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Issue 37 Library e-newsletter - 16 Nov 2017

- The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, November 2017


1. Reducing Stereotyping When Developing Leaders
Michael R. Bleich
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. Nov 2017; 48 (11): 492-493
: Professional development educators are called to awareness of unintentional bias that can affect the predicaments aligned with stereotyping and foster a learning culture that advances trust and hope. The impact of marginalization, segregation, and underrepresentation of individuals in health care settings is presented.

2. Key Elements to Developing a Preceptor Program
Denise Duffy Nash, Monica Flowers
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. Nov 2017; 48 (11): 508-511
: This article attempts to identify the essential components of a preceptor program by reviewing the literature, surveying RNs to identify curriculum, and suggesting an evidence-based preceptor program of value.

3. Checklists for New Graduates
Kirsten A. Hickerson
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. 2017; 48 (11): 494-495
: Even highly trained new nurses can feel overwhelmed when starting a new job. A professional development tool, the First Things First Checklist, described in this article, can help new nurses structure their day and prioritize their tasks. This checklist approach can help mitigate stress, structure the day, and promote optimal patient care.

4. Language Sensitivity, the RESPECT Model, and Continuing Education
Dawn M. Aycock,; Traci T. Sims, Terri Florman, Karis T. Casseus,; Paula M. Gordon, ; Regena G. Spratling.
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. 2017; 48 (11): 517-524
: The purpose of this article is to propose the concept of language sensitivity, defined as the use of respectful, supportive, and caring words with consideration for a patient's situation and diagnosis. Examples of how language sensitivity may be lacking in nurse–patient interactions are described, and solutions are provided using the RESPECT (Rapport, Environment/Equipment, Safety, Privacy, Encouragement, Caring/Compassion, and Tact) model.

Articles – The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, Oct 2017

5. Transforming the Workforce From Individual to Collective Competence
Tammy Franqueiro, Michelle King, Debbie Brown,
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. 2017; 48 (10): 440-441
: Competent individuals can provide incompetent care if they are not able to function as a team. The current column provides highlights from a presentation given by the authors at this year's Association for Nursing Professional Development annual convention, expanding on the concept of collective competence with real-life situations.

6. Giving and Receiving Feedback: Part II
Karren Kowalski
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. 2017; 48 (10): 445-446
: In part two of this article, helpful strategies for receiving feedback, something most have never been taught and many have not even considered, are explored. The tension created by the drive to learn versus the longing for acceptance—can create a learning opportunity. Receiving feedback well is a skill set that each of us can develop.

7. Long-Term Care Nurse Residency Program: Evaluation of New Nurse Experiences and Lessons Learned
Susan W. Salmond, Edna Cadmus, Katherine Kuren Black,; Nancy Bohnarczyk, Linda Hassler.
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. 2017; 48 (10): 474-484
: Transitioning to long-term care environments presents a significant challenge for new nurses and their directors of nursing. The complexity of this environment, instability of the workforce, and the lack of support structures frequently affect a new nurse's decision not to apply to long-term care, but to look for positions in acute care hospitals. To address these issues, a long-term care new nurse residency program was developed, implemented, and evaluated in New Jersey through the work of the New Jersey Action Coalition.

Articles – Medication Errors

8. Medication errors common in aged care
The Lamp, Volume 74 Issue 9 (Oct 2017)
: Survey finds better staff ratios and clearer guidelines for administering medications are needed in aged care. Reports of ear drops being put in a resident’s eyes, a cleaner dispensing medicines and a resident ending up in hospital after being given a beta blocker meant for someone else are just some of the stories that have come out of a NSWNMA survey of medications in aged care. The stories are contained in a new report called The state of medication in NSW residential aged care, the result of a survey of over 700 members working in residential aged care.

9. The role of nurses and midwives in medication administration
The Queensland Nurse, Volume 35 Issue 5 (Dec 2016)
: Every day, nurses and midwives administer medication. It is important to consider this responsibility carefully each time you undertake this important task. The QNU became aware of an incident recently where a nurse was involved in dispensing a medication on a doctor's orders, but the patient was allergic to the requested drug. This reinforces the need to constantly enquire and never be complacent.

10. Medications: Call to action: Care staff to help address quality medicines use
Australian Ageing Agenda Issue Jul/Aug 2015 
Price, Kay & Boylan, Jo
: Aged care nurses and care staff can play a vital role in improving older people's health literacy and ensuring safe and effective use of medicines, write Kay Price and Jo Boylan

11. Safety First: How to avoid prescribing errors 
Schuman, Andrew J.
Contemporary Pediatrics, Oct 2017; 34(10): 38-40. 3p
: The article provides suggestions to pediatricians on how to reduce potential mistakes when prescribing medicines for children. Topics discussed include step calculations involved in the process of weight-based dosing, percentage of all pediatric medication orders result in a medication error, and examples of prescribing errors.

12. Medication errors in the intensive care unit (ICU): Exploring why mistakes happen and strategies for prevention 
Goldsworthy, Sandra; Waters, David
Canadian Journal of Critical Care Nursing, Summer 2017; 28(2): 35-36. 2p
: The aim of this session is to explore the theoretical perspectives related to medication errors, why they might occur and strategies to prevent errors in the ICU. Session description: Adverse events associated with clinical error have been observed in 9-11% of hospital admissions (Sari et al., 2007), which, in turn, can result in increased clinical expenditure, length of hospital stay and potential patient mortality and morbidity (Fortune et al., 2013).

Articles –  Nursing Standard, 1 November 2017

13. Getting your practice-related feedback right
Erin Dean
Nursing Standard, 32 (10), 18-20
: It’s an essential part of revalidation, but gaining feedback from a variety of sources can seem daunting. Here’s how to make the process straightforward.  Seeking practice-related feedback is a fundamental part of the revalidation process. But gaining the necessary five views, from varied sources, on your care and work can be a challenge for nurses going through the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s (NMC) mandatory scheme to re-register.

14. Boosting expertise in care homes
Lynne Pearce
Nursing Standard, 32 (10), 26-28
: After a successful pilot stage, the Teaching Care Home programme is recruiting more homes to challenge perceptions of the sector, develop its workforce and boost recruitment. Kate Sanders is the first to admit the perceived image of care homes is not always of vibrant learning environments at the forefront of developing best practice.

15. Patient transfer from the intensive care unit to a general ward
Mags Guest [Lecturer in adult nursing, University of Hull, Hull, England]
Nursing Standard. 32, 10, 45-51
: This article explores the challenges of transferring patients from the ICU and uses evidence to examine ways to address them to ensure optimal care for a complex patient group. Transfer time, factors affecting general ward care, handover processes, recognition of deterioration and education, intensive care outreach, and the psychological factors affecting these patients are examined.

Journal - Table of Contents

American Journal of Nursing, October 2017, Vol. 117, Number 10

16A. Editorial: Tracking errors, assessing patients, redesigning processes – It’s all about safe care
16B. Viewpoint: ‘She’s Fine’- Listening for the hidden questions of patients and families
16C. Letters to the editor
16D. News: Issues of staffing, salary and educational funding challenge UK nurses; A worsening opioid epidemic prompts action
16E. News: United States flunks an international health care analysis
16F. Does legalizing marijuana increase teen use
16G. Drug Watch: Fentanyl’s role in opioid overdose deaths
16H. Exploring how nursing schools handle student errors and near misses
16I. Art of nursing: Long life [poetry by Nina Pick]
16J. Assessing patients during septic shock resuscitation: How to integrate capillary refill time and skin mottling score into the six-hour bundle
16K. Obesity and sexual dysfunction: Making the connection: Understanding the relationship between the two may motivate patients to discuss weight loss
16L. Best of the Blog: The inner stretch of nursing
16M. Workarounds are routinely used by nurses-But are they ethical? [Examining the potential consequences of nurses’ improvised solutions and quick fixes
16N. A ‘Do-It-Yourself’ approach to international nursing education
16O. Journal Watch: Multimodal interventions improve stroke recovery; Electroacupuncture is beneficial in women with stress incontinence; patient-centered medical homes have modest benefits for low-income populations; Aspirin lowers the risk of preeclampsia
16P. The hospital-acquired condition reduction program: An update on Medicare pay-for-performance programs
16Q. Cochrane corner: Plasma transfusions prior to central line placement in people with abnormal coagulation
16R. Improving life for elders-at home [Sarah Szanton’s CAPABLE program helps older adults ‘age in place’ and cuts health care costs
16S. Someone’s Son: It’s easy to judge patients for their choices, harder to see them as individuals

Conferences & Workshops

17. Goodfellow Symposium 2018
: 24th & 25th March 2018, 8.30-5.30pm
Venue: Vodafone events centre
770 Great South Rd, Wiri, Manukau
Programme Overview:
Keynote speaker: The human brain is not designed for thinking
Discounted early bird registrations for Nurses

18. National Rural Health Conference 2017
"Healthy Rural Communities – Mauri Ora, Whanau Ora, Wai Ora"
Date: Friday, March 31 2018 and Saturday, April 1 2018
Venue: TSB Arena-Shed 6 complex

News - National

19. Former PM Helen Clark asks if dental care should be a basic right
NZ Herald - 17 Nov, 2017
Former Prime Minister Helen Clark is making a plea to the Government to consider universal free dental care. This morning Clark praised the Revive a Smile dental charity for bringing a free mobile dental clinic to West Auckland. The charity aims to bring oral healthcare to low-income people in high-risk communities.

20. Damning report joins calls for inquiry into country's stretched mental health services
NZ Herald - 19 Apr, 2017
Pressure is building for the Government to launch an independent inquiry into the mental health sector in the wake of a damning new report. The People's Mental Health Review report, released today, canvassed 500 people who have either accessed or worked within mental health services in New Zealand.


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