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NZNO Library Current Awareness Newsletter

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Issue 36 NZNO Library e-newsletter - 10 Nov 2017

Articles - Burnout 1. The rise of burnout: An emerging challenge facing nurses and midwives Fedele, Robert Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal, Nov 2017; 25(5): 18-23. 5p Abstract: The article investigates the rising number of nurses and midwives in Australia who suffer from burnout....

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Issue 35 Library e-newsletter - 19 Oct 2017

The Five Ways to Wellbeing (Connect, Be Active, Take Notice, Keep Learning, Give) are proven to help people find balance, build resilience and boost mental health and wellbeing. Articles -...

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Issue 34 - 13 October 2017

Healthy Nature Healthy People It aims to encourage us to use New Zealand's natural spaces to maintain and improve our health and wellbeing. These spaces include land and water from our urban parks and beaches to our national parks, seas, lakes and wild rivers.  ...

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Issue 33 - Library e-newsletter 29 Sept 2017

Articles - Contemporary Nurse 1. Use of a screening tool and primary health care gerontology nurse specialist for high-needs older people Anna King, Michal Boyd & Lynelle Dagley Contemporary Nurse, Vol. 53, 2017, 23-35 Abstract: To describe implementation of an innovative gerontology nurse...

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Issue 32 Library e-newsletter - 22 Sept 2017

Articles – Alzheimer's 1. Attacking Alzheimer's By Dolgin, Elie. Newsweek Global. 2/24/2017, Vol. 168 Issue 7, p24-33. 10p Abstract: The article discusses a new tactics clinically trialed by researchers to treat Alzheimer's by preventing the disease rather than treating it. According to...

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Issue 31 Library e-newsletter - 14 Sept 2017

Quiz: Can you get these Māori place names right? Do you know your Taupō from your Whangārei? Test how well you can get your tongue around te reo place names in our quiz. Articles – Critical Thinking...

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Issue 28 Library e-newsletter - 7 August 2017

Articles – Prostate Cancer Screening 1. Does prostate cancer screening matter? Harvard Men's Health Watch, Aug 2017; 22(1): 1-7. (2p) Abstract: The article discusses the importance of prostate cancer screening. Topics covered include how the updated guidelines from the U.S. Preventive...

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Issue 27 Library e-newsletter - 27 July 2017

Articles- AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples 1. Māori University success: what helps and hinders qualification completion Reremoana Theodore, Megan Gollop, Karen Tustin, Nicola Taylor, Cynthia Kiro, Mele Taumoepeau, Jesse Kokaua, Jackie Hunter, Richie Poulton, ...

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