Articles - Journal of Interprofessional Care
1. A critical realist model of complexity for interprofessional working
By Hood, Rick. Journal of Interprofessional Care. Jan 2012,
Vol. 26 Issue 1, p6-12.
Abstract: This paper presents a theoretical model of complexity for considering issues relevant to interprofessional working. The need for such a model is introduced with reference to the literature on collaboration and integration in health and social care, particularly in children's services. It is argued that interprofessional working is often seen as a response to complexity, but that current models fail to build an appreciation of complex causality into their approach to addressing needs through targeted interventions. The alternative offered here is a critical realist model based on Bhaskar's domains of reality, focusing on the implications of open systems, complex causality and contingency.
2. Collaboration: What is it like? - Phenomenological interpretation of the experience of collaborating within rehabilitation teams
By Croker, Anne; Trede, Franziska; Higgs, Joy. Journal of Interprofessional Care. Jan 2012, Vol. 26 Issue 1, p13-20
Abstract: Although a core component of many current health-care directions, interprofessional collaboration continues to challenge educators and health professionals. This paper aims to inform the development of collaborative practice by illuminating the experiences of collaborating within rehabilitation teams. The researchers focused on experiences that transcended team members' professional role categorizations in order to bring individuals and their lived experiences to the forefront.
3. Problem-based learning tutors within medical curricula: An interprofessional analysis
By Gingerich, Andrea; Mader, Heidi; Payne, Geoffrey W. Journal of Interprofessional Care. Jan 2012, Vol. 26 Issue 1, p69-70
Abstract: The article presents a study regarding the use of non-health professionals as problem-based learning (PBL) tutors in an undergraduate medical program. The study used the anonymized student academic records, PBL groupings, and tutor evaluations obtained from the University of British Columbia's (UBC's) Northern Medical Program (NMP). Results showed that non-health professionals can be used as PBL tutors without negatively impacting student achievement on written examinations..
4. Professional status and interprofessional collaboration: A view of massage therapy
By Fournier, Cathy; Reeves, Scott. Journal of Interprofessional Care. Jan 2012, Vol. 26 Issue 1, p71-72
Abstract: The article presents a study regarding the professional status of massage therapists. The study interviewed ten health care professionals including physicians, nurses, and massage therapists who were asked about the nature of one's work. Results showed that most health care professionals do not know enough about massage therapy making the practice of the said medicine less expanded in the health care setting..
Articles - Moral Distress
5. Moral distress
By JOHNSTONE, MEGAN-JANE. Australian Nursing Journal. 01/07/2013, Vol. 21 Issue 1, p25-25.
Abstract: The article focuses on moral distress in nursing, which is defined as situations in which nurses are forced to act in ways which are contrary to their set of personal and professional morals because of policies, clinical care decision making or external constraints within the health system that they work in. In the article the author offers her opinions on moral distress and on the role that additional research on the causes of moral distress could play in improving the stress levels of nurses..
6. Nurses’ dilemmas concerning support of relatives in mental health care
By Weimand, Bente M; Sällström, Christina; Hall-Lord, Marie-Louise; Hedelin, Birgitta. Nursing Ethics. May 2013, Vol. 20 Issue 3, p285-299
Abstract: Relatives of persons with severe mental illness face a straining life situation and need support. Exclusion of relatives in mental health care has long been reported. The aim of this study was to describe conceptions of nurses in mental health care about supporting relatives of persons with severe mental illness. Focus group interviews with nurses from all levels of mental health care in Norway were performed. A phenomenographic approach was used. The nurses found that their responsibility first and foremost was the patient, especially to develop an alliance with him or her.
7. Moral distress in nursing: Contributing factors, outcomes and interventions
By Burston, Adam S; Tuckett, Anthony G.
Nursing Ethics. May 2013, Vol. 20 Issue 3, p312-324
Abstract: Moral distress has been widely reviewed across many care contexts and among a range of disciplines. Interest in this area has produced a plethora of studies, commentary and critique. An overview of the literature around moral distress reveals a commonality about factors contributing to moral distress, the attendant outcomes of this distress and a core set of interventions recommended to address these. Interventions at both personal and organizational levels have been proposed. The relevance of this overview resides in the implications moral distress has on the nurse and the nursing workforce: particularly in regard to quality of care, diminished workplace satisfaction and physical health of staff and increased problems with staff retention.[ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] .
8. Surgical nurses' perceptions of ethical dilemmas, moral distress and quality of care
By DeKeyser Ganz, Freda; Berkovitz, Keren. Journal of Advanced Nursing. Jul 2012, Vol. 68 Issue 7, p1516-1525
Abstract: To describe surgical nurses' perceived levels of ethical dilemmas, moral distress and perceived quality of care and the associations among them.
