December 2021: The last print issue

© Kaitiaki Nursing New Zealand.

If you would like permission to re-publish this article elsewhere, particularly on another website, email [email protected].

We welcome your articles

Share your practice innovations, your expertise and your professional views in relation to any of the 2020 issue themes below.

Contribute to the Kai Tiaki 2020 campaign: Bullying in nursing

The Kai Tiaki co-editors want to hear from nurses/midwives/HCAs who have experienced bullying and are willing to share their experiences.

We prefer being able to use people’s names when relating their experiences, but can consider anonymity to protect the vulnerable.

We not only want to hear from those who have been bullied, but also from those who have witnessed it, been affected by it or even been bullies themselves.

Deadlines for submission: Kai Tiaki must receive your article by the first of the month BEFORE the related issue is published. For example, if you want to contribute an article to the April 2020 issue about Migrant nurses, we must receive it before 1 March 2020.

Articles are subject to editorial assessment and peer review.

For more information email [email protected].