17 Proposal for changes to funded vaccines in the National Immunisation Schedule NZNO seeks your feedback on proposed changes to the funding of vaccines in the National Immunisation Schedule. Through provisional agreements with a number of suppliers this would result in several vaccine brand, eligibility and dose changes. We welcome feedback on the entire proposal or... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
7 New Zealand Infrastructure Commission/Te Waihanga Bill. This bill establishes the New Zealand Infrastructure Commission/Te Waihanga as an autonomous Crown entity. The Infrastructure Commission’s purpose will be to co-ordinate, develop, and promote an approach to infrastructure that improves the well-being of New Zealanders. Infrastructure... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
10 Official Information Act (OIA) The OIA allows people to request official information held by Ministers and specified government agencies. It contains rules for how such requests should be handled and provides a right to complain to the Ombudsman in certain situations. NZNO seeks your feedback on how the OIA is... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
21 Updated Code of Ethics The NZMA is undertaking an internal review of their Code of Ethics which was last changed in 2014. NZNO is seeking your feedback on this updated Code. Please note that changes to the Code arising from this review are minor, with most recommendations in the 2014 Code unchanged. To help your... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
19 NZNO seeks your feedback on the Misuse of Drugs Amendment Bill NZNO seeks your feedback on the Misuse of Drugs Amendment Bill. Crucially, this bill aims to improve the way Police use discretion for drug offences and to treat drug use/addiction as more of a health issue. The Bill aims to: make the two main synthetics, 5F-ADB and AMB-Fubinaca,... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
19 New Zealand’s health research priorities – final consultation NZNO seeks your feedback on the draft prioritisation vehicle that will drive health research investment in New Zealand up until 2027. The revised prioritisation model is informed by the initial round of consultation (on which NZNO provided feedback) in September and October 2018. Following... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
1 Draft Bowel Screening Histology Data Standard National Bowel Screening Programme NZNO seeks your feedback on the draft Bowel Screening Histology Data Standard. The draft Bowel Screening Histology Standard (attached below) identifies and describes the data elements and values that need to be captured and sent to the National Screening Solution from the laboratories that... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
26 Posthumous Reproduction – Second part of two part consultation on the proposed donation and surrogacy guidelines https://www.health.govt.nz/system/files/documents/publications/acart-2nd-round-consultation-proposed-donation-surrogacy-guidelines-consultation-document-feb2019_0.pdf NZNO seeks your feedback on changes to the guidelines for: family gamete donation embryo donation, the use of... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
19 Proposed changes to national immigration policy NZNO seeks your feedback on proposed changes to employer-led temporary work visas that aim to ensure these are matched where there are genuine skill shortages. Crucially for nurses and employers changes include: replacing the Essential Skills in Demand Lists with Regional Skills in... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
19 Strengthening the Family Justice system NZNO seeks your feedback as part of a second round of consultation on reforms made to the family justice system in 2014. An Independent Panel tasked by the MoJ to examine the effectiveness of these reforms considers changes need to be made to the Family Court and related processes. The attached... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
19 Reform of Vocational Education NZNO seeks your feedback on proposals for change to the vocational education sector which will affect the education and training of many members. Currently 16 institutes of technology and polytechnics receive $500 million of government funding annually and are facing significant financial... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
16 Strengthening the Family Justice system NZNO seeks your feedback as part of a second round of consultation on reforms made to the family justice system in 2014. An Independent Panel tasked by the MoJ to examine the effectiveness of these reforms considers changes need to be made to the Family Court and related processes. The attached... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
8 Health and Disability System Review Phase one of the review is underway with the Review Committee seeking responses to a short list of questions on what people want from health and disability system. Nurses and the nursing support team are an integral part of the health and disability system, and NZNO seeks member feedback on the... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
30 Therapeutic Products Regulatory Scheme - HIGH IMPORTANCE NZNO seeks your feedback on a new scheme for the regulation of medicines. The proposed Therapeutic Products Bill will replace the Medicines Act 1981. It will cover all therapeutic products and medical devices, and controls on clinical trials, product approvals, and prescribing procedures. NZNO... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
15 Position statement: Violence and aggression towards nurses A position statement on violence and aggression towards nurses that clearly states the unacceptability of this behavior in the work context of nurses has been requested. This would be in addition to the other resources that NZNO provides on managing situations of conflict, de-escalation... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations