4 Posthumous Reproduction – Two part consultation link https://consult.health.govt.nz/acart/posthumous-reproduction/ Current guidelines on assisted reproduction do not address the: use of stored eggs, after the death of a woman use of stored embryos after the death of one or both of the gamete donors retrieval of sperm from a deceased man retrieval and use of eggs from a deceased woman retrieval and use of reproductive tissue from a deceased man or woman retrieval and use of sperm or eggs from a person who has become permanently incapacitated and whose death is imminent Members are invited to participate in the Minister of Health’s Advisory Committee on Artificial Reproductive Technologies (ACART) survey and to provide feedback to NZNO. Links to both the survey and a background document can be found here: https://consult.health.govt.nz/acart/posthumous-reproduction/ Send feedback to [email protected] by 24 August 2018