Background. Nurses are committed to providing quality care. They can experience ethical dilemmas and moral distress while providing patient care. Little research has focused on the effect of moral distress or ethical dilemmas on perceived quality of care.
9. Moral Distress in Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists: Implications for Nursing Practice
By Radzvin, Linda Clerici. AANA Journal. Feb 2011, Vol. 79 Issue 1, p39-45
Abstract: Registered nurses are frequently confronted with ethical dilemmas in their nursing practice. As a consequence of their decisions regarding ethical challenges, nurses report experiencing moral distress. This experience is often manifested by such feelings as anger, guilt, and sadness, and has been identified as a contributing factor to burnout and turnover in nursing. The purpose of this exploratory, descriptive study was to determine if Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) experience moral distress in their nursing practice.
Articles -
Journal of Advanced Nursing, Jun 2012
10. Nurses' decision-making in cases of physical restraint: a synthesis of qualitative evidence
By Goethals, Sabine; Dierckx de Casterlé, Bernadette; Gastmans, Chris. Journal of Advanced Nursing. Jun 2012, Vol. 68 Issue 6, p1198-1210
Abstract This article is a report of a review that aimed to synthesize the available qualitative evidence on nurses' decision-making in cases of physical restraint. Background. The use of physical restraint in acute and residential healthcare facilities is a widespread practice in many countries. Decisions about the use of physical restraints are complex and ethically laden. The lack of evidence supporting the use of physical restraints, the negative consequences of restraint for patients, and the low availability of alternatives obviously complicate the decision-making.
11. Hope, older adults, and chronic illness: a metasynthesis of qualitative research
By Duggleby, Wendy; Hicks, Deborah; Nekolaichuk, Cheryl; Holtslander, Lorraine; Williams, Allison; Chambers, Thane; Eby, Jeannette. Journal of Advanced Nursing. Jun 2012, Vol. 68 Issue 6, p1211-1223
Abstract. To report a metasynthesis review of qualitative research studies exploring the hope experience of older persons with chronic illness. Background. Hope is a psychosocial resource used by persons to deal with their chronic illness experience. Data sources. A comprehensive search of multiple databases for studies of the hope experience (published 1980-2010) was completed. Inclusion criteria were included qualitative studies of the hope experience of persons (all genders; mean age 60 years and older), with chronic illnesses, and publications in any language and country.
Review methods. The metasynthesis followed four procedural steps: (a) comprehensive search, (b) quality appraisal, (c) classification of studies, and (d) synthesis of findings.
12. The cost-effectiveness of substituting physicians with diabetes nurse specialists: a randomized controlled trial with 2-year follow-up
By Arts, Elke E.A.; Landewe-Cleuren, Sabine A.N.T.; Schaper, Nicolaas C.; Vrijhoef, Hubertus J.M. Journal of Advanced Nursing. Jun 2012, Vol. 68 Issue 6, p1224-1234.
Abstract. To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of an intervention substituting physicians with nurse specialists.
Background. Increasing populations of people with diabetes in most Western countries require creative solutions that give high-quality chronic care while controlling costs. Instigating nurse specialists as a substitute for physicians yields positive results in this area. Research about such interventions in a hospital-based setting is limited.
Methods. This paper is a report of a study of a randomized, non-blinded clinical trial including people with diabetes mellitus types 1 and 2. In the intervention group nurse specialists were the central carers, providing care that conformed to a preset protocol. Patients were included between 2004 and 2007. Costs, quality of life and adverse events were measured, cost-effect ratios and incremental cost-effect ratios were calculated based on health-resource utilization rates, corresponding market prices and national tariffs from 2007.
13. Nurse practitioners and physician assistants in Dutch hospitals: their role, extent of substitution and facilitators and barriers experienced in the reallocation of tasks
By Zwijnenberg, Nicolien C.; Bours, Gerrie J. J. W. Journal of Advanced Nursing. Jun 2012, Vol. 68 Issue 6, p1235-1246
Abstract. This paper is a report of a study exploring the role of nurse practitioners and physician assistants, the extent of substitution and the barriers and facilitators experienced by them as a consequence of substitution in public hospitals. Background. Nurse practitioners and physician assistants are emerging worldwide. However, despite the large amount of evidence showing the added value of these professionals, little evidence is available concerning the role, extent of substitution and facilitators and barriers experienced by them as a consequence of substitution.
14. The consequences of unsafe abortion : a qualitative study
By Shahbazi, Shirin. Journal of Advanced Nursing. Jun 2012, Vol. 68 Issue 6, p1247-1255
Abstract This paper is a report of a study of the consequences of illegal abortions experienced by Iranian women. Background. Despite the increase in effective and safe methods of contraception and the distribution of information about these methods, unwanted pregnancy is still a problem in some societies. Induced abortion is a common procedure throughout the world and at least half of more than 45 million induced abortions which happen in a year are performed under unsafe circumstances. Unsafe abortions carry a high risk of maternal mortality and morbidity, accounting for more than 80,000 maternal deaths per year.
15. Predictors of complementary and alternative medicine use by people with type 2 diabetes
By Chang, Hsiao-Yun Annie; Wallis, Marianne; Tiralongo, Evelin. Journal of Advanced Nursing. Jun 2012, Vol. 68 Issue 6, p1256-1266
Abstract: This paper is a report of a study into factors predicting complementary and alternative medicine use in people with type 2 diabetes.
Background. The growing incidence of type 2 diabetes is emerging as a major health issue throughout the world. While the rate of complementary and alternative medicine use in this population is high, it is not clear what predicts its use, in this population.
Journal - Table of Contents
16. From Registered Nurse Journal, March/April 2013
Nursing in the News
16A. Nurses want stability, security at work; Sharing beliefs over breakfast [Breakfast with politicians]; Calls for inquiry and funding; Free blood pressure readings from RNs; RNs support methadone clinic site; Backpack shrinks teen's hospital time; Panel begins work on elder abuse BPG
16B. RN gets Indspire Award [Ruby Jacobs - Formerly known as National Aboriginal Achievement Award]; New and improved online gateway for new grads; RNAO awarded ICNP Centre designation
16C. Becoming a BPSO [10th anniversary of RNAO's Best Practice Spotlight Organization (BPSO)
16D. Nursing in Grey Bruce [RNs working in small towns and cities]
16E. RN Profile: Making a difference in people's lives [Carol Timmings]
16F. Queen's Park on the road [members meet with MPPs in their own communities]
17. Family Planning Conference 2013
Date: 31 October to 2 November 2013
Venue: Te Papa,Wellington
More information: [email protected]
18. 10th Australasian Lymphology Association Conference
Date: 3rd to 5th April 2014
Venue: Auckland, New Zealand
19. Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Information Management 2014
HKIM is an established forum held annually as part of Australasian Computer Science Week. In 2014 the 7th Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management is being hosted by Auckland University of Technology.
Date: 20th - 23rd January 2014
Venue: Auckland, New Zealand
News - National
20. Govt increases mandatory car seat age to seven
TVNZ - Friday June 28, 2013
The requirement for mandatory car seat restraints has been raised from five to seven years old. Around five children are killed or injured every week on New Zealand's roads and in the event of a crash, young school age passengers are at a higher risk if they are only restrained by an adult seatbelt.
21. Thousands hit in welfare shake-up
ODT -Mon, 15 Jul 2013
Thousands of people are expected to be chopped off welfare benefits as sweeping changes in New Zealand's social security system come into force today. The reforms, which include reducing all existing benefits down to three new categories, represent the biggest upheaval in the welfare state since the Social Security Act was passed by the first Labour government, 75 years ago this September. All sickness beneficiaries, and sole parents and widows with no children under 14, are now subject to the same requirement to look for fulltime work as other unemployed people, although sickness may be a valid reason to postpone work temporarily.
22. Neurosurgeon studies brain's role in obesity
NZ Herald - Monday Jul 15, 2013
Dunedin's neurosurgery research unit is looking at differences in how the brain "rewards" eating, in the hope it leads to new weight loss treatments for obese people. The research is among the projects being worked on by the new University of Otago academic neurosurgery research unit, which is the first of its kind in the country
23. Alcohol causes over one in 20 deaths for Kiwis under 80
NZ Herald - Monday Jul 15, 2013
Alcohol causes more than one in 20 deaths of New Zealanders aged under 80, new University of Otago research suggests. Although most harm to young people's health from drinking is through injury, alcohol also contributes to chronic diseases, and breast cancer is the leading cause of death from alcohol in both Maori and non-Maori women overall.
News - International
24. Nurses to strike across NSW
The NSW Nurses and Midwives Association will protest against patient-nurse staff ratios
Sydney Morning Herald - July 16, 2013 - 11:35PM
25. NSW nurses and midwives to strike next Wednesday 24 July
Ratios put patient safety first
NSW nurses and midwives are to strike next Wednesday (24 July) over the O'Farrell Government's failure to act on patient safety.
A special conference of NSW Nurses and Midwives Association (NSWNMA) workplace delegates, held in Sydney tonight (16 July), has unanimously voted to hold a statewide public hospital and community health service nurses and midwives strike next Wednesday, 24 July. NSWNMA general secretary, Brett Holmes, said nurses and midwives are furious about the O'Farrell State Government's failure to improve and extend safer nurse-to-patient ratios and the arrogant way the O'Farrell Government has just imposed its will through dictatorial legislation.