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Issue 147 - 11 August 2010

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The forward thinking nursing leaders of the Nursing Research Section of NZNO had a vision that a central repository of all New Zealand nursing research should be established.This was the genesis of the NZNO New Zealand Nursing Research Index, initially published in 1983.

This index includes published and unpublished research that has been undertaken by New Zealand nurses on nursing from January 1999 onwards.

Definition of Nursing Research
Research concerned with the practice of nursing, nursing education, nursing policy or nursing management.

Research is considered to be nursing research when it is:
■Concerned with the practice of nursing as “a specialised expression of caring concerned primarily with enhancing the abilities of individuals and groups to achieve their health potential within the realities of their life situation.”
■A process of systematic inquiry, the purpose of which is to contribute to the shaping of nursing practice within its changing context.
■Undertaken to develop knowledge and structures which will guide, validate and support nursing practice.
■Occurs within the areas of nursing practice, nursing education or nursing policy and management.
■Undertaken by nurses



1. Welcome
By Sylvester, Julie. Primary Health Care, Jul 2010, Vol. 20
Issue 6: p1
An overview of various reports published within the issue related to primary healthcare is presented, including an examination of the issues and controversies, good communication strategies, professional and legal implications of travel vaccination provision, and a discussion on the correct administration of vaccines, safe storage and handling, good record-keeping and how immunization rates can be increased.

2. Fresh energy and purpose
By Young, Lynn. Primary Health Care, Jul 2010, Vol. 20
Issue 6: p3
The author highlights the measures for improved national public health service in Great Britain. She stresses the need for modern healthcare to be a community and the need for the nursing workforce to improve quality of life, self-reliance and development of healthy communities. She also calls on health ministers to understand the route towards a more healthy nation.

3. Health services for prisoners found to be lacking in continuity
Primary Health Care, Jul 2010, Vol. 20 Issue 6:p4
The article reports on the findings by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Prisons that prisoners with health problems who are transferred or released are not getting the continuity of care they need following a review of prison health care at 21 primary care trusts in Great Britain.

4. Walk-in centres and NHS Direct face threat of axe from doctors
Primary Health Care, Jul 2010, Vol. 20 Issue 6: p4
The article reports on the potential launch of a campaign by senior doctors in Great Britain calling on the government to scrap walk-in centers and the National Health Services (NHS) Direct service.

5. People with learning disabilities receiving poor quality care
Primary Health Care, Jul 2010, Vol. 20 Issue 6: p4
The article reports on the belief of more than one third of nurses that people with learning disabilities receive poorer health care than the rest of the population, according to a survey by learning disabilities charity Mencap.

6. Football fans put sexual health at risk
Primary Health Care, Jul 2010, Vol. 20 Issue 6: p4
The article reports on an awareness campaign by  sexual health charity Terence Higgins Trust about the increased risk for infection rates for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) among fans of the 2010 World Cup in Great Britain and in South Africa.

7. White paper on future of community services imminent
Primary Health Care, Jul 2010, Vol. 20 Issue 6:p4
The article reports on the likelihood for the government of Great Britain to publish a white paper on the future of the National Health Services (NHS) and community services.

8. NICE issues first guidelines on childhood constipation
By Duffin, Christian. Primary Health Care, Jul 2010, Vol. 20
Issue 6: p5
The article reports on the issuance of guidelines by the National Health Services (NHS) of Great Britain focused on the treatment of childhood constipation.

9. Staff take on ownership of NHS trust under Big Society initiative
Primary Health Care, Jul 2010, Vol. 20 Issue 6: p5
The article reports on the transfer of ownership of provider services into the hands of about 1,200 staff of the National Health Services (NHS) Hull in North Humberside, England to City Health Care Partnership Community Interest Co. in line with the government of Great Britain's Big Society initiative for employee-owned special enterprises.

10. In brief
Primary Health Care, Jul 2010, Vol. 20 Issue 6: p5
This section offers news briefs related to primary health care in Great Britain, including the campaign by charity Arrhythmia Alliance to encourage earlier detection of heart rhythm disorder and quicker treatment, the increase in the number of prescription items dispensed to treat people for alcohol dependency, and the Health Through Warmth scheme of Npower.

11. Coalition outlines plans for health care
By Duffin, Christian. Primary Health Care, Jul 2010, Vol. 20
Issue 6: p6-7
The article reports on the changes that primary care nurses can expect in "The Coalition: Our Programme for Government" as outlined by the Conservative/Liberal Democrat government of Great Britain. The removal of the ContactPoint database scheme remains a debate. Initiatives under the program include the detection of unreported risk of abuse cases, a pledge to increase health visitor numbers by 4,200 linked to Sure Start centers, and creation of polyclinics that will consolidate general practice services, diagnostics and hospital services under one roof.

12. Nurses take the lead on improving cardiac care
By Pati, Anita. Primary Health Care, Jul 2010, Vol. 20
Issue 6: p7-
The article highlights the leadership of community nurses with the Primary Care Cardiovascular Society in improving cardiac care for patients. One of the tasks of community nurses is the systematic management of patients. Another vital role of nurses is the cardiovascular risk assessment of patients under the National Health Services (NHS) Health Check program in Great Britain. Improvements to routine checks include standardization of diagnosis, interventions and systematic management of patients with suspected and diagnosed cardiovascular heart disease.

13. All change in general practice
By Howie, Kate. Primary Health Care, Jul 2010, Vol. 20
Issue 6: p10
The author assures that the Royal College of Nursing Practice Nurses' Association (RCN PNA) will be striving to ensure that it will contribute to the changes and developments being planned by the National Health Service (NHS) of Great Britain. She thinks that the economic situation will also speed the movement of services. She refers to raising the awareness of practice nursing issues and working to ensure representation at all levels as priorities. She stresses the PNA's commitment to the development of nursing in general practice and primary care.

14. Take the documentation seriously
By Siviter, Bethann. Primary Health Care, Jul 2010, Vol. 20
Issue 6: p11
The article advises nurses to use the Clinical Quality Indicators (CQUINS) to keep up with the documentation of patient care.


15. EDITORIAL: The Place for Innovation in Nursing.
Nursing Forum, Jul-Sep 2010, Vol. 45 Issue 3: p135
Recently, I have overheard several conversations focused on evidence-based practice that caused me concern. Clearly, using evidence in our practice is not the basis of that concern. Rather, the conversations conveyed a reluctance to do something differently because that was not what the evidence supported. While that makes some sense, the key is to think about how the original evidence was derived.

16. Converse in Creative Controversy.
Nursing Forum, Jul-Sep 2010, Vol. 45 Issue 3: p136
When we created ‘Creative Controversy’, we invited readers to respond through more traditional mechanisms such as the web site for authors and the editor email. Now we are pleased to announce we are going live with the Nursing Forum blog. To join in the blog discussions, you can go directly to the site by visiting NUF. You can also go to the online submission system for Nursing Forum here: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.
com/nf and click on the link to our blog.

17. LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Creative Controversy Reply to Editor: “Rapid Change”.
Nursing Forum, Jul-Sep2010, Vol. 45 Issue 3: p137
For the past 8 years, in Singapore’s healthcare organizations, change has become a culture that healthcare workers need to embrace. In fact, capability to influence change is acknowledged as one of the important features in a nursing leader. The speed of change is aggressive. To ensure that the “change” is a systemic process with measureable outcomes, training on a variety of change tools and methodologies are provided. These include Six Sigma, Clinical Practice Improvement Program, Toyota Production System Lean Concept, etc. All these are in the name of a bigger umbrella, Quality Improvement. Countless clinical improvement projects sprung forth. Even sections within a department do quality improvement projects to demonstrate their capability to change. I personally had seen successes of these quality projects.

18. Introducing . . .
Nursing Forum, Jul-Sep2010, Vol. 45 Issue 3: p138-139
Dr. Debra (Debbie) Hagler is committed to supporting nursing colleagues in professional development through both traditional academic programs and workplace learning opportunities. Her research on analysis of nurses’ justifications for clinical decisions is an example of her appreciation of situated learning in the healthcare workplace.

Michael Desjardins, MSN, APRN.
Michael began his professional nursing involvement by serving on the board of directors for the member of the Nursing Organizations Alliance.Michael is a Family Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner with prescriptive practice and works in private practice in Salt Lake City, Utah. Concurrently he is a researcher at the Brain Institute at the University of Utah.

19. Competency Education and Validation in the United States: What Should Nurses Know?
By Sportsman, Susan. Nursing Forum, Jul-Sep 2010, Vol. 45 Issue 3: p140-149
Issues related to competence are important to individual
nurses, nurse educators who prepare students, and nurse administrators who hire them. These issues impact practice, not only in the transition from student nurse to beginning practitioner, but any time the nurse changes practice setting or role, achieves additional education, or when technology or care management changes. While maintaining competence is an individual responsibility, the professional’s workplace is also obligated to ensure that (a) competent providers are available to patients, (b) organizational structures and processes encourage competent practice, (c) appropriate training is available to providers, and (d) provider practice is evaluated regularly.

20. The Gift of Listening: JUST Listening Strategies
By Browning, Sharon & Waite, Roberta. Nursing Forum, Jul-Sep2010, Vol. 45 Issue 3: p150-158
The purpose of this paper is to examine how the simple act of listening deeply to patients serves as a potentially powerful tool in determining treatment plans, improving patient compliance, decreasing costs, increasing efficacy, and improving patient-practitioner relationships. Nonegoic listening is a transformative practice that can be integrated into clinical training and practice. A growing body of experiential and anecdotal evidence indicates that this is an area ripe for further investigation to enhance nursing interventions and cultural competencies. Given the significant role that advance practice nurses have in directing patient care, integrative listening can be valuable in shaping patient care.

21. Mock Webpage: An Innovative Assignment for Second-Degree Nursing Students
By Boyd, Cory Ann. Nursing Forum, Jul-Sep2010, Vol. 45 Issue 3: p159-165
Generating challenging and meaningful academic assignments for nursing students in which the student manages the technology used to deliver information is needed for accelerated second-degree nursing students. Developing those assignments is critical for keeping accelerated second-degree students engaged in the learning process. They are highly motivated, self-directed learners who have been found to have a preference for teaching-learning experiences that incorporate the use of technology. This paper describes the development of a mock webpage assignment to meet the learning needs of accelerated second-degree nursing students. [ABSTRACT FROM

22. Concept Analysis: Nurse-to-Nurse Lateral Violence
By Embree, Jennifer L. & White, Ann H. Nursing Forum, Jul-Sep2010, Vol. 45 Issue 3: p166-173
The purpose of this paper is to examine the concept of nurse-to-nurse lateral violence (LV).
SOURCE. Published literature—LV among nurses is significant and results in social, psychological, and physical consequences, negative patient and nursing outcomes, and damaged relationships. An extensive review of literature through Health Source, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), ProQuest health, and Medical Complete was used to determine agreement and disagreement across disciplines and emerging trends.
CONCLUSION. This concept analysis demonstrates that nurse-to-nurse LV is nurse-to-nurse aggression with overtly or covertly directing dissatisfaction toward another. Origins include role issues, oppression, strict hierarchy, disenfranchising work practices, low self-esteem, powerlessness perception, anger, and circuits of power. The result of this analysis provides guidance for further conceptual and empirical research as well as for clinical
practice. Organizations must learn how to eliminate antecedents and provide nurses with skills and techniques to eradicate LV to improve the nursing work environment, patient care outcomes, and nurse retention. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

23. An Appraisal of the Factors Influencing Human Sexuality Research in Nursing
By De Santis, Joseph & Vasquez, Elias P. Nursing Forum, Jul-Sep2010, Vol. 45 Issue 3: p174-184
. Conducting human sexuality research continues to be a challenge for nurse researchers and may seem daunting to nursing students interested in conducting human sexuality research.
PURPOSE. The purpose of this paper was to conduct a comprehensive review of the literature to appraise the factors that have influenced human sexuality research for nurse researchers. FINDINGS. Various factors, both intrinsically and extrinsically to the
nursing profession, have had an influence on human sexuality studies conducted by nurse researchers.
CONCLUSION. A critical appraisal of the findings from the review of the literature provide implications for nurse researchers as well as students of nursing interested in conducting human sexuality research. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

24. A Holistic Framework for Nursing Time: Implications for Theory, Practice, and Research
By Jones, Terry L. Nursing Forum, Jul-Sep2010, Vol. 45 Issue 3: p185-196
Nursing time has relevance for those who produce it, those who receive it, and those who must pay for it. Although the term nursing time may be commonly used, a common understanding of the concept within the fields of nursing and healthcare administration is lacking.
PURPOSE. The purposes of this paper are to explore the concept of nursing time and to identify implications for  theory development, clinical and administrative practice, and research.
DISCUSSION. Both physical and psychological forms of time are viewed as fundamental to our experience of time as social beings. Nursing time has significant intrinsic and instrumental value in nursing and health care. A holistic approach incorporating the physical, psychological, and sociological aspects and dimensions of nursing time is advocated.
CONCLUSIONS. Multiple strategies to enhance the patient experience of nursing time are warranted and should address how much time nurses spend with patients as well as how they spend that time. Patterns of overlapping and competing time structures for nurses should be identified and evaluated for their effect on physical time available for patient care and the psychological experiences of time by nurses and patients. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

25. An Exploratory Study of Nurses' Presence in Daily Care on an Oncology Unit
By Osterman, Paulette La Cava et al. Nursing Forum,
Jul-Sep 2010, Vol. 45 Issue 3: p197-205
Explore the use of presence among nurses on an oncology unit.
PARTICIPANTS. Five oncology nurses and 10 assigned patients.
METHOD. Descriptive qualitative study using participant observation, individual and group interviews.
FINDINGS. Presence was embedded in each nurse's individual manner and approach, in the structure and nature of morning care, and in the nature of the individual patient situation. Nurses' presence varied based on patient cues. There was a similarity and pattern to the ways that nurses were present, suggesting an overall process that included three major phases in which the nurse moved from presence, to partial presence, and then full presence.
INTERPRETATION/IMPLICATIONS. Morning care is an opportunity for the emergence of different ways of being present with the patient. Developing patient-nurse trust and responsiveness to
patient cues is critical to the emergence of full presence. The nurse needs to be aware of potential stressors, whether personal or organizationally based, that could detract from the energy needed to be present. Nurses can use presence as a way to provide emotional support to patients who are exposed to overwhelming threats to their mind, body, and spiritual integrity. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

26. Perceptions of Effective and Ineffective Nurse–Physician Communication in Hospitals
By Robinson, F. Patrick et al. Nursing Forum, Jul-Sep2010,
Vol. 45 Issue 3: p206-216
Nurse–physician communication affects patient safety. Such communication has been well studied using a variety of survey and observational methods; however, missing from the literature is an investigation of what constitutes effective and ineffective interprofessional communication from the perspective of the professionals involved. The purpose of this study was to explore nurse and physician perceptions of effective and ineffective
communication between the two professions.
METHODS. Using focus group methodology, we asked nurses and physicians with at least 5 years' acute care hospital experience to reflect on effective and ineffective interprofessional communication and to provide examples. Three focus groups were held with 6 participants each (total sample 18). Sessions were audio recorded and transcribed verbatim. Transcripts were coded into categories of effective and ineffective communication.
FINDINGS. The following themes were found. For effective communication: clarity and precision of message that relies on verification, collaborative problem solving, calm and supportive demeanor under stress, maintenance of mutual respect, and authentic understanding of the unique role. For ineffective communication: making someone less than, dependence on electronic systems, and linguistic and cultural barriers.
CONCLUSION. These themes may be useful in designing learning activities to promote effective interprofessional communication. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

Journals Table of Contents

27. From Journal of Infection Prevention, 11 (4), July 2010

27A. Pharmacists’ activities in infection prevention and management
27B. Infection prevention and management by community pharmacists
27C. Infection management by hospital pharmacists
27D. The role of pharmacists in training doctors about infections and antimicrobial prescribing
27E. Specialist antimicrobial pharmacists
27F. Indicators for the monitoring of antibiotic use
27G. The pharmaceutical industry and development of antimicrobials
27H. Development of new antimicrobials

28. From International Journal of Nursing Practice 2010,
Volume 16, Issue 4, August 2010

28A. Australian rural remote registered nurses' experiences of learning to provide antenatal services in general practice: A pilot study
28B. Fatigue after myocardial infarction: Relationships with indices of emotional distress, and sociodemographic and clinical variables
28C. Determining the professional behaviour of nurse executives
28D. Satisfaction from the ‘Help at Home’ programme in a prefecture of central Greece
28E. Construct validity and reliability of the Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index for Queensland nurses (pages 352–358)
28F. Overweight children's response to an annual health dialogue with the school nurse
28G. Self-compassion and emotional intelligence in nurses
28H. Adverse events in Jordanian hospitals: Types and causes
28I. Going home better not worse: Older adults' views on physical function during hospitalization
28J. Termination of professional responsibility: Exploring the process of discharging patients with heart failure from hospitals 
28K. Predictors of obesity in school-aged Jordanian adolescents
28L. What do consumers want to know in the emergency department?
Cochrane Nursing Care Field Section
EDITORIAL: From the receiving editor [Background information about the Cochrane Library and why it was setup]
28N. TIPS AND TRICKS: Critical appraisal of systematic reviews
28O. NEWS: Nursing news [Include bibliography of articles from the Cochrane Nursing Care Corner]
28P. PODCAST TRANSCRIPTS: Podcast Transcripts from the Cochrane Nursing Care Field
28Q. SCHOLARLY PAPER: Defining the fundamentals of care

Conferences, Training, Seminars

29. 3D: Development Diversity Direction for a new Decade
Thursday 23rd – Friday 24th September 2010; 
Saturday 25th September 2010 -- Post conference workshop with Dr Richard Velleman
Venue: Rendezvous Hotel, Auckland, Wellington, NZ
Details available online:
Cutting Edge is the annual national addiction treatment conference, covering alcohol, smoking cessation, other drug and gambling interventions held in New Zealand. It is the gathering of around 400 practitioners, consumers, researchers, leaders, funders and planners, managers and policy writers. Those working in the allied sectors of mental health, justice, corrections, primary health, education, and who have an interest in addiction
interventions, are welcome.

Speakers include:
Richard Velleman, Professor of Mental Health Research, University of Bath
Robert Williams, Professor, Alberta Gaming Research Institute, Canada
Ross Bell, Executive Director, NZ Drug Foundation
Tame Iti, (Tuhoe), alcohol and drug practitioner
Dr Grant Christie, Auckland CADS
Pulotu Bruce Levi, Service Manager, Takanga a Fohe, Waitemata DHB

30. RCN Joint Education Forum’s third international conference and exhibition
15 June 2011 to 17 June 2011
Location: Europa Hotel, Belfast, Northern Ireland

31. Beyond the borders: Innovations and challenges for nursing education
RCN Annual International Nursing Research Conference

Date: 16 May 2011 to 18 May 2011
Location: Harrogate International Centre, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, UK

News – National

32. Patients have online access to health records
3News- 10 Aug, 2010
New Zealanders can access their up-to-date health records online, making them readily available for possible treatment, diagnosis or medication during an emergency. Non-profit organisation MedicAlert maintains a database of 132,500 members' vital medical information, made available to law enforcement or medical personnel in an emergency.

33. Hospital security staff get stab-proof vests
ODT - 9 Aug, 2010
Hospital security staff in Christchurch are being issued with stab-proof vests after more than 500 reported assaults by patients in the past year. Security officers at Christchurch and Hillmorton Hospitals were now supplied vests as part of their uniform after a four-month trial, The Press reported.\

34. Outage fails to move the Government
Southland Times - 10 August, 2010
The Government is unmoved in the face of large protests over proposed health changes in the South Island although Prime Minister John Key yesterday sent southerners a "wait and see" message. Up to 10,000 people marched in Dunedin last Friday in protest at plans to consolidate all neurosurgery services in Christchurch at the expense of services further south. Other protests were held at the same time across Southland and Otago.
Health Minister Tony Ryall was sent a text message en masse asking him to intervene and thousands more signed a petition at the Ranfurly Shield rugby match between Southland and Otago on Saturday.

News - International

35. Australian school kids taking steroids 
Sydney Morning Herald - August 11, 2010
Australian schools have been told to broaden their drug education programs as research shows how many teens are experimenting with anabolic steroids. A major survey conducted in secondary schools has found 2.4 per cent of 12 to 17 year olds reported using the muscle enhancing injections.

36. Quick and cheap autism test a step closer
the Telegraph - 10 August, 2010
Screening for autism in adults and children could take just quarter of an hour and cost as little as £100 after British scientists developed a brain scan for the condition.

37. Sound sleep has distinct brain pattern
Medical News Today - 10 August, 2010
If you have ever wondered how some people can sleep through anything while others wake at the slightest disturbance, then a group of US scientists may have the answer: they found that sound sleep has a distinct brain pattern.

38. Effectiveness of statins is called into question
Los Angeles Times - 9 August, 2010
The drugs clearly help patients who have already had a heart attack. But their use has skyrocketed in patients hoping to prevent a first heart attack. In those cases, the benefits are dubious.,0,934659.story



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