders and manage resources that contribute to their wellbeing, currently and in the future. We welcome your views... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
19 Health and Disability Review NZNO seeks your feedback on the government’s major review of the health system. The draft terms of reference for the Health and Disability Review indicate that it will cover: How accessibility can be improved How the system balances services with population density ... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
14 Legislation for the NZ Police Vetting Service There is no statutory framework for the Police Vetting service. A number of recommendations result from a joint review by the Privacy Commissioner and the Police Conduct Authority in 2016 and include establishment of a clearer process for police vetting. Concerns raised in 2017 by... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
12 Review of the independent oversight of children’s issues and the Oranga Tamariki system: consultation on options NZNO seeks your views on the issues raised in four documents regarding review of the independent oversight of children’s issues and the Oranga Tamariki system. These documents raise important issues about the role and functions of the Children’s Commissioner, including how New... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
9 Emergency Care Data Standards NZNO members are invited to review and comment on SNOMED reference sets for consistent recording of chief presenting complaint, diagnosis and procedure information in emergency care. Please visit the website link below:... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
1 Accident Compensation Corporation Bill NZNO seeks your feedback on the above Bill which aims to amend the Accident Compensation Act 2001 (the Act). Please note provisions of the Bill including that: workers injured while overseas are still covered as are their families; super annuitants will no longer have to choose between... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
31 Climate Change and Transition to Carbon Neutral/Low Emissions economy Members are invited to contribute to two consultations on: Proposed Technical updates to the Climate Change Response Act: http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/climate-change/proposed-technical-updates-climate-change-response-act-2002-regulations The Productivity Commission's draft... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
23 Do nurses use these standards publications? NZNO seeks your feedback on the following health information standards, which HISO sees as no longer fit for purpose, although we understand that nurses still use them. Are the indicated alternatives acceptable, and as useful, and are nurses aware of them? 1. SNZ PAS 8170: 2005 Primary... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
17 Legislation for the New Zealand Police Vetting Service Police Vetting is a requirement for nurse registration process for nurses and three yearly vetting is a requirement for all those who work with children. The Police Vetting Service provides criminal history checks and other relevant information to employers and Approved Agencies. The Government... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
9 Draft revision to ambulance and paramedical services standard NZNO seeks your feedback on the draft revised standard for ambulance and paramedical services, particularly whether on whether the standard is in line with current good practice from a nursing perspective,. Please find a list of the key changes and a link to the draft standard... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
9 Engagement on the New Zealand Pathology Observation Code Set (NZPOCS) The New Zealand Pathology Observation Code Sets (NZPOCS) standard comprises code sets for ordering and reporting laboratory tests in the New Zealand health and disability sector. Please note the updated code sets and the opportunity to provide feedback and engagement on further development of... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
9 Mental Health and Addictions Inquiry NZNO seeks your feedback on/input into the Mental Health and Addictions Inquiry. The purpose of the inquiry is to identify ways to improve New Zealand’s current approach to mental health and addiction problems, and what needs to change in both the mental health sector and broader... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations