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Issue 151 - 8 September 2010

AFTER THE EARTHQUAKE  DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR ADVICE TO EMPLOYERS AND EMPLOYEES As the clean up continues and more businesses look to return to operation following Saturday’s earthquake in Canterbury, there is a range of health and safety and employment relations issues that employers and...

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Issue 150 - 3 September 2010

Newly released NZNO report Clarifying Nursing Education Funding Issues, August 2010 NZNO put forward an abridged version of this document earlier this year so that nurses, and others, could gain insight into the nursing education funding over the past two decades. This more detailed edition...

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Issue 149 - 24 August 2010

 Articles JOURNAL: Journal of Community Health Nursing 1. Factors associated with benzodiazepine dependence among community-dwelling seniors By Voyer,P et al. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 2009 Jul-Sep; 26 (3): p101-13 Background: Benzodiazepine (BZD) dependence among seniors is an...

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Issue 147 - 11 August 2010

Share your nursing research Email your work for consideration to: [email protected] Search the Nursing Research Database: Background The forward thinking nursing leaders of the Nursing Research Section of NZNO had a vision that a central...

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Issue 146 - 4 August 2010

Articles 1. Sharing and presenting international nursing history research By Boschma, Geertje. Nursing Inquiry, Jun 2009, Vol. 16 Issue 2: p93 Abstract: The article discusses the International Nursing History Conference held in Toronto, Canada. National and international scholars in nursing...

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Issue 145 - 28 July 2010

Articles   JOURNAL: NURSING MANAGEMENT (HARROW) 1. Nurses' roles in NHS reform.(National Health Service) By Donna Kinnair. Nursing Management (Harrow). Vol 17(3) June 2010: p3 Abstract: The general election last month was arguably the most important in a generation, and the...

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Issue 144 - 21 July 2010

Kai Tiaki Nursing Research Keep up to date with nursing research in New Zealand by taking out a subscription to this leading edge new journal, published by the New Zealand Nurses Organisation. This journal is a peer-reviewed journal published annually. Email: [email protected] Phone:...

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Issue 143 - 14 July 2010

Articles EDITOR'S CHOICE 1. Nurse Practitioners diagnosing breast disease: how much evidence do we need? Journal of Advanced Nursing, Volume 66 Issue 7: p1421 REVIEW PAPERS 2. Nurses' intention to leave the profession: integrative review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, Volume 66...

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