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Issue 39 Library e-newsletter 8 Dec 2017


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Articles - Surgical Mesh

1. The mid-urethral sling: current issues
By Haines, Morgan; Kobashi, Kathleen; Rashid, Prem.
Australian & New Zealand Continence Journal. 01/12/2017, 23 (4), p92-96. 5p
: The article discusses topics related to mid-urethral sling (MUS) as of December 2017. These include the link of tension-free MUS surgery to complications associated with the use of vaginal mesh for pelvic organ prolapse (POP), information on non-absorbable surgical mesh, and the use of mesh in stress urinary incontinence and POP surgery.

2. Pain and protest legacy of mesh prolapse repair 12 years ago
By Stephenson, Keira.
New Zealand Doctor. 14/09/2016, p10-10. 1p
: The article focuses on the implantation of surgical mesh. It discusses safety failures, product recall, and court cases related to the surgical mesh. It discusses a court case against pharmaceutical company Johnson & Johnson for marketing surgical mesh, a report by medicines and medical devices safety authority of New Zealand Medsafe, and also includes the views of chairperson of New Zealand Medical Association's general practitioners council Kate Baddock.

3. NHS mesh report pays lip service to women suffering 
Operating Theatre Journal, Aug 2017; (323): 17-17. 1p
: Women are furious after a major NHS mesh report was published recently. Women say it pays lip service to patients and never intended to investigate mesh implant safety - despite taking three-years, hundreds of hours and costing thousands of pounds.

Articles - Advocacy/Access to Health Services

4. Speaking truth to power: Implications for Nursing's Values and Voice
By Nickitas, Donna M.
Nursing Economic$. Mar/Apr2017, Vol. 35 Issue 2, p54-95. 2p.
: The author reflects on the move by nurses to speak truth to power to resolve the challenges they confront like threats to healthcare access and the optimization of primary, community-based and preventive services, as of March 2017. She discusses the efforts by nurses to hold their elected representatives and government officials accountable in shaping the quality of healthcare services. She also mentions ways that capture truth to power and create transparency and accountability of nurses

5. Ethics: Ethics of Advocacy for Undocumented Patients.
By Sorrell, Jeanne Merkle.
Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. Sep 2017, Vol. 22 Issue 3, p1-1. 1p
: The article reflects on the ethical implications of advocacy in providing health care access to undocumented immigrants in the U.S. It cites the struggles of undocumented immigrants due to limited access to health insurance under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010, public assistance in times of long-term hospital admission and end-of-life care. Highlights are also given on the role of healthcare providers and nurses in implementing policies for patients with undocumented status.

6. Social movements and public health advocacy in action: the UK People's Health Movement
Kapilashrami, Anuj; Smith, Katherine E.; Fustukian, Suzanne; Eltanani, Mor Kandlik; Laughlin, Sue; Robertson, Tony; Muir, Janet; Gallova, Eva; Scandrett, Eurig
Journal of Public Health, Sep 2016; 38(3): 413-416. 4p
: There are growing calls within public health for researchers and practitioners working to improve and protect the public's health to become more involved in politics and advocacy. Drawing on the example of the People's Health Movement, this short paper argues that advocacy and social movements are an essential component of public health's efforts to achieve great health equity.

7. Not just 'for' but 'with': health advocacy as a partnership process
Hubinette, Maria; Dobson, Sarah; Regehr, Glenn
Medical Education, Aug 2015; 49(8): 796-804. 9p
: Health advocacy is often framed as an activity that physicians do for others. A physician uses her expertise to identify and address the health needs of patients or communities on their behalves. As part of a larger study, we uncovered data to suggest that effective health advocates work not just for but often with others to understand and address their health needs. Objectives This paper explores and elaborates the important distinction between advocating with and for others

Articles – Privacy

8. How to avoid breaching confidentiality: Medicolegal experts present five more case studies to illustrate how new GMC guidance affects decisions over patients' privacy 
By Ward, Beverley; Farnan, Edward; Lennard, Nicola.
Pulse. Oct 2017, p68-70. 3p
: The article presents the five case studies that shows the effect of General Medical Council (GMC) guidance in Great Britain on the decisions of general practitioners (GPs) over patient confidentiality or privacy. Among the case studies mentioned include the elderly lady who is bedridden due to stroke and physically abused by her husband, the train driver that was diagnosed with depression and warned to inform his employer, and the patient that is making a threat to another person.

