19 Stroke Clot Retrieval (SCR) Action Plan NZNO seeks member feedback on this Plan, which aims to provides effective, but time sensitive, treatment for acute ischaemic stroke (AIS) patients and support for the existing New Zealand Strategy for Endovascular Clot Retrieval. Once finalised the Action Plan will be submitted for approval as a... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
19 Ambulance, paramedicine and patient transfer services standard NZS 8156:2008 NZNO seeks your feedback on the latest draft standard for ambulance, paramedical and patient transfer services, specifically on a new section relating to “inter-hospital transfers”. In particular, we are seeking feedback on the consideration of whether or not the role of... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
18 SNOMED subset of clinical terms for renal services Feedback is sought on the draft SNOMED (Systemized Nomenclature of Medical Clinical Terms) subset has been developed for renal services which identifies the most common clinical terms for reason for referral, signs/symptoms, procedures (performed in outpatient settings), along with ... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
13 Revised Position Statements Revised Position Statements Substandard and Falsified Medical Products (Revision) International career mobility and ethical nurse recruitment (New position statement) PD NZNO seeks your feedback on the attached draft position statements. Please use the Feedback form to guide your... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
11 Proposal to change funded branded of atomoxetine (ADHD medicine) NZNO seeks your feedback on a PHARMAC proposal to remove all funding restrictions from all presentations of atomoxetine, and change the funded brand of atomoxetine from Strattera to a brand supplied by Generic Partners (NZ) Limited. The Generic Partners brand of atomoxetine would be listed from... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
23 Health (Drinking Water) Amendment Bill The Health (Drinking Water) Amendment Bill makes small technical changes to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of existing drinking-water legislation. The Bill follows the recommendations of the Inquiry into Havelock North Drinking... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
8 NZNO Consultation: Electoral (Entrenchment of Maori Seats) Amendment Bill NZNO seeks your feedback on the above Bill which aims to give Māori electorates seats the same protection as General electorate seats. Currently, the general seats, under the Electoral Act can be abolished only by an entrenched majority of 75 percent or more, but the Māori seats can be removed... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
31 Towards New Data and Statistics Legislation: Public Discussion Document Member feedback is sought on a proposed update to the Statistics Act 1975. The new legislation aims to find the right balance between delivering increased value to New Zealanders through data availability and research, while ensuring data such as health information is shared and used in a way... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
31 Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy Member feedback is sought developing a child and youth wellbeing strategy, a requirement of the Child Poverty Reduction legislation. An overview, including relevant Cabinet papers, can be found... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
24 Equal Pay Amendment Bill NZNO seeks your feedback on the proposed amendment to the Equal Pay Act which aims to improve the process for pursuing equal pay claims in Aotearoa New Zealand. It aims to address sex-based discrimination in remuneration and employment terms and conditions across female-dominated... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
9 Position Statement: Bullying A position statement on bullying that clearly states the unacceptability of bullying behavior in the work context of nurses has been requested. This would be in addition to the other resources that NZNO provides on recognizing, addressing and preventing bullying in workplaces. The draft... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
5 National Guidance on Follow up and a Supportive Care of lung cancer patients after curative intent therapy Your feedback is sought on the second draft (Consultation V2) of the ‘National Guidance on Follow up and a Supportive Care of lung cancer patients after curative intent therapy’ – Provisional developed by the National Lung Cancer Working Group (NLCWG) and sub work group. The guidance... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
26 Rewrite of family justice reforms The 2014 changes were meant to help people resolve parenting disputes without having to go to court, but have in fact led to the opposite as there’s been a huge increase in the number of urgent ‘without notice’ applications which have to be put before a Family Court judge. This... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
26 Reform of the State Sector Act 1988 Members are invited to contribute their views and knowledge as nurses on the reform of the State Sector Act, a process that aims to ensure New Zealand has a public service that reflects the people it serves. NZNO welcomes your feedback on how the legislative changes may enable delivery of... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
26 Embedding Wellbeing in the Public Finance Act 1989 Members are invited to contribute their views and knowledge as nurses on a proposed amendment to the Public Finance Act to include “wellbeing” in its broadest sense at the heart of policies and fiscal decisions. NZNO welcomes your feedback on the following specific questions from... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations