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Issue 11 - 26 April 2013

Books available for borrowing
NZNO members can borrow these books for a period of 4 weeks.

1.  Cultural safety in Aotearoa New Zealand
Edited by Dianne Wepa
Published in 2005

2. New Zealand guide: Prepare for disasters
By Bronwen King
Published in 2008

3. New Zealand's ageing society: The implications
Edited by Peggy G Koopman-Boyden
Published in 1993
4. The spirit level: Why equality is better for everyone
By Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett
Published in 2010

Articles: -  Cultural Safety

5. Cultural Safety and Nursing Education in Divided Societies
By Arieli, Daniella; Mashiach, Michal; Hirschfeld, Miriam J; Friedman, Victor. Nursing Education Perspectives 33. 6 (Nov/Dec 2012): 364-8
This research explores the experiences of cultural safety among nursing students from majority and minority groups in a divided society with implications for academic satisfaction and success. The study takes place in an academic nursing program in Israel, where Arab and Jewish students study together. The findings indicate that students from different groups will perceive the same shared reality in significantly different ways. Nurse faculty and administrators need to make efforts to bring perceptions into closer alignment and to minimize the negative impact of external conflicts on feelings of cultural safety.

6. A critical reflection on the concept of cultural safety
By Gerlach, Alison J. The Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy 79. 3 (Jun 2012): 151-8.
. Cultural safety broadens and transforms the discourse on culture and health inequities as experienced by diverse populations.
Purpose. To critically analyze cultural safety in terms of its clarity, simplicity, generality, accessibility, and importance. Key Issues. Whilst the clarity and generality of cultural safety remain contentious, there is emerging evidence of its capacity to promote a more critical discourse on culture, health, and health care inequities and how they are shaped by historical, political, and socioeconomic circumstances. Implications. Cultural safety promotes a more critical and inclusive perspective of culture. As an analytical lens in occupational therapy practice and research, it has the potential to reveal and generate broader understandings of occupation and health from individuals or groups in society who are traditionally silenced or marginalized. In relation to Aboriginal peoples, it clearly situates health and health inequities within the context of their colonial, socioeconomic, and political past and present

7. Patient centred care: Cultural safety in indigenous health
By Nguyen, Hung The. Australian Family Physician 37. 12
(Dec 2008): 990-4
The terms 'cultural safety' and 'cultural competence' are used widely in indigenous and culturally and linguistically diverse health contexts. They form the basis for effective patient centred care and the professional advocacy role of the general practitioner. This article discusses the concepts of cultural safety and cultural competence. A checklist of cultural competency practice is also provided for health practitioners

8. Cultural safety and the socioethical nurse
By Woods, Martin. Nursing Ethics 17. 6 (Nov 2010): 715-25.
: This article explores the social and ethical elements of cultural safety and combines them in a model of culturally safe practice that should be of interest and relevance for nurses, nurse educators and nurse ethicists in other cultures. To achieve this, the article briefly reviews and critiques the main underpinnings of the concept from its origins and development in New Zealand, describes its sociocultural and sociopolitical elements, and provides an in-depth exploration of the key socioethical elements. Finally, a model is presented to illustrate the strong connection between the social and ethical components of cultural safety that combine to produce culturally safe practice through the activities of a 'socioethical' nurse.

9. Cultural safety: an introduction
By De, Diana; Richardson, Jim. Paediatric Nursing 20. 2 (Mar 2008): 39-44

Cultural safety is one approach to integrating cultural components into nursing care. It is based on a broad definition of culture and on nurses' analysis of their cultural selves and the impact these have on therapeutic encounters. It is the service user who judges whether the professional relationship feels culturally safe

10. Editorial: Cultural Safety 20 Years On Time to Celebrate or Commiserate?
By Richardson, Fran. Whitireia Nursing Journal 19 (2012): 5-8.
There needs to be more practice-focused research about how cultural safety is experienced by the recipient of care and how it is applied in nursing and healthcare delivery. [...]sociology, science, and knowledge developed from within northern hemisphere societies. Because the ground is different for knowledge arising from the New Zealand experience, theorising cultural safety must be different too

11. Closing the Gap: Cultural safety in Indigenous health education
By Rigby, Wayne; Duffy, Elaine; Manners, Jan; Latham, Heather; Lyons, Lorraine; et al. Contemporary Nurse : a Journal for the Australian Nursing Profession 37. 1 (Dec 2010/Jan 2011): 21-30
: The challenge for the future is to embrace a new partnership aimed at closing the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians on life expectancy, educational achievement and employment opportunities. Significant improvements in contemporary Indigenous health care can be achieved through culturally safe health education programs for Indigenous students. This paper focuses on a unique degree program that is offered exclusively to Indigenous students in the field of mental health in the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Indigenous Health, Charles Sturt University.
12. Promoting cultural awareness in nursing education through international videoconferences
International Journal of Nursing Practice, Volume 18, Issue s2, July 2012, Pages: 56–61
: This paper describes a highly successful, 10 year long international videoconference exchange between nursing students in Iwate Prefectural University in northern Japan and the University of North Carolina Wilmington in the United States. A summary of the literature on the use of videoconferencing in nursing education is presented, as well as a brief overview of the collaborative partnership that led to the development of the annual videoconference series.

Journal - Table of Contents

13. From Canadian Nurse, March 2013, Vol. 109, Number 3
A shift in family-centred NICU care; Promoting mental health at work; Sounding a warning on energy drinks; A reminder to report adverse drug events.
13B. Giving food the attention it deserves
13C. The benefits of child obesity prevention programs
13D. A new way forward in hospice palliative care; Nursing pioneer honoured on silver coin; Nurses who lead by example in primary health care; Less sodium please
13E. Dietary sources of saturated fat may influence cardiovascular disease risk
13F. Transitioning youth with cecostomy tubes to adult care
13G. What's for dinner [As many as four million people in this country in this country are considered to be food insecure, whihc means they either can't afford or can't access healthy, sufficient, safe and culturally appropriate food.
13H. Retirement: Finding the right time to go
13I. Get the job done: Straight talk about scope of practice
13J. Healing trauma, inside and out
13K. Leaving employees to their own devices [Bring your own device is getting a lot of attention in the workplace]

News - National

14. Nearly half of all New Zealanders are living from one payday to the next, a new survey has revealed.
TVNZ - 26 April 2013
The Canstar Blue survey questioned 2240 people to ascertain their banking habits, and it showed 44% of Kiwis live from pay cheque to pay cheque. It also showed many are stressed by their finances and struggling to afford rising household costs like power bills. Labour's social development spokesperson Jacinda Ardern said hard working New Zealanders are "feeling the pinch".

15. High time for change
EditorialODT - Fri, 26 Apr 2013
The news some Dunedin dairy owners selling synthetic cannabis have armed themselves in response to robberies involving the products is another disturbing element in the already concerning area of ''legal highs''. According to police, there have been seven aggravated robberies targeting synthetic cannabis in the Southern district in the past two years - most in the Dunedin area and two in the city in the past fortnight.

16. Cancer-nurse delay slated
ODT - Thu, 25 Apr 2013
Health Minister Tony Ryall made a ''huge song and dance'' in the last Budget about improving cancer care, but fewer than half of the new cancer nurse co-ordinators have been recruited nearly a year after they were announced, Labour health spokeswoman Annette King says. Of the 19 nurses appointed, only one was in the South Island, on the West Coast

17. Synthetic drug makers dodge ban
NZ Herald - 26 Apr 2013
Spike in incidents related to legal highs as father tells of heartbreak watching son go 'cold turkey'.

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