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Issue 29 - 2 Sept 2013


These books can be borrowed for 4 weeks by members and staff.

1. Facing age : A practical guide for families
By Nancye Bourke
How can we help our parents as they grow old, and what about our own retirement?.

2. An introductory guide to understanding Maori
The culture, history, customs, protocols and language, with a brief introduction to the Pacific Island Nations
Compiled and edited by Mark Apiata-Wade, and Te Runanga

3. How to run a  great workshop: The complete guide to designing and running brilliant workshops and meetings
By Nikki Highmore Sims
Anyone who has endured death by Powerpoint or suffered a dry 'chalk and talk' session will know the importance of getting group sessions and workshops right.

4. Plus' A Model for Driving Organisational Performance  
By John Ellen
This book is a comprehensive resource of techniques and processes John has tested and refined throughout his decades of work in organisational transformation.

Articles  - Burns Management

5. Assessment and management of patients with burns
By Butcher, Martyn; Swales, Beverley. Nursing Standard 27.2 (Sep 12-Sep 18, 2012): 50-5.
: Burns are a common injury in the UK. Most burns are limited in size and depth and are therefore suitable for management in the community. Primary care and non-specialist clinicians need to understand initial assessment of the burn and when referral to a specialist burns unit is indicated. Successful treatment of minor burns and ongoing care of severe burns in the community requires careful selection of dressings to support wound healing and achieve optimal outcomes for patients.

6. Thermal burns: Assessment and acute management in the general practice setting
By Cleland, Heather. Australian Family Physician 41.6 (Jun 2012): 372-5
Appropriate care of minor burns is key if complications, leading to the need for surgical intervention and increased likelihood of poor outcomes, are to be avoided. This article provides guidance to support the appropriate management of thermal burns in the general practice setting. Correct initial assessment of the patient with a thermal burn will determine whether they can be managed at home or require burns unit care, hospital admission for analgesia or specialist outpatient review. Factors that may impact on healing include the size, depth and location of the wound; the presence of oedema and blisters; as well as the patient's social circumstances, age and health status. First aid with cool running water should be applied to the burn for at least 20 minutes. Cooling and the application of an occlusive dressing will minimise the pain associated with partial thickness burns. Oral analgesics or short term hospital admission for adequate pain control may be necessary

7. Reducing trauma associated with burns care using Safetac technology
By Butcher, Martyn; Swales, Beverley. Nursing Standard 27.2 (Sep 12-Sep 18, 2012): 57-62.
The nature of a burn may itself cause significant pain, which may be exacerbated by external factors such as dressing of the wound, wound debridement and surgical reconstruction. Selection of appropriate dressings is essential to minimise pain, particularly in cases where dressings need to be changed frequently, and to provide an optimum environment for wound healing. Although there are many products available for nurses to choose from, this article focuses only on the use of dressings with Safetac technology.

8. Reviewing the evidence for advanced dressings
By Butcher, Martyn; White, Richard. Nursing Standard 27.45 (Jul 10-Jul 16, 2013): 51-4, 56-8, 60-2
: The principles of moist wound healing have become widely accepted since the seminal work of George Winter in the 1960s. In the subsequent 50 years, many publications have extolled the clinical value of modern or advanced wound dressings. This article reviews the findings of two studies arguing that the benefits of advanced wound care products, which are based largely on the principles of moist wound healing, cannot be justified in terms of healing outcomes or cost effectiveness. These studies have the potential to affect clinical practice and decision making, and the article highlights the importance of analysing and interpreting the findings of such studies cautiously.

Articles - Macular Degeneration

9. Age-related macular degeneration
By Coleman, Hanna R; Chan, Chi-Chao; Ferris, Frederick L, III; Chew, Emily Y. The Lancet 372.9652 (Nov 22-Nov 28, 2008): 1835-45
Age-related macular degeneration is the leading cause of blindness in elderly populations of European descent. The most consistent risk factors associated with this ocular condition are increasing age and cigarette smoking. Genetic investigations have shown that complement factor H, a regulator of the alternative complement pathway, and LOC387715/HtrA1 are the most consistent genetic risk factors for age-related macular degeneration.

10. Ophthalmology 1: Age-related macular degeneration
By Lim, Laurence S; Mitchell, Paul; Seddon, Johanna M; Holz, Frank G; Wong, Tien Y. The Lancet 379.9827 (May 5-May 11, 2012): 1728-1738.
: Age-related macular degeneration is a major cause of blindness worldwide. With ageing populations in many countries, more than 20% might have the disorder. Advanced age-related macular degeneration, including neovascular agerelated macular degeneration (wet) and geographic atrophy (late dry), is associated with substantial, progressive visual impairment. Major risk factors include cigarette smoking, nutritional factors, cardiovascular diseases, and genetic markers, including genes regulating complement, lipid, angiogenic, and extracellular matrix pathways.

11. A Layered Approach to Raising Public Awareness of Macular Degeneration in Australia
By Heraghty, Julie; Cummins, Robert. American Journal of Public Health 102.9 (Sep 2012): 1655-1659.
Between 2007 and 2011, the Australian Macular Degeneration Foundation conducted a multifaceted campaign to increase public awareness of macular degeneration. Regular national polls conducted by an independent social research company have shown that awareness of macular degeneration increased from 47% to 80% in Australians aged 16 years or older and from 58% to 92% in those aged 50 years or older. The percentage of people aged 50 years or older who reported having had their macula checked in the 2 years prior to the survey increased from 33% to 70% from 2007 to 2011.

Journal - Table of Contents

12. From International Journal of Nursing Practice, August 2013, Volume 19, Issue 4
Research Papers
Investigating nurses' knowledge, attitudes and self-confidence patterns to perform the conscious level assessment: A cluster analysis (pages 351–359)
12B. Anthropometric indicators of obesity as screening tools for high blood pressure in the elderly (pages 360–367)
12C. The double embarrassment: Understanding the actions of nursing staff in an unexpected situation (pages 368–373)
12D. Disclosure challenges among people living with HIV in Thailand (pages 374–380)
12E. Quality of life among Malaysian mothers with a child with Down syndrome (pages 381–389)
12F. Sleep–wake activity rhythm and health-related quality of life among patients with coronary artery disease and in a population-based sample—An actigraphy and questionnaire study (pages 390–401)
12G. Assessment of four different methods in subcutaneous heparin applications with regard to causing bruise and pain (pages 402–408)
12H. Hermeneutic phenomenology: A methodology of choice for midwives (pages 409–414)
12I. A survey of patients' quality of life and health-care needs prior to undergoing total joint replacement surgery (pages 415–422)
12J. Drug interactions in Brazilian type 2 diabetes patients (pages 423–430)
12K  Respite services for older people (pages 431–436)
12L. Keeping childbearing safe: Midwives' influence on women's use of complementary and alternative medicine (pages 437–443)

Conferences & Seminars

13. Maori Death and Dying Research Symposium
Wednesday 16th October 2013, 9.00am – 4.00pm
Venue: Tamatekapua Marae, Ohinemutu, Rotorua
More information: before 5pm 4 September 2013

14. Public lecture: Clearing the air – towards a smoke-free nation
Professor Janet Hoek (Department of Marketing, University of Otago, Dunedin) and Professor Richard Edwards (Head of Department of Public Health, University of Otago, Wellington) present a joint public lecture where they will discuss how the ASPIRE2025 group's work will help achieve the government's goal of becoming a smoke-free nation by 2025.
Date: 4 September 2013
Venue: The Royal Society of New Zealand, Science House, 11 Turnbull Street, Thorndon, Wellington
Time: 6–7pm
More information:

15. Suicide Prevention 2013 Conference
10 September 2013
Venue: Ellerslie Event Centre, 80 Ascot Ave, Remuera, Auckland
More information and to register: please visit the following websites:

News - National

16. Push for doctors to encourage prostate cancer testing
TVNZ - Sunday September 01, 2013

Push for doctors to encourage prostate cancer testing
Doctors need to be more proactive in encouraging their male patients to undergo testing for prostate cancer, new research suggests. A study by the Prostate Cancer Foundation shows around 21% of doctors say they are initiating fewer conversations with patients about blood testing for the illness, with 12% testing less often

17. Memory lapses in seniors may be reversible
TVNZ - Thursday August 29, 2013
Scientists have good news for all the older adults who occasionally forget why they walked into a room - and panic that they are getting Alzheimer's disease. Not only is age-related memory loss a syndrome in its own right and completely unrelated to that dread disease, but unlike Alzheimer's it may be reversible or even preventable, researchers led by a Nobel laureate said in a study.

News - International

18. A promise to learn– a commitment to act
Improving the Safety of Patients in England
National Advisory Group on the Safety of Patients in England
August 2013
Download this report:

19. Supporting working carers: the benefits to families, business and the economyOrganisation:Department of Health
Published 27 August 2013
Report makes a number of recommendations highlighting the economic and social benefits of supporting carers in the workplace.
Download this report:

20. More Hospitals Use Social Media to Gather Feedback from Patients' Families
Wall Street Journal - 19 August 2013

When staffers at the Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children in Wilmington, Del., want to simplify appointment scheduling, make surgery smoother for kids or even work on doctors' bedside manner, they turn to a special group of experts, a "virtual advisory council" made up of parents on a private social network.

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