9. Are you taking steps to prevent data breaches? Training staff to recognize phishing attacks is one step you can take now.
Dowling, Robert A.
Urology Times, Nov 2017; 45(12): 24-26. 2p
: The article discusses developments regarding security and privacy concerns in medical practice. Topics discussed include reports by the Identity Theft Resource Center and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Srervices Office for Civil Rights on security breaches from 2014 to 2017. Also mentioned are risk reduction strategies including engaging Information Technology professionals to review vulnerabilities to prevent data breach and to hold them accountable for the risks they contribute.

10.CMS patient rights to privacy 
Briefings on Hospital Safety, Oct 2017; 25(10): 15-17. 3p
: The underlying principle of this requirement is the patient’s basic right to respect, dignity, and comfort while in the hospital. Physical Privacy “The right to personal privacy” includes at a minimum, that patients have physical privacy to the extent consistent with their care needs during personal hygiene activities (e.g., toileting, bathing, dressing), during medical/nursing treatments, and when requested as appropriate.

Journal - Table of Contents

Emergency Nurse New Zealand, November 2017

11A. A word from the editor
11B.  Chairperson’s report
11C. Sharing knowledge, valuing innovation and evidence: the CENNZ 2017 conference
11D. Letter to the Editor [Colleen law – comment on the article “Violence and Aggression in NZ Emergency Departments”
11E. Minor issues: Road rash is a friction burn
11F. Snippets [Adult; Paediatrics; Shorter stays in the Emergency Department]
11G. Regionals Reports [ Northland/Te Taitokerau; Emergency Dept – Ak City Hospital; Children’s Emergency Department, Starship; Midland; Hawkes Bay/Tarawhiti; Mid Central; NZDF; Top of the South; Canterbury/Westland; Southern
11H. Advanced Emergency Nurses Network (AENN) – Study Dates 2018


12. Safeguard National Health & Safety Conference 2018
Building Trust
Date: 30-31 May 2018
Venue: SkyCity Convention Centre Auckland
More information:

13. Goodfellow Symposium 2018
Date: 24th & 25th March 2018, 8.30-5.30pm
Venue: Vodafone events centre
770 Great South Rd, Wiri, Manukau
Programme Overview:
Keynote speaker: The human brain is not designed for thinking
Discounted early bird registrations for Nurses

14. National Rural Health Conference 2018
"Healthy Rural Communities – Mauri Ora, Whanau Ora, Wai Ora"
Date: Friday, March 31 2018 and Saturday, April 1 2018
Venue: TSB Arena-Shed 6 complex
More Information:

News National

15. Surgical mesh products lost on new Government
Teuila Fuatai of 12:17, December 4 2017
In one month, it will be illegal to use surgical mesh products to treat pelvic organ prolapse in Australia. In New Zealand, the Labour-led Government - which supported stricter mesh regulations during its opposition years - have yet to offer any real solutions to the problem. Teuila Fuatai reports. Members of patient advocate group Mesh Down Under last week watched their counterparts across the Tasman celebrate a regulatory ban on transvaginal mesh products used for pelvic organ prolapse injury surgery

16. Briefing to the Incoming Minister of Health, 2017: Health and Disability system
Following the general election, the Ministry of Health produced Briefings to the Incoming Minister, as is usual practice. The Briefings to the Incoming Minister, 2017 consisted of:
The New Zealand Health and Disability System
The New Zealand Health and Disability System: Organisation.
Briefing to the Incoming Minister of Health, 2017: The New Zealand Health and Disability System

17. Aged-care sector warns of workforce crisis
Helen King 07:46, December 4 2017
The Salvation Army is warning New Zealand is teetering on the edge of an elder care crisis and the industry will need at least 18,000 workers to cater for the ageing population. In a report called Finding a Better Balance, the Salvation Army and Auckland aged-care facility St Andrew's Village said the industry faced a serious staffing shortage. Report co-author Alan Johnson, of The Salvation Army, said one of the main problems hindering recruitment was what he called the unjust immigration status of migrant aged-care workers.

18. Scorecard full of failure in scathing Health Ministry review by public service watchdog
Stacey Kirk 12:53, December 6 2017
A damning new report card into the performance of the Health Ministry has found the agency wanting across a number of areas, including financial sustainability, behaviour and culture and the management of its people.  The high level performance review, led by Dame Paula Rebstock on behalf of the State Services Commission painted a picture of a ministry that was striving to reduce health inequities across New Zealand, but hamstrung by poor relationships and funding models across a highly devolved system.

News International

19. There's proof: electing women radically improves life for mothers and families
The Guardian – 7 December 2017
When Iceland elected a female president in 1980, it set off a domino effect that turned it into one of the most egalitarian countries. What can the US learn?

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