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NZNO seeks your feedback on MEDSAFE’s consultation on the process for observers at Ministerial Advisory Committees. ie whether the: Medicines Classification Committee should not change, whether observers representing applicants are no longer allowed to attend or whether the observers are...

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Posted in: Consultations



Proposal to widen funded access to zoledronic acid for early breast cancer. NZNO seeks your feedback on Pharmac’s proposal available from this link: Please note there is a short turnaround time. Please send...

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Posted in: Consultations


Dietitians Board

The Dietitians Board is currently consulting on its Professional Standards & Competencies for Dietitians, which are aspirational and forward focussed. The draft document can be found HERE  and a short survey can be found HERE.  Please respond directly to the survey and will help guide the...

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Posted in: Consultations


Low Emissions

NZNO is seeking feedback on the Productivity Commission’s issues paper on how New Zealand can transition to a lower net-emissions economy. While the issues paper does not specifically look at the potential to reduce emissions in the health sector, NZNO is interested in any specific...

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Posted in: Consultations


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Due to scheduled website maintenance our usual Consultation listing is temporarily unavailable.

We expect it to be back soon.