7 Health and Safety at Work Strategy This draft strategy sets out 10 year plan for improving health and safety at work. It clarifies the need to address the causes of occupational disease and psychosocial risks like stress, fatigue and violence at work, and identifies four key areas for improving health and safety at work... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
19 Local Government (Community Well-being) Amendment Bill NZNO seeks your feedback on this Bill which aims to reinstate the promotion of social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of communities to the statutory role of local government, and restore territorial authorities’ ability to collect development contributions for... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
18 Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Renewal of Licences) Amendment Bill This bill enables local alcohol policy (LAPS) to be fully considered in any decision on the renewal of an existing licence. It gives the community more say over the density and location of alcohol outlets and allows conditions, for example, trading hours, particular licences and one-way door... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
17 Privacy Bill NZNO seeks your feedback on this bill which reforms the Privacy Act 1993. The intent of the Bill is to promote people's confidence that their personal information is secure and will be treated properly, given changes to the way this is used with the rise of the Internet and the digital... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
13 Coroners Access to Body of Dead Person (Amendment) Bill NZNO seeks your feedback on this Bill which amends the Coroners Act 2006 (the Act) to “require” coroners when determining whether a person should be allowed to remain with the tūpāpaku to also consider tikanga Māori and the expectations of other cultures. This Bill strengthens the issues raised... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
11 Abortion Law Reform The Law Commission is reviewing the current abortion law to see how it could be made consistent with treating abortion as a health issue. NZNO is seeking feedback from members and nurses working in women’s health services on the current process and delivery of abortion services, and the... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
10 Evaluation of the Nurse Practitioner Education Programme The NZNO seeks your feedback on an independent Evaluation of a Nurse Practitioner Programme, as attached here: https://www.health.govt.nz/publication/evaluation-nurse-practitioner-education-programme In particular, we are seeking feedback on an aspects of the training, the nurse... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
6 Employment Relations (Triangular Employment) Amendment Bill NZNO seeks your feedback on this Bill which includes changes to employment law which may impact on your working situation. Triangular employment is where an employer, for example a DHB, contracts the services of their employee to a secondary employer, for example a nursing agency. There are... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
5 Psychoactive Substances (Increasing Penalty for Supply and Distribution) Amendment Bill NZNO seeks your feedback on this bill which would increase the penalty for selling or supplying psychoactive substances that are not approved products. The intent of the bill is to increase the penalty associated with the supply of non-approved products in line with the penalties for the... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
29 Health (National Cervical Screening Programme) Amendment Bill NZNO seeks your feedback on proposed legislation for the National Cervical Screening Programme (NCSP) relating to disclosure of information from the NCSP register. The key change is to more clearly identify health providers able to have access to information from the Register. Currently,... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
29 Draft Medication Guidelines: Home and Community Support Services NZNO seeks your feedback on the Draft Medication Guidelines for Home and Community Support Services prepared by the Ministry of Health (on behalf of the Home and Community Support Services Working Group). The aim is to provide medication guidelines specific to the Home and Community... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
21 Future of Tax: Submissions Background Paper NZNO seeks your input on ways to improve the current tax system to inform future developments in tax and ensure tax works for the wellbeing of New Zealanders. It is an opportunity to have input on how tax could work for public health concerns such as income inequality, living... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
21 Guidelines for nurses on the administration of medicines, 2018 FEEDBACK DUE: Please send feedback to [email protected] by April 9th 2018 Following the first round of consultation late in 2017, and feedback from Dr Jill Wilkinson these guidelines (see the table of changes below) warrant another brief consultation. Please consider these changes as you read... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
16 Micro-credentials in New Zealand’s education and training system NZNO seeks your feedback on NZQA’s proposal to recognise micro-credentials, alongside other qualifications, from July. Micro-credentials are usually smaller than a qualification and recognise a defined set of skills and knowledge by an industry or community. Read or download:... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
16 Delivering the Pharmacy Action Plan NZNO seeks member feedback on this Plan and new funding model intended to give: “communities equity of access to different types of pharmacist services, in different ways and places, which are tailored to individual need. This means that some services in future could be provided outside... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations